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1Author:B (possibly by Brown)Requires cookie*
 Article:Quakerism....A Dialogue  
 Publication:The Literary Magazine and American Register  vol. I,  issue 4,  pp. 248–250  
 Place of Publication:Philadelphia 
 Publisher:John Conrad & Co. 
 Publication Date:January 1804 
 Accession #:1804-01248 
 Similar Items:Find
2Author:A (by Brown)Requires cookie*
 Publication:The Weekly Magazine of Original Essays, Fugitive Pieces, and Interesting Intelligence  vol. II,  issue 21,  pp. 232–233  
 Place of Publication:Philadelphia 
 Publisher:James Watters & Co. 
 Publication Date:June 1798 
 Accession #:1798-06232 
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3Author:A (by Brown)Requires cookie*
 Article: Queries Relative to a War with Spain.  
 Publication:Relf's Philadelphia Gazette, and Daily Advertiser  vol. 21,  issue 4933,  p. 2  
 Place of Publication:Philadelphia 
 Publisher:Samuel Relf 
 Publication Date:October 1804 
 Accession #:1804-10002a 
 Similar Items:Find