Selected Library of Congress Subject Headings

Click following links to search the secondary bibliography by author, Library of Congress headings, or title.


Alcuin: A DialogueLesson on Concealment
Adini FragmentLesson on Sensibility
Alloa fragmentsLetters (i.e. CBB's actual correspondence, as opposed to epistolary fictions)
A Lesson on ConcealmentMonroe's Embassy (Monroe's Embassy, or, the Conduct of the Government, in Relation to Our Claims to the Navigation of the Mississippi [sic], Considered)
American Register (The American Register, or General Repository of History, Politics, and Science)Monthly Magazine (The Monthly Magazine and American Review)
Annals of Europe and AmericaOrmond (Ormond; or The Secret Witness)
An Address to the Congress (An Address to the Congress of the United States, on the Utility and Justice of Restrictions Upon Foreign Commerce)Periodical Writings
Address to the Government (An Address to the Government of the United States, on the Cession of Louisiana to the French)Poetic Works
Architectural drawingsPortrait of an Emigrant (Portrait of an Emigrant. Extracted from a Letter)
Arthur Mervyn (Arthur Mervyn; or, Memoirs of the Year 1793)The Rhapsodist
Clara Howard (Clara Howard; In a Series of Letters)A Series of Original Letters
Death of Cicero (Death of Cicero, A Fragment)The Scribbler
Dialogue on MusicShort Fiction
Dialogue on PaintingSignior Adini
The Difference between History and RomanceSketch of the Life and Character of John Blair Linn
Edgar Huntly (Edgar Huntly; or, Memoirs of a Sleep-Walker)Sky-Walk
Ellendale fragmentSomnambulism (Somnambulism. A Fragment)
Godolphin fragmentStephen Calvert (Memoirs of Stephen Calvert)
Henrietta LettersA System of General Geography
Historical SketchesThessalonica (Thessalonica. A Roman Story.)
Insanity; A FragmentThe Trials of Arden
Jane Talbot (Jane Talbot; A Novel)Valerian
Jessy FragmentA View of the Soil and Climate (A View of the Soil and Climate of the United States of America by C.F Volney, Translated with occasional remarks, by C. B. Brown)
Literary Magazine (The Literary Magazine and American Register)Walstein’s School of History (Walstein’s School of History. From the German of Krants of Gotha)
The Man at HomeThe Weekly Magazine
Medwaye fragmentWieland (Wieland; or The Transformation. An American Tale)
Memoirs of Carwin (Memoirs of Carwin the Biloquist)

Topics, Themes, Questions A-E

aestheticsauthoritarianismCicero (106 to 43BCE)dialogue
abolitionismauthorshipclass relationsdialogism
abortionBartram, William (1739-1823)classicismDickens, Charles (1812-1870)
African AmericanBeadle, William (1730-1782)Coleman, George (1766-1829)Dickey, James (1923-1997)
alienationBelles Lettres Societycolonialismdidactic fiction
Alien and Sedition Acts, 1798benevolencecomedydisease
Allen, Paul (1775-1826)Bernard, John (1756-1828)commercedisguise
Allen, Richard (1760-1831)The Bibleconcealmentdissent
allegorybibliographyCondorcet, Antoine-Nicholas Caritat de (1743-1794)domesticity
Allston, Washington (1779-1843)Bildungsromanconfidence mandoppelganger
ambiguity biographyconsciousnessdreams
American cultureBird, Robert Montgomery (1806-1854)conspiracyDreiser, Theodore (1871-1945)
American exceptionalismBleeker, Anthony (1770-1827)Cooper, James Fenimore (1789-1851)Duane, William (1780-1865)
American IndianBleecker, Ann Elizabeth (1752-1783)Cope, Thomas P. (1768-1854)Dunlap, William (1766-1839)
American identityBonaparte, Napoleon (1769-1821)Copley, John Singleton (1738-1815)Dwight, Timothy (1752-1817)
American landscapeBrackenridge, Hugh Henry (1748-1816)correspondenceeconomic relations
American periodicalsBrainerd, David (1718-1747)cosmopolitanismedition
American Revolution, 1775-1783Bringhurst, Joseph Jr. (1767-1834)Crevecoeur, J. Hector St. John de (1735-1813)editor
animalsBritish periodicalscrimeEdwards, Jonathan (1703-1758)
anxietyBrown, Elijah (1740-1810)cross-dressingEmerson, Ralph Waldo (1803-1882)
Apess, William (1798-1839)Brown, John (1735-1788)cultural studiesemigration
approach-eco-criticalBrown, William Hill (1765-1793)curiosityempire
approach-feministBurke, Edmund (1729-1797)Dana, Richard Henry, Jr (1815-1882)empiricism
approach-historicistByron, George Gordon (1788-1824)Darwin, Charles Robert (1809-1882)Encyclopedie
approach-new criticalCalvinismDarwin, Erasmus (1731-1802) England
approach-postcolonialcapitalismDavis, John (1774-1854)English language
approach-poststructuralistcaptivity narrativedeathEnlightenment
archetypesCarey, Matthew (1760-1839)Delaware Indiansempiricism
architectureCaritat, Hocquet (1752-1817)democracyepistemology
artistcausalityDemocratic-Republican Party, 1792-1828epistolary fiction
Atlantic WorldcharacterDennie, Joseph (1768-1812)eroticism
Austen, Jane (1775-1817)ChinaDerrida, Jacques (1930-2004)essay
AustraliaChristianitydetective fictionEurope

Topics, Themes, Questions F-L

familicidegeographyiconographyJohnson, William (1769-1848)
familyGermanyidentityJones, Absalom (1746-1818)
Faulkner, William (1897-1962)Gilbert, Sir Geoffrey (1674-1726)IlluminatiKant, Immanuel (1724-1804)
Federalist Party, 1789-1816Gilpin, William (1724-1804)imageryKennedy, Daniel Edwards (1879-1960)
female homosexualityGodwin, William (1756-1836)imaginationKing, Stephen (1947-present)
feminismGoethe, Johann Wolfgang (1749-1832)Imlay, Gilbert (1754-1828)Kirkland, Caroline (1801-1864)
fictiongothic fictionimmigrationThe Lady's Magazine and Repository of Entertaining Knowledge (1792-1793)
film historygovernmentimperialismlandscape
Fitzgerald, F. Scott (1896-1940)Goya, Francisco (1746-1828)Indialanguage
Foster, Hannah Webster (1758-1840)Great Awakening, 1730-1743 individualismLatin
fragmentGreek antiquityinfluencelaws
FranceHaitian Revolution, 1791-1804 insanitylegal profession
Franklin, Benjamin (1706-1790) Hawthorne, Nathanial (1804-1864)Irelandletters
French Revolution, 1789-1799 Hazlitt, William (1778-1830)Irishliberalism
Freneau, Phillip (1752-1832)historical fictionironylibertinism
Freud, Sigmund (1856-1939)historiographyirrationalityLinn, Elizabeth (1775-1834)
Friendly Club of New York CityhistoryIrving, Washington (1783-1859)Linn, John Blair (1777-1805)
Friends Latin SchoolHogg, James (1770-1835)ItalyLippard, George (1822-1854)
friendshipHolcroft, Thomas (1745-1809)Jacobinismliterary nationalism
frontierHowells, William Dean (1837-1920)James, Henry (1843-1916)Locke, John (1632-1704)
Fuller, Margaret (1810-1850)human bodyJefferson, Thomas (1743-1826)Logan, James (1674-1751)
gender relationshuman natureJenks, William (1774-1865)Lovecraft, H P (1890-1937)
genre conventionsHume, David (1711-1776)Jews-identityLouisiana Purchase
humorJohnson, Samuel (1709-1784)

Topics, Themes, Questions M-R

male homosexualitynarrative formperformancerace relations
Malthus, Thomas Robert (1766-1834) narrative voicePoulson, Zachariah, Jr. (1761-1844)Radcliffe, Ann (1764-1823)
marriagenational identityPhiladelphiaradicalism
Marryat, Frederick (1792-1848)nationalism philosophyrationalism
masculinityNative American-white relationsphysiognomyreader
masochismnatural rightspicturesquerealism
masturbationnatural historyplotreception history
materialismnaturePoe, Edgar Allan (1809-1849)regionalism
Mediterranean cultureNeal, John (1793-1876)poetryreligious conflict
Medical Repository (1797-1824)neoclassicismthe poorreligious fanaticism
medicineNew York The Port Folio (1801-1827)republicanism
melodramanovelpolitical economyreview essay
Melville, Herman (1819-1891)novel, Early Americanpolitical ideologyrevolution
MexicoorphansprefaceRichardson, Samuel (1689-1761)
Miller, Samuel (1769-1850)PacificpregnancyRoman history
Milton, John (1608-1674)Paine, Thomas (1737-1809)print culture historyromance genre
modernizationparanoiapropertyRousseau, Jean-Jacques (1712-1778)
Montfort, LuispatriarchyProud, Robert (1728-1813)Rowlandson, Mary (1637-1711)
moral judgmentPayne, John Howard (1791-1852)psychological stateRowson, Susanna (1762-1824)
Murray, Judith Sargent (1751-1820)Paxton Riots, 1763-1764public sphererural life
musicPeacock, Thomas (1785-1866)PuritanismRumford, Count Benjamin (1753-1814)
mythology, classicalPenn, William (1644-1718)QuakerismRush, Benjamin (1746-1813)
narcissismPennsylvaniaqueer theoryRush, Rebecca (1779-1850)

Topics, Themes, Questions S-Z

Sade, Marquis de (1740-1814)Shelley, Mary Wollstonecraft (1797-1851)sympathyutopia
Salinger, J.D. (1919-2010)Shelley, Percy Bysshe (1792-1822)the subalternventriloquism
Sansay, Leonara (1773-?)Simms, William Gilmore (1806-1870)the sublimeviolence
scienceslaveryTenney, Tabitha (1762-1837)Volney, Constantin Francois (1757-1820)
Scotlandsleepwalking De Toqueville, Alexis (1805-1859)Voltaire, Francois Marie Arouet de (1694-1778)
Scott, Sir Walter (1771-1832)Smith, Adam (1723-1790)theaterWalpole, Horace (1717-1797)
secrecy Smith, Elihu Hubbard (1771-1798) themewar
sectarian beliefSmith, Samuel Harrison (1772-1845)theologyWashington, George (1731-1799)
Sedgewick, Catherine Maria (1789-1867)social mannerstheory of the novelWeeks, Levi (1776-1819)
seductionsocial networksThoreau, Henry David (1817-1862)whiteness
self-consciousnesssocial reformtragedyWhittier, John Greenleaf (1807-1892)
sensationalismSouthworth, E. D. E. N. (1819-1899)translationWilkins, William Wood (1773-1795)
sentimental fictionSpanish AmericaTrump, DonaldWollstonecraft, Mary (1759-1797)
sentimentalityspeculationTyler, Royall (1757-1826)women, oppression of
settingspontaneous combustionTwain, Mark (1835-1910)women’s education
sexual desirestylethe unconsciouswomen’s rights
sexual violencesubjectivityUnited StatesWood, Sally Keating (1759-1855)
sexualitysubversionunreliable narratorworking class
Shakespeare, William (1564-1616)symbolismurbanizationYellow fever