720 XTF Search Results (docsPerPage=100;expand=subject;f4-date=1798;f5-subject=dialogue);expand%3Dsubject;f4-date%3D1798;f5-subject%3Ddialogue Results for your query: docsPerPage=100;expand=subject;f4-date=1798;f5-subject=dialogue Wed, 14 Jan 2009 12:00:00 GMT The Rights of Women. A Dialogue. Brown, Charles Brockden I CALLED, last evening on Mrs. Carter. I had no previous ac- quaintance with her. Her brother is a man of letters, who, nevertheless, finds little leisure from the engage- ments of a toilsome profession. He scarcely spends an evening at home, yet takes care to invite, specially and generally to his house, every one who enjoys the reputation of learning and probity. Tue, 17 Mar 1970 12:00:00 GMT The Rights of Women. A Dialogue. Brown, Charles Brockden I SHALL not stop to describe the company, or to dwell on those embarrassments and awkwardnesses always incident to an unpolished wight like me. Suffice it to say, that I was, in a few minutes, respectfully withdrawn into a corner, and, fortu- nately, a near neighbour of the lady. To her, after much deliberation and forethought, I addressed myself thus: “Pray, Madam, are you a fœde- ralist?” Tue, 24 Mar 1970 12:00:00 GMT The Rights of Women. A Dialogue. Brown, Charles Brockden IT is evident, continued my compa- nion, that for some reason or other, the liberal professions, those which re- quire most vigour of mind, greatest ex- tent of knowledge, and most commerce with books and with enlightened so- ciety, are occupied only by men. If contrary instances occur, they are rare, and must be considered as ex- ceptions. Tue, 31 Mar 1970 12:00:00 GMT Alcuin: A Dialogue. Brown, Charles Brockden THE following Dialogue was put into my hands, the last spring, by a friend who resides at a distance, with liberty to make it public. I have since been informed that he has continued the discussion of the subject, in another dialogue. The reception which the present publication shall meet with will probably de- termine the author to withhold or print the conti- nuation. Mon, 27 Apr 1970 12:00:00 GMT The Rights of Women. A Dialogue. Part II. Brown, Charles Brockden THIS remark was succeeded by a pause on both sides. The lady seemed more inclined to listen than talk. At length I ventured to resume the conversation. Tue, 07 Apr 1970 12:00:00 GMT