720 XTF Search Results (docsPerPage=100;expand=subject;f4-date=1798;f5-subject=review);expand%3Dsubject;f4-date%3D1798;f5-subject%3Dreview Results for your query: docsPerPage=100;expand=subject;f4-date=1798;f5-subject=review Wed, 14 Jan 2009 12:00:00 GMT Review. Count Rumford's Second Essay. Brown, Charles Brockden Of the Fundamental Principles on which General Establishments for the Relief of the Poor may be formed in all Countries. Tue, 12 May 1970 12:00:00 GMT Review. Count Rumford's Third Essay. Brown, Charles Brockden THE subjects hitherto discussed by this writer relate, generally, to the best mode of supplying the neces- sities of the poor. They are topics, therefore, in a considerable degree, political. The field of enquiry in the third essay is interesting, in dif- ferent degrees, but in a direct man- ner to every individual. Tue, 19 May 1970 12:00:00 GMT Review. Count Rumford's Third Essay. Brown, Charles Brockden AMONG all kinds of vegetable food, Count Rumford assigns the pre- ference to Indian corn. The exten- sive use of it in Italy, under the name of Pallenta, and in North America, evinces its nutritiousness and whole- someness. In the countries cultivated by negro slaves, it is generally pre- ferred by them to rice, which they account the more fugitive and less substantial food. In addition to this, it is known to be producible in larger quantities than other grain; hence the propriety of encouraging the cul- tivation and extending the use of it. Tue, 26 May 1970 12:00:00 GMT Review. Count Rumford's Third Essay. Brown, Charles Brockden THE remaining part of this essay is of less importance than the fore- going. We have already dwelt so copiously on this work, that little will be said on that which still re- mains to be noticed. We shall over- look his commentaries upon cut paste or maccaroni. The ingredients are not cheap, nor the process easy; and it is not prepared by professed cooks, in this country. Tue, 02 Jun 1970 12:00:00 GMT A Review of a Memoir concerning the fascinating Faculty which has been ascribed to the Rattle-Snake and other American Serpents. (By BENJAMIN SMITHBARTON, M.D. Professor of Natural History and Botany in the University of Pennsylvania, &c. &c. 8vo.). Brown, Charles Brockden THIS memoir was read before the American Philosophical Society, and will appear in the next volume of the Transactions of that learned body. In the interim, the author has caused a few copies to be printed for distri- bution, but not for sale. He did not, however, content himself with merely committing his original paper to the press, but considerably altered and somewhat enlarged it. Tue, 21 Jul 1970 12:00:00 GMT A Review of a Memoir ... (By BENJAMIN SMITH BARTON ...) . Brown, Charles Brockden HAVING thus disposed of the doctrines of some of his predecessors, Dr. Barton proceeds to say: “The result of not a little attention to the subject has taught me, that there is but one wonder in the business;— the wonder that the story should ever have been believed by a man of understanding, and of observation.” —Fascination, we are informed, is almost entirely limited to birds that build low, and “in almost every instance, I found that the supposed fascinating faculty of the serpent was exerted upon the birds at the particu- lar season of their laying their eggs, of their hatching, or of their rearing their young, still tender, and defence- less. I now began to suspect, that the cries and fears of birds supposed to be fascinated originated in an en- deavour to protect their nest or young. My enquiries have convinced me that this is the case.” Tue, 28 Jul 1970 12:00:00 GMT Review of Count Rumford's Essays. Essay I. Brown, Charles Brockden An Account of an Establishment for the Poor at Munich. Together with a Detail of various Public Measures, connected with that Institution, which have been adopted and carried into Effect for putting an End to Mendicity, and introducing Order, and useful Industry, among the more indigent of the Inhabi- tants of Bavaria. Tue, 05 May 1970 12:00:00 GMT