720 XTF Search Results (docsPerPage=100;expand=subject;f4-date=1800;f5-subject=fiction);expand%3Dsubject;f4-date%3D1800;f5-subject%3Dfiction Results for your query: docsPerPage=100;expand=subject;f4-date=1800;f5-subject=fiction Wed, 14 Jan 2009 12:00:00 GMT The Household. A Fragment. Brown, Charles Brockden Fri, 01 Aug 1800 12:00:00 GMT Original Letters. Brown, Charles Brockden Sir, Fri, 01 Aug 1800 12:00:00 GMT Memoirs of Stephen Calvert. Brown, Charles Brockden [Continued from p. 434 of vol. i.] Wed, 01 Jan 1800 12:00:00 GMT A Lesson on Concealment; or, Memoirs of Mary Selwyn. Brown, Charles Brockden YOU will return, Harry, to an house of sorrow. Your pre- sence will contribute to make my solitude less painful. I would, there- fore, intreat you to come back im- mediately: but there is something to be first settled before I can meet you with satisfaction, or even before I can permit you to return to me. I have had something on my mind to disclose, which I have brooded over occasionally ever since we parted, but which it is now abso- lutely necessary to mention. Sat, 01 Mar 1800 12:00:00 GMT Memoirs of Stephen Calvert. Brown, Charles Brockden [Continued from page 30.] Tue, 01 Apr 1800 12:00:00 GMT Memoirs of Stephen Calvert. Brown, Charles Brockden [Continued from p. 284.] Thu, 01 May 1800 12:00:00 GMT Memoirs of Stephen Calvert. Brown, Charles Brockden [Continued from p. 340 and concluded.] Sun, 01 Jun 1800 12:00:00 GMT The Trials of Arden. Brown, Charles Brockden New-York, April, 1800. Tue, 01 Jul 1800 12:00:00 GMT The Scribbler.—No. I.. Brown, Charles Brockden What name is this? And to be conferred by a man on himself! Yet this is frequently the best policy. The surest way to preclude, is to anticipate censure, for no one will think it worth while, to call a poor culprit by names which the culprit has liberally and uncere- moniously given himself. If Tom says—“I am a fool and an oddity”—his worst enemies can only add—“So you are.” Fri, 01 Aug 1800 12:00:00 GMT The Scribbler.—No. II.. Brown, Charles Brockden Ah! Jenny! these are hard times, but ours is no extraordinary lot. Heavy as the burden is on us, there are thousands on whom the load is heavier still, while the shoulders on which it is laid, are far less able to sus- tain it than ours. Fri, 01 Aug 1800 12:00:00 GMT The Scribbler.—No. III.. Brown, Charles Brockden Why truly, Sister, I have no objection, but first, I must despatch my daily scribble. Con- tent thyself for a while with a look out from thy window. This is a more amusing em- ployment than I thought it would prove. What importance does it give, to have one's idle reveries clothed with the typographical vesture, multiplied some thousand fold, and dispersed far and wide among the race of readers! I wonder the scheme never occur- red to me before. Fri, 01 Aug 1800 12:00:00 GMT The Scribbler.—No. IV.. Brown, Charles Brockden Methinks I blush to mention what is just now the subject of my thoughts. Even to trust it to paper, when the name of the wri- ter is invisible, as mine shall always be, is somewhat difficult. Whence does this reluct- ance to acknowledge our poverty arise? Fri, 01 Aug 1800 12:00:00 GMT The Scribbler.—No. V.. Brown, Charles Brockden 'Tis a sad thing to be without a friend. To pass to and fro, through a busy crowd and no eye be caught at your approach; no coun- tenance expand into smiles, no hand be stretched forth and while it grasps yours, be accompanied by the friendly greeting of “How d'ye.” Fri, 01 Aug 1800 12:00:00 GMT Arthur Mervyn; Or, Memoirs of the Year 1793, part 2. Brown, Charles Brockden Here ended the narrative of Mervyn. Surely its in- cidents were of no common kind. During this season of pestilence, my opportunities of observation had been numerous, and I had not suffered them to pass unim- proved. The occurrences which fell within my own experience bore a general resemblance to those which had just been related, but they did not hinder the latter from striking on my mind with all the force of novelty. They served no end, but as vouchers for the truth of the tale. Wed, 01 Jan 1800 12:00:00 GMT For the Monthly Magazine. Case of Long Life in Gaspard Courtrai. Brown, Charles Brockden I SHOULD not write to you, at present, my friend, but be- cause I have some leisure, and be- cause I have something to write about which may possibly amuse you. I know your disposition, and would willingly assist you in your favourite pursuits. Wed, 01 Oct 1800 12:00:00 GMT Death of Cicero, A Fragment. Brown, Charles Brockden The task of relating the last events in the life of my beloved master, has fallen upon me. His last words reminded me of the obligation, which I had long since assumed, of conveying to his Atticus a faithful account of his death. Having performed this task, life will cease to be any longer of value. Wed, 01 Jan 1800 12:00:00 GMT Jessy Fragments. Brown, Charles Brockden Jessy fragment 1 Wed, 01 Jan 1800 12:00:00 GMT