720 XTF Search Results (docsPerPage=100;f118-date=1808::10::18);f118-date%3D1808%3A%3A10%3A%3A18 Results for your query: docsPerPage=100;f118-date=1808::10::18 Wed, 14 Jan 2009 12:00:00 GMT Communication. Brown, Charles Brockden I had the good fortune to attend an oration upon gaming last evening delivered by Mr. Ogilvie, at the hall in Fourth-street. My feelings were so powerfully affected by the exhibition that I wit- nessed, that I cannot help giving them way in a few remarks upon the subject. Most sincerely do I condole with those whom accident or ignorance prevented from attending: for, a more eloquent and powerful dissuasive from gaming was surely never before delivered to a public assembly. Tue, 18 Oct 1808 12:00:00 GMT Communication. Brown, Charles Brockden When the writer of this article attended the first lecture delivered by Mr. Ogilvie, he was struck with the elegance of language and eloquence of manner which distinguished the speaker; while at the same time, the vein of pure morality which pervaded the whole discourse, rendered it no less salutary than pleasing. But, on Friday evening, when the subject of Gaming occupied the attention of the Lecturer, he was peculiarly interesting and impressive; his description of its fascinating power, and his representation of its direful consequences, were taken from the life; and the arguments which he employed against it were such as sophistry could not elude;—they were such as bespoke the man of sensibility, the son of genius and the friend of vir- tue. Tue, 18 Oct 1808 12:00:00 GMT