720 XTF Search Results (docsPerPage=100;f119-date=1798::04::21);f119-date%3D1798%3A%3A04%3A%3A21 Results for your query: docsPerPage=100;f119-date=1798::04::21 Wed, 14 Jan 2009 12:00:00 GMT The Man at Home, No. XII. Brown, Charles Brockden IT is amusing to remark in what va- rious points of view the passion of love has been considered. I was lately perusing an author*, whose theory * Darwin's Zoonomia. Eratomania. had more novelty, and wore an air of greater paradox than I have hitherto met with. He is a physician who makes a threefold classification of diseases. The two first classes are fashioned on a new, but on no fantasti- cal model. If there be any truth in the customary distinctions, these are suf- ficiently within the province of the medical art. Many of the articles that constitute the third class have hitherto been assigned to the mo- ralist. This writer, however, very gravely arranges them in his cata- logue, annexes a technical descrip- tion, and prescribes the “modus medendi.” Tue, 21 Apr 1970 12:00:00 GMT On the Effects of Theatric Exhibitions. Brown, Charles Brockden TO ascertain the tendency of plays is by no means difficult. There is no more powerful mode of winning the attention, and swaying the pas- sions of mankind. Mental power is quite a different consideration from the moral application of that power. Genius affords no security from error. The writers of plays have been gene- rally necessitous and profligate. They have therefore written under the in- fluence of wrong conceptions of duty and happiness; and, in order to effect their purpose, which was gain, have deemed themselves obliged to hu- mour the caprices and pamper the vicious appetites, of those who fre- quent these spectacles. Tue, 21 Apr 1970 12:00:00 GMT On the Effects of Theatric Representations. Brown, Charles Brockden WHETHER most good, or most evil flows from theatrical exhi- bitions? appears to be a question a correspondent wishes to have decided. This question has given rise to vari- ous thoughts, on the subject; should they lead to the wished-for decision they are at T. Markright's service. Tue, 21 Apr 1970 12:00:00 GMT A Series of Original Letters – Letter I. Brown, Charles Brockden THE series of original letters, enclo- sed, came by chance into my possession. I send them to you with permission to publish them, though without the con- currence of the writers. Their consent I have reason to believe would be given if it were asked; but the distance of their present abode, rendering that impossible, we must dispense with it. The only liberty I have taken is to substitute, in some cases, fictitious for real names. Tue, 21 Apr 1970 12:00:00 GMT