Search Results (docsPerPage=100;f128-subject=historical sketches);f128-subject%3Dhistorical%20sketches
Results for your query: docsPerPage=100;f128-subject=historical sketchesWed, 14 Jan 2009 12:00:00 GMTA Specimen of Agricultural Improvement. Extracted from the correspondence of a traveller in Scotland. Brown, Charles Brockden
——THE northern estate called
C——, contains about twenty-five
thousand acres, and consists of a
roundish piece of land, jutting out
into the Irish sea, connected, by a
narrow peninsula, with the main
land of ———shire. The won-
ders wrought in this little territory,
by the genius of the proprietor, are
still more remarkable than those ef-
fected in W——, because its condi-
tion was far more desolate and for-
lorn, when it came into his possession.
Its general aspect was that of sterile
mountains, whose summits were
roughened with rocks, and whose
sides were covered with bog and
moss, and overrun with heath and
fern. Scarcely a fruit or timber
tree was any where to be seen…..
Near the coast a species of negli-
gent and slovenly cultivation took
place. About ten thousand acres,
or two-fifths of the whole, was di-
vided into two hundred farms, each,
on an average, consisting of fifty
acres, and containing, on the whole,
about fourteen hundred persons…..
Four hamlets, or villages, composed
of cottagers and petty tra..., 01 Feb 1805 12:00:00 GMTSpecimen of Political Improvement. Brown, Charles Brockden
Continued from page 86., 01 Feb 1805 12:00:00 GMTSpecimen of Political Improvement. Brown, Charles Brockden
EVERY district in Great Britain,
of any considerable extent, contains
at least the vestiges of an ancient
castle and abbey. The ruinous con-
dition of these edifices is more ow-
ing to the neglect and violence of
men, than to the frailty of their
structure or materials. The fero-
cious avarice and barbarous tyranny
of Henry VIII, in England, and the
wild fury of a fanatical populace, in
Scotland, were the causes of the
destruction of abbeys; while the
change of manners, which rendered
a fortress no longer necessary to
personal safety, has occasioned the
ruin of castles. In some few instan-
ces the abbey, though with a multi-
tude of alterations, has become a
private dwelling, and the castle,
rendered sacred by the images of
ancient grandeur and power, has, at
an immense expense, been convert-
ed to the same use. In general,
however, both are reduced to their
foundations, and are cherished mere-
ly as mementos of past ages., 01 Mar 1805 12:00:00 GMTA Specimen of Political Improvement. Brown, Charles Brockden
I AM much mistaken if the castle
of C—— be not, in many respects,
the most extraordinary monument
of its kind to be found in Great Bri-
tain, and perhaps in Europe. It is
true, my acquaintance with build-
ings of this sort is extremely limit-
ed, and the model of this castle may
be common in Italy and Germany,
but these, the vestiges of which are
scattered over the British islands,
seem to be constructed on a plan
widely different from this. You
must indulge me in giving you some
description of it, though I am aware
no description, in such cases, can be
very clear or satisfactory., 01 Mar 1805 12:00:00 GMTThe Romance of Real Life. Brown, Charles Brockden
AT a general half-yearly meeting
of the society for the support and
encouragement of Sunday schools in
England and Wales, the committee
reported, that since the last general
meeting, in October, 1804, they had
added fifty-one schools, with the ad-
dition of more than 6000 scholars, to
the statement then delivered; and
that from the commencement of this
institution, in 1785, the society had
afforded aid, either in books or mo-
ney, to 2380 schools, containing
213,011 scholars, for whose use they
had distributed 200,974 spelling-
books, 46,465 testaments, and 6935
bibles, besides a sum of 41421. 4s. 5d.
granted to such schools as stood in
need of pecuniary assistance. The
effect of that attention which the
committee paid to petitions for assist-
ance from the principality of Wales
begins now to display itself in a man-
ner which promises the most exten-
sive and happy results. It is alrea-
dy ascertained that 115 schools have
been established by the society in
the counties of Flint, Denbigh, An-
glesey, Merione..., 01 Nov 1805 12:00:00 GMTThe Ivizan Cottager. Brown, Charles Brockden
WHEN we read the account
which travellers give of the mode
of living among savages, and even
among the class of peasantry in civil-
ized nations, we are prompted to
exclaim, How little is necessary to
human sustenance! When we hear
described the habitation of a single
room, whose floor is the damp bare
earth; whose roof is straw or moss;
eight or ten feet high, and ten or
twelve in diameter; where the fire
is kindled in the middle; whose
smoke finds no other outlet, and
whose light finds no other entrance,
than the door-way; we can scarcely
credit the tale. Our credulity is still
more shocked, when it is added, that
these mansions frequently swarm
with young children, who are plump,
buxom, and robust. If our own edu-
cation has been soft and delicate, our
minds are crowded with the number-
less wants and perils which are in-
cident to matrimonial life, to chil-
dren and their mothers, and are at
a loss to conceive how these desti-
tute wretches are able to exist, or to
preserve their progeny in such drea-
ry..., 01 Dec 1805 12:00:00 GMTSketches of Carsol. Brown, Charles Brockden
“THE funds of Carsol amount to an annual payment of two
and an half million of ducats, or 612,500l. sterling. They con-
sist of shares of 100 ducats each; the number of shares is, con-
sequently, 25,000. Cards of the shape and size of a ducat, the
edges hardened by a species of glue, represent this property, and
are transferable like pieces of money. The production of the
card, at the proper office in the capital, entitles it to payment five
times in the year, or twenty dollars at a time, on each share. As
all payments are recorded, the numbers being creditors, pay-
ments may be declined, and the money left to accumulate. This
may happen in consequence of the loss or destruction of a card;
of the absence of the holder, or his voluntary reservation of the
claim. In case of loss or destruction, due proof will be received
by the office, and new cards issued. Old, defaced or torn cards
may be renewed at pleasure., 01 Jan 1811 12:00:00 GMTArthur, earl of Orme.... Brown, Charles Brockden
ARTHUR, earl of Orme, eldest son of earl Vincent, and
Miss Tenbrook, was born in 1702. At 18 years of age (1720)
his father gave up to him the revenue and government of all
his Palatine estates. Athelny and the Na Isles, in which
the political rights of the family were more extensive, and
their landed property more circumscribed than in Orme or Rut-
land, and had been almost entirely neglected by his ancestors,
became the peculiar objects of Arthur's affection and cares. By
a wise, stedfast, and fortunate exertion of his power and re-
sources in the improvement of these territories, during the
greater part of a long life, he raised them to a degree of riches
and population of which no one had thought them capable., 01 Jan 1811 12:00:00 GMTSt. Arthur Carril was buried…. Brown, Charles Brockden
St. Arthur Carril was buried, 1711, in the abbey of St. Elmer,
in pursuance of his own solemn request. The monks of Can-
terbury were extremely loath to give up the honour and advan-
tage of possessing his tomb. They even for a short time, en-
tertained the resolution of burying him in their church, but hav-
ing assembled to fix upon the time and manner of his interment,
he is said to have suddenly appeared among them, and repeat-
ed the injunctions he had given them while living. They no
longer hesitated to obey. An instrument, averring this preter-
natural appearance, and signed by all the members of the con-
vent who were present, is still preserved in the treasury at
Belminster., 01 Jan 1811 12:00:00 GMTThe lordships of Orme and Walney…. Brown, Charles Brockden
THE lordships of Orme and Walney, came into the king's
wardship by the death of the tenth earl of Orme and Walney,
with no other issue than a daughter under age, in the year
1195, shortly after the return of Richard the First, from Pales-
tine. This prince had been extricated from a perilous situa-
tion, near Acre, by the courage of a military friar of the hos-
pital. The king was anxious to reward this service, but his
preserver merely demanded, that on the king's return to his own
country, he would show his devotion to Heaven, by founding
a monastery, and calling his adviser to the head of it., 01 Jan 1811 12:00:00 GMTThe abbey at Holioke has…. Brown, Charles Brockden
The abbey at Holioke has, properly speaking, never been
dissolved. When Henry VIII. granted it to the earls of
Walney, he took no further notice of it. The earl, though
he followed the temporising fashion, then prevalent, was a
good catholic at bottom, and enjoying in his own domain very
considerable power, he suffered the abbey to continue unim-
paired. They recruited their numbers by tuition, and continu-
ed with little visible change in their condition, till the opening
of the seventeenth century. At that period, the number of
members was much diminished, and the spirit and zeal of those
that remained, had from various causes greatly declined. It
now became the principal family mansion of the lord, when he
remained at Orme., 01 Jan 1811 12:00:00 GMTA mountain in the neighbourhood of Timna…. Brown, Charles Brockden
“A mountain in the neighbourhood of Timna was remark-
able for caverns almost inaccessible. The devotees of suc-
ceeding times delighted to occupy caves which this incident
had made so memorable. The city, however, was for some
ages, desolate and solitary. Timon, who had been hitherto the
tutelary saint of the isle, and had inspired his worshippers with
uncommon obstinacy in their resistance of the Saracens, was
regarded by those conquerors with peculiar hatred. Hence
their severity against his sanctuary, and the last strong hold of
the Christians. They razed all the churches dedicated to his
honour, and were careful to suppress his shrines, pilgrimages
and festivals., 01 Jan 1815 12:00:00 GMTThe honours of this family are denoted by their titles…. Brown, Charles Brockden
In the following pages on the subject of the Carrils, the
author has altered his plan in several particulars from the
foregoing. He approaches his Utopian land, but is undeter-
mined whether it shall be the dutchy of Taranto or the island
of Sardinia. Those sketches must all be considered as in-
troductory to his favourite prospect of a perfect system of
government., 01 Jan 1815 12:00:00 GMT