720 XTF Search Results (docsPerPage=100;f200-date=1798::03::10);f200-date%3D1798%3A%3A03%3A%3A10 Results for your query: docsPerPage=100;f200-date=1798::03::10 Wed, 14 Jan 2009 12:00:00 GMT The Man at Home. No. VI. Brown, Charles Brockden PAGES have been filled with ideas suggested by a broom-stick. I have a volume, under that title, in my possession. The writer follows the train of ideas suggested by the sight of this useful instrument, and is led by it on many an instructive and amusing ramble. His speculations, indeed, are bound together by no other affinity than this. It is curious to observe what various and momen- tous themes take their rise in his un- derstanding, from this humble source. He first discusses the nature of that principle, by which the sight of a broom-stick is made productive of a series of thoughts in the mind. In the course of this speculation he raises a scheme of his own on the ruins of that system which changes man into a pair of bag-pipes, and makes out the contexture of his body to be nothing more than a congeries of fiddle-strings. He endeavours to prove, that the hand is lifted and planets impelled by the same power, and that this power is thought. Having settled this point, he proceeds to describe the thoughts t... Tue, 10 Mar 1970 12:00:00 GMT