Search Results (docsPerPage=100;f220-date=1822);f220-date%3D1822
Results for your query: docsPerPage=100;f220-date=1822Wed, 14 Jan 2009 12:00:00 GMTSelected for the Cabinet. The Scribbler—No. 1. By Charles Brockden Brown. Brown, Charles Brockden
What name is this? And to be confer-
red by a man on himself! Yet this is
frequently the best policy. The surest
way to preclude, is to anticipate censure,
for no one will think it worth while, to
call a poor culprit by names which the
culprit has liberally and unceremonious-
ly given himself. If Tom says—“I am
a fool and an oddity” —his worst ene-
mies can only add—“So you are.”, 21 Sep 1822 12:00:00 GMTThe Scribbler—No. 2. Brown, Charles Brockden
Ah! Jenny! these are hard times,
but ours is no extraordinary lot. Heavy
as the burden is on us, there are thou-
sands on whom the load is heavier still,
while the shoulders on which it is laid
are far less able to sustain it than ours., 21 Sep 1822 12:00:00 GMTThe Scribbler—No. 3. By Charles Brockden Brown. Brown, Charles Brockden
Why truly, Sister, I have no objection,
but first, I must despatch my daily scrib-
ble. Content thyself for a while with a
look out from thy window. This is a
more amusing employment than I
thought it would prove. What impor-
tance does it give, to have one's idle
reveries clothed with the typographical
vesture, multiplied some thousand fold,
and dispersed far and wide among the
race of readers! I wonder the scheme
never occurred to me before., 28 Sep 1822 12:00:00 GMTSelected for the Cabinet. The Scribbler—No. 4. By Charles Brockden Brown. Brown, Charles Brockden
[We have failed in receiving the copy of the
Marauder from the author, who is now in the
country. —The Tale will be resumed in the next
Cabinet], 05 Oct 1822 12:00:00 GMTThe Scribbler—No. 5. Brown, Charles Brockden
'Tis a sad thing to be without a friend.
To pass to and fro, through a busy
crowd and no eye be caught at your ap-
proach; no countenance expand into
smiles, no hand be stretched forth and
while it grasps yours, be accompanied
by the friendly greeting of “How d'ye.”, 05 Oct 1822 12:00:00 GMT