720 XTF Search Results (docsPerPage=100;f252-date=1802::09::25);f252-date%3D1802%3A%3A09%3A%3A25 Results for your query: docsPerPage=100;f252-date=1802::09::25 Wed, 14 Jan 2009 12:00:00 GMT Solitary Worship [a poem]. Brown, Charles Brockden [Moiverius or De Moivre, (or Accius Secundus, according to the fashion of that age, which allowed the learned to assume new names of their own choice) was a French- man of the sixteenth century, and a celebrated writer of Latin poetry. In the bloom of life, he conceived the de- sign of retiring into the bosom of the Alps, and renounc- ing all intercourse with the world, but that which is maintained by reading and writing, and this design he actually executed. He sought the most desolate part of the Ligurian shore, and fitting up an apartment in a half ruined fortress, which belonged to a nobleman of Bur- gundy, one of his patrons, he secluded himself from all society but that of shepards, fishermen, and hunters of the boquetin. He relinquished this life, after some time, chiefly at the importunity of Laura D'Orvilliers his mis- tres... Sat, 25 Sep 1802 12:00:00 GMT