720 XTF Search Results (docsPerPage=100;f257-subject=tale);f257-subject%3Dtale Results for your query: docsPerPage=100;f257-subject=tale Wed, 14 Jan 2009 12:00:00 GMT A Series of Original Letters – Letter I. Brown, Charles Brockden THE series of original letters, enclo- sed, came by chance into my possession. I send them to you with permission to publish them, though without the con- currence of the writers. Their consent I have reason to believe would be given if it were asked; but the distance of their present abode, rendering that impossible, we must dispense with it. The only liberty I have taken is to substitute, in some cases, fictitious for real names. Tue, 21 Apr 1970 12:00:00 GMT A Series of Original Letters. – Letter II. Brown, Charles Brockden Burlington, May * 7, 1794. Tue, 28 Apr 1970 12:00:00 GMT A Series of Original Letters. – Letter III. Brown, Charles Brockden Philada. May 10, 1794. Tue, 28 Apr 1970 12:00:00 GMT A Series of Original Letters [Nos. 4-5]. Brown, Charles Brockden Burlington, May 14, 1794. Tue, 05 May 1970 12:00:00 GMT A Series of Original Letters. – Letter VI. Brown, Charles Brockden Burlington, May 21, 1794. Tue, 12 May 1970 12:00:00 GMT A Series of Original Letters. – Letter VII. Brown, Charles Brockden Philadelphia, May 25, 1794. Tue, 19 May 1970 12:00:00 GMT A Lesson on Sensibility. Brown, Charles Brockden ARCHIBALD was a youth of very lively parts. His sensibility had be- come diseased by an assiduous study of those Romancers and Poets, who make love the basis of their fictions. He had scarcely grown up, when he contracted a passion for a woman, whose chief merit consisted in her beauty. A new object quickly suc- ceeded: Though he loved for a time with every appearance of ardour, it was perceived that his affections were easily transferred to a new object, and easily dissolved by absence. Love however, was his element: He could not exist without it. To sigh, to muse, to frame elegies, was the busi- ness of his life. Provided there was some object to receive his amorous devoirs, it seemed nearly indifferent what the real qualifications of the object were. Tue, 19 May 1970 12:00:00 GMT A Series of Original Letters – Letter IX. Brown, Charles Brockden Philadelphia, May 30, 1794. Tue, 26 May 1970 12:00:00 GMT A Series of Original Letters. – Letter X. Brown, Charles Brockden Philadelphia, June 3d, 1794. Tue, 02 Jun 1970 12:00:00 GMT Portrait of An Emigrant. Extracted from a Letter. Brown, Charles Brockden I CALLED, as you desired, on Mrs. K——. We had consi- derable conversation. Knowing, as you do, my character and her's, you may be somewhat inquisitive as to the subject of our conversa- tion. You may readily suppose that my inquiries were limited to domestic and every-day incidents. The state of her own family, and her servants and children being dis- cussed, I proceeded to inquire into the condition of her neighbours. It is not in large cities as it is in villages. Those whose education does not enable and accustom them to look abroad, to investigate the character and actions of beings of a distant age and country, are gene- rally attentive to what is passing under their own eye. Mrs. K— never reads, not even a newspaper. She is unacquainted with what hap- pened before she was born. She is equally a stranger to the events that are passing in distant nations, and to those which ingross the atten- tion and shake the passions of the statesmen and politicians of her own country; but her mind, ne- vertheless, is ... Mon, 01 Jun 1970 12:00:00 GMT A Lesson on Concealment; or, Memoirs of Mary Selwyn. Brown, Charles Brockden YOU will return, Harry, to an house of sorrow. Your pre- sence will contribute to make my solitude less painful. I would, there- fore, intreat you to come back im- mediately: but there is something to be first settled before I can meet you with satisfaction, or even before I can permit you to return to me. I have had something on my mind to disclose, which I have brooded over occasionally ever since we parted, but which it is now abso- lutely necessary to mention. Sat, 01 Mar 1800 12:00:00 GMT The Trials of Arden. Brown, Charles Brockden New-York, April, 1800. Tue, 01 Jul 1800 12:00:00 GMT Somnambulism. A fragment. Brown, Charles Brockden The following fragment will require no other preface or commentary than an extract from the Vienna Gazette of June 14, 1784. “At Great Glogau, in Silesia, the attention of physi- cians, and of the people, has been excited by the case of a young man, whose behaviour indicates perfect health in all respects but one. He has a habit of rising in his sleep, and performing a great many actions with as much order and exactness as when awake. This habit for a long time showed itself in freaks and achieve- ments merely innocent, or, at least, only troublesome and inconvenient, till about six weeks ago. At that period a shocking event took place about three leagues from the town, and in the neighbourhood where the youth's family resides. A young lady, travelling with her father by night, was shot dead upon the road, by some person unknown. The offi- cers of justice took a good deal of pains to trace the author of the crime, and at length, by carefully comparing circumstances, a suspicion was fixed upon this youth. Afte... Wed, 01 May 1805 12:00:00 GMT Insanity: A Fragment. Brown, Charles Brockden —He is an unfortunate kinsman of ours (said Mrs. Ellen) who has been, for some years, a lunatic. She related his story, on my manifest- ing a curiosity to know the particulars, at some length. This was the substance of it. Wed, 01 Feb 1809 12:00:00 GMT Cannot you come to me Jessy?.... Brown, Charles Brockden “Cannot you come to me Jessy? I want you much. I long for you. Nay, I cannot do without you; so, at all events, you must come. That is no objection, my dear, for methinks I hear you plead, good girl, as you are, your mother's infirmities. I tell you that is no objection; she can spare you for a week or two surely: at least, a day or two. She will not miss you for so short a time. Besides, Jessy, do not be partial,. Recollect you have a friend as well as a mother, and some attention is due to the first as well as the last; and I want you more than your mother can want you. You will be of more service to me than to her; quite as much, at any rate. I have a better, or an equal claim to have you with me altogether; but you see I urge not my claim, and I hope you will give me some credit for moderation. I do not ask you to come and stay with me constantly, but a week or two, at this delightful season, I must have. Tue, 01 Jan 1811 12:00:00 GMT Thessalonica: A Roman Story. Brown, Charles Brockden THESSALONICA, in conse- quence of its commercial si- tuation, was populous and rich. Its fortifications and numerous garri- son had preserved it from injury during the late commotions,* and the number of inhabitants was great- ly increased, at the expense of the defenceless districts and cities. Its place, with relation to Dalmatia, the Peloponnesus, and the Danube, was nearly centrical. Its security had been uninterrupted for ages, and no city in the empire of Theodosius exhibited so many monuments of its ancient prosperity. It had been, for many years, the residence of the prince, and had thence become the object of a kind of filial affection. He had laboured to render it im- pregnable, by erecting bulwarks, and guarding it with the bravest of his troops; he had endowed the ci- tizens with new revenues and privi- leges, had enhanced the frequency of their shows, and the magnificence of their halls and avenues, and made it the seat of government of Illyria and Greece. Fri, 01 May 1970 12:00:00 GMT Death of Cicero, A Fragment. Brown, Charles Brockden The task of relating the last events in the life of my beloved master, has fallen upon me. His last words reminded me of the obligation, which I had long since assumed, of conveying to his Atticus a faithful account of his death. Having performed this task, life will cease to be any longer of value. Wed, 01 Jan 1800 12:00:00 GMT Jessy Fragments. Brown, Charles Brockden Jessy fragment 1 Wed, 01 Jan 1800 12:00:00 GMT