720 XTF Search Results (docsPerPage=100;f282-subject=prose manuscript);f282-subject%3Dprose%20manuscript Results for your query: docsPerPage=100;f282-subject=prose manuscript Mon, 14 Jan 2013 12:00:00 GMT Sample of Liberty to Conscience. Brown, Charles Brockden Thu, 01 Jan 1970 12:00:00 GMT Fragment of a Journal, AMS, dated 1801 March 9-10. Brown, Charles Brockden Mr. Jefferson's speech at his inauguration conveys to the mind of every real friend to this Country much pleasure & satisfaction— the sen- -timents expressed in it are purely republican & federal; with such principles as a basis of Conduct, and with such ends in view Mr Jefferson will amass the firm Support of every American whatever his opinions relative to the administration of his predecessors may have been—it is truly a matter of rejoicing to find in our chief Majestrate so extensive a spirit of con -ciliation, and it is ‸ sincerity to the hopes, that so long as he endeavours to main- -tain the true dignity and Interest of the American Nation—the friends & Supporters of the administration of his worthy predecessors will accom -pany him in his—with all that firmness and patriotism which has hereto- -fore so strongly marked their Conduct for “We Are All Republicans We are all Federalists” Thu, 01 Jan 1801 12:00:00 GMT Henrietta Letters. Brown, Charles Brockden I am never so happy as when employed in writing to my friend; and I am willing to perswade myself that he recieves no less pleasure from answering than I from the composition of my letters. What a scribbler have I suddenly become! and how many of those hours do I now devote to the pen which were formerly engrossed by the needle, and the book. It is true that your performances have be made me more attached to my Music, than I have formerly been. I pay more attention to it than is, perhaps, consistent with a prudent distribution of my time, but that is of small importance when compared to the time which I dedicate to our correspondence I protest I think, that, if we proced, for a considerable period, in this manner I shall begin to imagine myself your rival in composition. I know you value yourself extreemly, and with justice, on the ease and vigour and correctness of your Style. Be assured my friend I never shall be able to contend with you in those quallifications, but in th... Thu, 01 Jan 1970 12:00:00 GMT Ellendale Fragment. Brown, Charles Brockden arrived as speedily as thou could wish it. If thy ingagements would I should insist upon thy presence with us; Thy fancy has not been to the truth: The Scienc of our several operations are indeed sufficiently t this letter is a proof that the elements in which our minds ly the same: Thu, 01 Jan 1970 12:00:00 GMT Medwaye Fragment. Brown, Charles Brockden [recto side of page:] Thu, 01 Jan 1970 12:00:00 GMT Godolphin Fragment. Brown, Charles Brockden Thou hast a generous correspondent my Susan. I wish thy engagements would suffer thee to vye with him in generosity: Yet would thou be more laudably employed then than now: if time made not those demands on thy attention and activity which it now makes, would it not furnish ‸thee with more useful employ -ment than that of writing league-long letters ‸to me That is a question: but if I should be obliged to answer yes: I must add, that I ‸can conceive an hundred occupa =tions, all specious and grave, which would be of less Utility than ‸that of furnishing R.H. with new motives to virtue and diligence Thu, 01 Jan 1970 12:00:00 GMT Alloa Fragment no. 1. Brown, Charles Brockden Thu, 01 Jan 1970 12:00:00 GMT Alloa Fragment no. 2. Brown, Charles Brockden Thu, 01 Jan 1970 12:00:00 GMT Jessy Fragments. Brown, Charles Brockden Jessy fragment 1 Wed, 01 Jan 1800 12:00:00 GMT