720 XTF Search Results (docsPerPage=100;f298-date=1798::05);f298-date%3D1798%3A%3A05 Results for your query: docsPerPage=100;f298-date=1798::05 Wed, 14 Jan 2009 12:00:00 GMT A Series of Original Letters [Nos. 4-5]. Brown, Charles Brockden Burlington, May 14, 1794. Tue, 05 May 1970 12:00:00 GMT Review. Count Rumford's Second Essay. Brown, Charles Brockden Of the Fundamental Principles on which General Establishments for the Relief of the Poor may be formed in all Countries. Tue, 12 May 1970 12:00:00 GMT On Scheming. Brown, Charles Brockden EVERY man is more or less a schemer. It is amusing to remark the various kinds of schemers which exist in the world. Some are busied in forming projects for lessening the expenses of their family, and others for augmenting the amount of their revenue. By far the greater part of mankind range themselves in the latter class; not a few are employed in the former way; and the number is not inconsiderable of those whose schemes have no other object than how to spend with most profusion. Tue, 12 May 1970 12:00:00 GMT A Series of Original Letters. – Letter VI. Brown, Charles Brockden Burlington, May 21, 1794. Tue, 12 May 1970 12:00:00 GMT Review. Count Rumford's Third Essay. Brown, Charles Brockden THE subjects hitherto discussed by this writer relate, generally, to the best mode of supplying the neces- sities of the poor. They are topics, therefore, in a considerable degree, political. The field of enquiry in the third essay is interesting, in dif- ferent degrees, but in a direct man- ner to every individual. Tue, 19 May 1970 12:00:00 GMT A Series of Original Letters. – Letter VII. Brown, Charles Brockden Philadelphia, May 25, 1794. Tue, 19 May 1970 12:00:00 GMT A Lesson on Sensibility. Brown, Charles Brockden ARCHIBALD was a youth of very lively parts. His sensibility had be- come diseased by an assiduous study of those Romancers and Poets, who make love the basis of their fictions. He had scarcely grown up, when he contracted a passion for a woman, whose chief merit consisted in her beauty. A new object quickly suc- ceeded: Though he loved for a time with every appearance of ardour, it was perceived that his affections were easily transferred to a new object, and easily dissolved by absence. Love however, was his element: He could not exist without it. To sigh, to muse, to frame elegies, was the busi- ness of his life. Provided there was some object to receive his amorous devoirs, it seemed nearly indifferent what the real qualifications of the object were. Tue, 19 May 1970 12:00:00 GMT Review. Count Rumford's Third Essay. Brown, Charles Brockden AMONG all kinds of vegetable food, Count Rumford assigns the pre- ference to Indian corn. The exten- sive use of it in Italy, under the name of Pallenta, and in North America, evinces its nutritiousness and whole- someness. In the countries cultivated by negro slaves, it is generally pre- ferred by them to rice, which they account the more fugitive and less substantial food. In addition to this, it is known to be producible in larger quantities than other grain; hence the propriety of encouraging the cul- tivation and extending the use of it. Tue, 26 May 1970 12:00:00 GMT A Series of Original Letters – Letter IX. Brown, Charles Brockden Philadelphia, May 30, 1794. Tue, 26 May 1970 12:00:00 GMT Review of Count Rumford's Essays. Essay I. Brown, Charles Brockden An Account of an Establishment for the Poor at Munich. Together with a Detail of various Public Measures, connected with that Institution, which have been adopted and carried into Effect for putting an End to Mendicity, and introducing Order, and useful Industry, among the more indigent of the Inhabi- tants of Bavaria. Tue, 05 May 1970 12:00:00 GMT