720 XTF Search Results (docsPerPage=100;f3-subject=fiction;f4-date=1798::04;f5-subject=serial essay;subject=fiction;subject-join=exact);f3-subject%3Dfiction;f4-date%3D1798%3A%3A04;f5-subject%3Dserial%20essay;subject%3Dfiction;subject-join%3Dexact Results for your query: docsPerPage=100;f3-subject=fiction;f4-date=1798::04;f5-subject=serial essay;subject=fiction;subject-join=exact Wed, 14 Jan 2009 12:00:00 GMT The Man at Home, No. X. Brown, Charles Brockden THE second period of Miss De Moivre's life was still more worthy to be exhibited. She was now become a woman, and was preparing to return to her father, when a letter from him informed her of a change in his plans. He was considerably capricious, and had roamed about so much, that he found it impossible to remain long in one place. Add to this, a sudden scheme that occurred to him of ex- ploring the southern side of mount Jura, as a botanist. Every thing must yield to the gratification of his darling passion. He immediately re- solved to sell his property in St. Do- mingo and return to France, and of this, timely information was received by his daughter. Tue, 07 Apr 1970 12:00:00 GMT The Man at Home, No. XI. Brown, Charles Brockden WHAT a series of calamities is the thread of human existence? I have heard of men who, though free themselves from any uncommon distress, were driven to suicide by reflecting on the misery of others. They employed their imagination in running over the catalogue of human woes, and were so affected by the spectacle, that they willingly resorted to death to shut it from their view. No doubt their minds were consti- tuted after a singular manner. We are generally prone, when objects chance to present to us their gloomy side, to change their position, till we hit upon the brightest of its aspects. Tue, 14 Apr 1970 12:00:00 GMT The Man at Home, No. XII. Brown, Charles Brockden IT is amusing to remark in what va- rious points of view the passion of love has been considered. I was lately perusing an author*, whose theory * Darwin's Zoonomia. Eratomania. had more novelty, and wore an air of greater paradox than I have hitherto met with. He is a physician who makes a threefold classification of diseases. The two first classes are fashioned on a new, but on no fantasti- cal model. If there be any truth in the customary distinctions, these are suf- ficiently within the province of the medical art. Many of the articles that constitute the third class have hitherto been assigned to the mo- ralist. This writer, however, very gravely arranges them in his cata- logue, annexes a technical descrip- tion, and prescribes the “modus medendi.” Tue, 21 Apr 1970 12:00:00 GMT The Man at Home, No. XIII. Brown, Charles Brockden TO be sure! Yet retire for a while: I shall not leap out of the window to escape you. I am weary of my present habitation, and should, in a few days, have put myself within your power. I have not the least objection to this visit, though, I must own, it was somewhat unex- pected. Tue, 28 Apr 1970 12:00:00 GMT