720 XTF Search Results (subject=essay;subject-join=exact;brand=default;f1-date=1811);subject-join%3Dexact;brand%3Ddefault;f1-date%3D1811 Results for your query: subject=essay;subject-join=exact;brand=default;f1-date=1811 Wed, 14 Jan 2009 12:00:00 GMT Amidst the various subjects of disquisition…. Brown, Charles Brockden “Amidst the various subjects of disquisition which naturally present themselves upon this occasion, inquiries into the ge- nius and design of this Institution are those, from which most immediate instruction may be derived, and the talents of the writer most beneficially employed. As the laws and constitution of this country will justly claim a principal share of every good citizen's attention, so it is also incumbent on us, who are mem- bers of a smaller community, to acquaint ourselves with the na- ture and reason of that association to which we are united. But although this is a duty from which none of us can suppose him- self entirely exempted, it more peculiarly belongs to him who is destined to begin the career of literary improvement, and to enter immediately upon that theatre which to others still remains in distant and imperfect prospect. With what fear or diffidence he prepares to discharge the duty imposed upon him he need not mention. When his defects in style or sentiment are perceived, his fello... Tue, 01 Jan 1811 12:00:00 GMT Cases 1-4. Brown, Charles Brockden “The case upon which our decision is expected, is as follows: A. advertises a reward for the recovery of goods lost: B. finds them; can B. retain those goods, until the reward is paid? On the one hand it is insisted that the finder may detain the goods until he shall receive the reward. On the other hand it is main- tained that by so doing, the finder becomes liable to an action of trover and conversion. This is a question on which I cannot give my opinion without much doubt and hesitation. The case in- deed very frequently occurs to common experience; but I have not discovered that it has ever underwent a judicial examination in the courts of law: and I cannot help thinking that the authori- ties cited to support the opinions respectively advanced, are con- nected with our present subject by a distant and imperfect anal- ogy, rather than by direct implication; that they are calcula- ted to puzzle and confuse, rather than to aid and confirm the judgment. Tue, 01 Jan 1811 12:00:00 GMT Journal entry on Alcuin. Brown, Charles Brockden Of this treatise Mr. Brown remarks in his journal, “I have completed a third and fourth parts of the dialogue of Alcuin, in which the topic of marriage is discussed with some degree of subtlety at least.” Tue, 01 Jan 1811 12:00:00 GMT Journal entry on William Wood Wilkins. Brown, Charles Brockden “I am led to these remarks he continues, by reading over the letters of my deceased friend W. What a contrast between his actual deportment, and any notion of that deportment to be collected by a stranger from his letters. His letters to me are as confidential as letters can be, yet they form a picture totally the reverse of his conversation, and his conduct. He had no small portion of wit, and this power was in part exercised in company; but the moment he took up his pen to write a letter or an essay, he forgot all his mirth, became pensive, sentimental and poetical. To hear him talk one would think that he never had a serious moment in his life. He literally sung himself to sleep, and awak- ened in a burst of laughter. To see the effusions of his pen, one would imagine that he was a stranger to smiles, that he was forever steeped in tears and wrapped in melancholy. In this there was nothing that deserved to be called affectation and hy- pocrisy, since he corresponded only with those with whom he was occasio... Tue, 01 Jan 1811 12:00:00 GMT The relations, dependencies and connections of the several parts of knowledge. Brown, Charles Brockden “The relations, dependencies, and connections of the several parts of knowledge, have long been a subject of unavailing inqui- ry with me. In my late commenced correspondence with Eme- lius, this was the question upon which I demanded his opinion: he has not yet returned an answer to my letter, though from his expressions at the meeting at Franklin's, I judge he had some serious intentions of answering it. The carrying into effect this scheme of a society, will I am afraid be to him a sufficient ex- cuse for omitting it. I now intend to try what my own unassist- ed capacity can do towards classing and separating the several departments of knowledge. However, to my task. Tue, 01 Jan 1811 12:00:00 GMT