720 XTF Search Results (subject=essay;subject-join=exact;brand=default;f1-subject=essay);subject-join%3Dexact;brand%3Ddefault;f1-subject%3Dessay Results for your query: subject=essay;subject-join=exact;brand=default;f1-subject=essay Wed, 14 Jan 2009 12:00:00 GMT Abolition of Slavery in New Jersey. Brown, Charles Brockden The legislature of New Jersey, on the 15th February passed a law for the gradual abolition of slavery. It enacts that every child born of a slave after the 4th day of July next, shall be free, but shall remain the servant of the owner of the mother, in the same manner as if such child had been bound to service by the overseers of the poor, males until the age of 25, and females until the age of 21…provides for the regis- try of the birth of all such children within nine months after such birth ….and gives liberty to the owner, at any time within one year from the birth, to elect to abandon his right to any such child, the owner being, nevertheless, liable to main- tain the child until one year old, and thereafter the child to be consi- dered as a pauper, and liable to be bound out to service as other poor children, males until the age of 25, and females 21.…but while the child remains a pauper, and until it shall be bound out, it is to be maintained by the town, at the ex- pense of the state, n... Thu, 01 Mar 1804 12:00:00 GMT An Abstract of all the Laws and Public Acts [for 1806]. Brown, Charles Brockden I. IN addition to the sum heretofore appropriated for that object, the sum of two hundred and fifty thousand dollars, is appropriated by this act towards defraying the expences of the navy of the United States, during the year one thousand eight hundred and five. Thu, 01 Jan 1807 12:00:00 GMT An Abstract of all the Laws and Public Acts Passed in the Second Session of the Ninth Congress of the United States, from December 1, 1806, to March 2, 1807. Brown, Charles Brockden LVI. THE operation of the act to prohibit the importation of certain goods, wares, and merchandize, is suspended by this act till the 1st day of July, 1807. Fri, 01 Jan 1808 12:00:00 GMT An Abstract of the Laws and Public Acts Passed in the Second Session of the Tenth Congress of the United States, between October 26, 1807, and April 25, 1808. Brown, Charles Brockden AN embargo is laid on all vessels within the jurisdiction of the United States, cleared or not cleared, bound to any foreign place. No clearance shall be furnished to any such vessel; except under the immediate direction of the president, and the president is authorized to instruct the officers of the revenue, and of the navy and revenue cutters, so as shall appear best adapted for effecting the same. This prohibition shall not extend to any foreign vessel, in ballast or with the goods and merchandize on board when notified of this act. Fri, 01 Jan 1808 12:00:00 GMT Abstract of the Report of the Secretary of the Treasury. Brown, Charles Brockden The annual net proceeds of the duties on merchandise and tonnage had, in former reports, been esti- mated at nine millions five hundred thousand dollars. That revenue, estimated on the importations of the years immediately preceding the late war, and on the ratio of in- crease of the population of the U. S. have been under-rated. The net revenue from that source, which accrued during the year 1802, ex- ceeds ten millions one hundred thousand dollars. The revenue which has accrued during the two first quarters of the present year, appears to have been only fifty thousand dollars less than that of the two corresponding quarters of the year 1802; and the receipts in the Treasury, on account of the same duties, during the year ending on the 30th of Sept. last, have ex- ceeded ten millions six hundred thousand dollars. Tue, 01 Nov 1803 12:00:00 GMT An Account of Louisiana at the Time of its Transfer to the United States. Brown, Charles Brockden THE precise boundaries of Louisiana, on the north, and west are very extensive, but are at present somewhat doubtful. From the source of the Missisippi, it is bounded eastward by the middle of the channel of that river to the thirty-first degree of latitude: thence, according to its limits, when formerly possessed by France, it stretches eastward as far, at least, as the river Perdigo, which runs into the bay of Mexico, east of the river Mobille. Sun, 01 Jan 1809 12:00:00 GMT Account of the Late Monarchy of Prussia. Brown, Charles Brockden Whether the Prussian monar- chy is ever destined to rise again, is a question which a few months may possibly determine. It has, however, made a great figure in the world during the last century; and though the monarchy, as a single body, may be annihilated, yet the land and people composing it will still remain. It may there- fore be interesting and instructive to give a concise account of its ac- tual condition on the eve of the present war. This account will have so far a connection with the present state of things, that it will inform us what it is which the French have overturned; what weight has been taken out of one scale, and, if the revolution should be permanent, what has been put into another. It will likewise af- ford us some insight into the real consequences of the present war in Europe, by showing the kind and degree of national prosperity and happiness which that war has destroyed, or at least suspended. Thu, 01 Jan 1807 12:00:00 GMT Account of the Philadelphia Museum. Brown, Charles Brockden There is no institution of the kind, in North America, which bears any comparison, in importance, value, and extent, to the museum in the city of Philadelphia, the founder and conduc- tor of which is C. W. Peale. The credit due to this gentleman can only be rightly estimated by those who are acquainted with the history of this establishment: the small beginning from which it arose, the indefatigable zeal and industry with which it has been reared to its present state, the skill and ingenuity displayed in its arrangement, are all, in the highest degree, honourable to Mr. Peale, and place him by no means low in the list of those, who have advanced the dignity and reputation of his country. Thu, 01 Nov 1804 12:00:00 GMT [Account of the Statues, Busts, &c in the Collection of the Academy of Arts. New York; The Phthian [sic] Apollo: called the Apollo Belvedere. Venus of the Capital. Laocoon. Brown, Charles Brockden The son of Latona, in his rapid course, has just overtaken the ser- pent Python. The mortal dart is already discharged from his dread- ful bow, which he holds in his left hand, and from which his right is just withdrawn; the motion impres- sed on all his muscles is still pre- served. Indignation sits on his lip, but on his countenance the certain- ty of victory is imprinted, and his eye sparkles with satisfaction at having delivered Delphos from the monster which ravaged its coasts. Thu, 01 Dec 1803 12:00:00 GMT Alexander Hamilton; with a Portrait. Brown, Charles Brockden ALEXANDER HAMILTON is one of the most eminent persons who have flourished in the United States, and yet, like most other emi- nent personages, he has died with- out leaving any memorial from his own pen behind him. He has left behind him celebrated works imme- diately connected with his political sentiments, character, and situation, but, except in two instances, he has never thought proper to take up the pen, in order to explain the real motives and circumstances of his conduct. Over his early, juvenile history, even over the place and pe- riod of his birth, a veil of impene- trable obscurity is now drawn by his death, since, at these times, he was no object of public attention, and there is no one living who re- members, what he has neglected to record. Mon, 01 Oct 1804 12:00:00 GMT Alliance between Poverty and Genius. Brown, Charles Brockden THE truest stimulus to literary efforts, in writing, it has been long ago observed, is necessity. The most ingenious and eloquent of mor- tals is silent, when relieved from the necessity of writing for bread. This has been a very prevalent opinion, and yet it is either groundless, or it admits of a considerable number of exceptions. Wed, 01 May 1805 12:00:00 GMT American Literary Intelligence. Brown, Charles Brockden THE design of republishing Col- lections of the Massachusetts Histo- rical Society, which had been relin- quished for want of encouragement, is resumed. The expence will be defrayed by the funds of the society, who will trust to the sale of the work for a reimbursement. It is intended to reprint, at present, the three first volumes only, which are out of print. The first numbers of this valuable work, which were ori- ginally published in the American Apollo, can now be found only in the library of the society, or in the few sets owned by the members. Mon, 01 Apr 1805 12:00:00 GMT American Lounger, No. 32. Brown, Charles Brockden May heaven have compassion upon those whose doom it is to ply the quill in hot weather! If this task require uncommon diligence, at any time, it makes double demands upon us at a sultry season. And if the habitually industrious, may claim some excuse for indolence, at such a time, the Lounger cannot doubt of a ready forgiveness. Sat, 11 Sep 1802 12:00:00 GMT American Prospects. Brown, Charles Brockden I HAVE often heard it observed by travellers, that America contained nothing of the picturesque. This is very unaccountable. That part of the picturesque which arises from the elaborate arrangements of art, and especially from the architectural monuments of ancient times, it is true, we do not possess. No crum- bling walls are scattered over our vallies; no ivy-clad tower reposes on the brow of our hills. How much the imagination is inspired by these memorials of former gene- rations, with what solemn and en- nobling elevation they fill the mind, are easily conceived, and these ad- juncts are certainly wanting to the scenes of our country. Those who are accustomed to see nature con- stantly accompanied by ancient tur- rets or modern obelisks, by palaces and spires, by artificial lakes and water-falls, grow fastidious. The face of uncultivated nature, which contains no vestige of other times, nothing to hint of battles, sieges, or murder, is to them dreary, blank, and insipid. Fri, 01 Feb 1805 12:00:00 GMT American Register of Deaths. Brown, Charles Brockden October 1, 1806. Thu, 01 Jan 1807 12:00:00 GMT American Register of Deaths. Brown, Charles Brockden July 10, 1807. Fri, 01 Jan 1808 12:00:00 GMT American Register of Deaths. Brown, Charles Brockden DIED, on the 5th April, Bulah Bolton, wife of Joseph Bolton, junior, of Retreat Works, New Jersey, after a long and severe suf- fering, which she bore with that patience and resignation, conse- quently resulting from a pious mind, and which alone can look with confidence to a gracious Re- deemer for intercession with the Father for past transgressions. It may be truly said, that this con- fidence decreased not as life con- tinued to verge on that of futurity, but on it rested a hope and pros- pect of future happiness, enabling her to welcome the messenger of death, cheerfully resigned to be numbered in the silent grave. As a wife and mother she was kind and affectionate; and as a sister the ties of harmony and love ap- peared to predominate more than is generally witnessed in that re- lation. Her cheerful and engaging manners cannot soon be eradicat- ed from the memory of those ac- quainted with her, but will remain as a lasting monument of her vir- tues. May these considerations tend to reconcile the afflict... Fri, 01 Jan 1808 12:00:00 GMT American Register of Deaths. Brown, Charles Brockden on the fourth of july, at his, residence, at dedham, near boston, died FISHER AMES. Fri, 01 Jan 1808 12:00:00 GMT American Register of Deaths. Brown, Charles Brockden DIED on the 17th Decem- ber, 1808, at Goshen, on the river Muskingum, state of Ohio, the Rev. David Zeisberger, senior missionary of the united brethren among the Indians, aged eighty seven years and nearly seven months. Sun, 01 Jan 1809 12:00:00 GMT American Register of Deaths. Brown, Charles Brockden Mon, 01 Jan 1810 12:00:00 GMT Amidst the various subjects of disquisition…. Brown, Charles Brockden “Amidst the various subjects of disquisition which naturally present themselves upon this occasion, inquiries into the ge- nius and design of this Institution are those, from which most immediate instruction may be derived, and the talents of the writer most beneficially employed. As the laws and constitution of this country will justly claim a principal share of every good citizen's attention, so it is also incumbent on us, who are mem- bers of a smaller community, to acquaint ourselves with the na- ture and reason of that association to which we are united. But although this is a duty from which none of us can suppose him- self entirely exempted, it more peculiarly belongs to him who is destined to begin the career of literary improvement, and to enter immediately upon that theatre which to others still remains in distant and imperfect prospect. With what fear or diffidence he prepares to discharge the duty imposed upon him he need not mention. When his defects in style or sentiment are perceived, his fello... Tue, 01 Jan 1811 12:00:00 GMT Anacreon Moore versus America. Brown, Charles Brockden SOME ardent lovers of their country are extremely offended with Moore, the Anacreontic poet, for speaking contemptuously of Ameri- ca, in his poems, lately published. It appears to me that we cannot in- jure our own credit and debase our own dignity more than by allowing the smallest regard to such provo- cations. It is indeed imputing a hundred times more importance to the random censures of ignorant, self-conceited, and vagabond travel- ers than they deserve. As to Moore, in particular, I never heard of any merit he possessed beyond that of a writer of drinking songs and love ditties. Even his warmest admirers say no more of him, than that he drinks genteelly, plays well on the piano-forte, and writes very fine verses, and sings his own ver- ses scientifically. Whatever dignity some may annex to these various ac- complishments, they certainly do not imply any great capacity for impartially surveying the manners of a nation; and, instead of being greatly hurt that such a man should see nothing in America to... Mon, 01 Sep 1806 12:00:00 GMT Answer to a Letter from A.Z. 'To the Editor of the Monthly Magazine. Brown, Charles Brockden [The Editor is ever ready to lis- ten to the remarks of his friends and correspondents, and to profit by their advice in his exertions to please and benefit those who honour his work with a perusal. His scheme, as first announced, is very com- prehensive, adapted as well to the moralist as the philosopher, critic, physician, and divine. Literature and science have a strong connec- tion with morality: and, although the Editor is not less sensible than A. Z. of the superior importance of those performances which have im- mediate relation to the latter, he cannot but think that a plan which comprehends other branches of knowledge, will be approved by the majority of readers. His design is to render his work as extensively use- ful as possible; to furnish a re- spectable vehicle for all those who have leisure and inclination to write, to convey their thoughts to the public. The department of morals is not limited; and it depends on the number and zeal of his corres- pondents whether it shall conta... Wed, 01 Oct 1800 12:00:00 GMT Anticipation of Major Lewis's Journal. Brown, Charles Brockden Mr. Jefferson having given an official account of the territory of Louisiana, has thought proper to send his first secretary to know how far that information might be relied upon. Wed, 01 Feb 1804 12:00:00 GMT Arabia Felix. Brown, Charles Brockden ALL ideas of merit are said to be comparative. Hence it is, that to comprehend one who endeavours to convey an idea of places or per- sons, in general terms, we must be thoroughly acquainted with the his- tory of the describer. His judgment of what is great or little, good or bad, beautiful or ugly, is under the influence of his own experience.—— That is remarkably large, which exceeds in bulk any thing of the same kind he ever saw before, though to others it may be remark- ably little, for a similar reason. Fri, 01 Mar 1805 12:00:00 GMT Are Theatrical Exhibitions Useful?. Brown, Charles Brockden THE usefulness of theatres is a question that has often been discuss- ed, but, perhaps, never in a manner perfectly satisfactory. Subjects of this kind are very complex, and the foundation of our reasonings lies much deeper than is commonly sup- posed. The question may be stated in the compass of a page, but could not be thoroughly discussed in less than a volume. Mon, 01 Dec 1806 12:00:00 GMT Article 2 ; Gladiator of the Borghese Place. Castor and Pollux. Germanicus. Hermaphrodite. Ceres. Venus of the Bath. Torso of a Venus. Grecian Cupid. Homer. Demosthenes. The Family of Niobe. Bacchus. Roma. Brown, Charles Brockden This statue has been improper- ly denominated the “Gladiator of the Borghese Palace.” From the characters of its inscription it ap- pears to be of greater antiquity than any other characterized by the name of the artist. History gives us no particulars relative to Agasi- us of Ephesus, author of this chef d'oeuvre; but the work which he has left, bears the strongest testi- mony of his merit. Thu, 01 Dec 1803 12:00:00 GMT Ascendancy of the French Language. Brown, Charles Brockden The ascendancy of the French language, in the nations who are neighbours of France, is a circum- stance somewhat remarkable. In the English language, for instance, we find the technical vocabulary of several arts to be chiefly or wholly French. In many cases not only words are pure French, but the or- der in which they stand in the phrase, is agreeable to the French fashion, and very many of these words and phrases are not of remote and Norman origin, but recently imported. As, The Art Military, Prerogative Royal, Ambassador Plenipotentiary, Envoy Extraordi- nary, Commissary General, and so forth. Sat, 01 Oct 1803 12:00:00 GMT The Balloon and Telegraph. Brown, Charles Brockden WHEN great changes or disco- veries are effected, men find it diffi- cult to put themselves into that state, and recal to their imagina- tion that view of things which ex- isted previous to such changes or discoveries. The actual steps in that revolution being slow, succes- sive, and many, the mind proceeds to the distant goal without difficulty or surprise. We arrive at a cer- tain point without any extraordinary emotion, and all around us appears familiar and plain. And yet, pre- viously to our setting out upon our journey, had some power lifted us suddenly to a great height, and af- forded us a clear view of the point we were destined to reach, conceal- ing from us, at the same time, all the intermediate steps, we should feel raptures of delight and wonder, and nothing but prophetic assuran- ces could bring the attainment of such a point within the verge of possibility. Sat, 01 Jun 1805 12:00:00 GMT Benjamin Franklin. Brown, Charles Brockden DR. FRANKLIN wrote a short abstract of his own life, in the form of an epistolary communication to his son. This account begins with a historical deduction of his family, and ends abruptly at the period of his marriage, and of the first forma- tion of the library of Philadelphia, about the year 1730, when the hero of the tale was about twenty-four years old. This narrative was composed in 1777, and is one of the most amusing, as well as instructive, biographical performances in any language. It is greatly to be re- gretted, that Franklin laid down the pen here. What a rich fund of curious political information would he have given us, had he continued this memoir to the period of his re- tirement, in old age, at Philadelphia! had he carried us through the bust- ling and various scenes attending the revolution, and related his own ob- servations and experience of men and things, while in a public capa- city in England and France! Thu, 01 Nov 1804 12:00:00 GMT Biographical Notices. Uriah Tracy. Paswan Oglou. Mr Thomas Pemberton. Brown, Charles Brockden Wed, 01 Jul 1807 12:00:00 GMT Biographical Sketches. Brown, Charles Brockden Sat, 01 Aug 1807 12:00:00 GMT Book Collectors. Brown, Charles Brockden HOW much are booksellers in- debted to that numerous tribe of virtuosos who buy books, not to read them, but to place them in agreea- ble order on a shelf or in a book- case! Sat, 01 Nov 1806 12:00:00 GMT Boswell Parodied. Brown, Charles Brockden MANY of my readers have proba- bly laughed more than once over the following exquisite specimen of witty satire. Is an apology necessary for presenting it once more to the view of such readers? Will they not consent to read it once more, and read it with nearly as much satis- faction as at first? True wit, like pure gold, never loses its intrinsic value by any lapse of time or fre- quency of circulation. As long as it is intelligible, it is precious; and, with respect to the following effusion, the reference tacitly made to Bos- wells memorable Life of Johnson can escape but few readers. Fri, 01 Aug 1806 12:00:00 GMT Brandy. Brown, Charles Brockden Sun, 01 Jan 1804 12:00:00 GMT British and Foreign Intelligence Chiefly Scientific. Brown, Charles Brockden 1. November 1, 1806.—THE Aca- demy of France at Rome, which, under the auspices of the French government, and the indefatigable zeal of its present director Suvée, had been re-established in the Corso Palace, has since been transferred to the beautiful palace of Villa Me- dici, which the French government obtained from the king of Etruria, and will assume the name of the French School of Fine Arts at Rome. By his exertions, Suvée has pre- pared convenient accommodations for five students of architecture, five of painting, one of engraving on copper, one of engraving on stone, and especially cameos, and one of musical composition. These students, after having gained the principal prizes at Paris, go to Rome to finish their studies, and there find all possible means of faci- litating their progress. Thu, 01 Jan 1807 12:00:00 GMT British Pension List. Brown, Charles Brockden THE ingenuity of government, in extracting from the purses of the people that portion of the general revenue, which is called the public revenue, in ways which shall be the easiest and most satisfactory to all parties, necessarily leads into esti- mates and disquisitions concerning every mode of private expence, and thus affords, to the curious, a clue to the knowledge of life and man- ners not otherwise attainable. Wed, 01 Aug 1804 12:00:00 GMT Canine Virtues. Brown, Charles Brockden THE dog has always excited the admiration and respect of mankind, not merely from their sagacity, but from their moral qualities. There are very few men who possess some of the moral qualities in a degree equal to many dogs. In the scale, therefore, of moral, that is, of real merit, the dog is frequently superior to human kind. Thu, 01 Nov 1804 12:00:00 GMT A Case of Murder. Brown, Charles Brockden AUSTERE moralists are inclin- ed to consider drunkenness as a crime to be punished by human tribunals, but this system, if adopt- ed, would involve law-makers and judges in very great difficulties. They would find it impossible to form an adequate scale applicable to the offence. Wed, 01 May 1805 12:00:00 GMT Cases 1-4. Brown, Charles Brockden “The case upon which our decision is expected, is as follows: A. advertises a reward for the recovery of goods lost: B. finds them; can B. retain those goods, until the reward is paid? On the one hand it is insisted that the finder may detain the goods until he shall receive the reward. On the other hand it is main- tained that by so doing, the finder becomes liable to an action of trover and conversion. This is a question on which I cannot give my opinion without much doubt and hesitation. The case in- deed very frequently occurs to common experience; but I have not discovered that it has ever underwent a judicial examination in the courts of law: and I cannot help thinking that the authori- ties cited to support the opinions respectively advanced, are con- nected with our present subject by a distant and imperfect anal- ogy, rather than by direct implication; that they are calcula- ted to puzzle and confuse, rather than to aid and confirm the judgment. Tue, 01 Jan 1811 12:00:00 GMT Character of Dr. Franklin. Brown, Charles Brockden A just view of the character of Dr. Franklin has probably ne- ver been given by any of his countrymen. While living, the world was divided into passion- ate friends and rancorous ene- mies, and since his death a kind of political tincture still adheres to all our sentiments concerning him. Among his own country- men, prejudice and passion, which used to be enlisted whol- ly on his side, has, in some res- pects, become hostile to him, and an impartial estimate of his merits can perhaps only be look- ed for among foreigners. The following portrait is taken from a foreign publication, and seems to be altogether dispassionate and equitable. Thu, 01 Jan 1807 12:00:00 GMT Character of Mr. Burke. Brown, Charles Brockden Mr. Burke is dead. He is beyond the reach of public regard and ha- tred; and those who persecuted, and those who loved him, may weep alike for the loss of a victim and a friend. Wed, 01 Feb 1804 12:00:00 GMT Chronicle. Brown, Charles Brockden Fri, 01 Jan 1808 12:00:00 GMT Chronicle. Brown, Charles Brockden Sun, 01 Jan 1809 12:00:00 GMT Chronicle, No. I. Brown, Charles Brockden British consul's office, Norfolk, Vir., 6th March, 1807. Fri, 01 Jan 1808 12:00:00 GMT Chronicle No. II. Brown, Charles Brockden BY the census which has been taken of the village of Troy, in the state of New York, in conformity to a late act of the legislature, it ap- pears that there are 3352 inhabi- tants resident in the village, exclu- sive of those in the residue of the town of Troy. A census taken in the latter part of February, 1806, made the number 2955. This gives an increase of 397 in the short period of 17 months! The increase of business, of the number of buildings, improvements, &c., keeps pace with the population. Fri, 01 Jan 1808 12:00:00 GMT Chronicle of Memorable Occurrences, 1806-07. Brown, Charles Brockden IT is proposed, in a London paper, as an object highly important in a commercial view, to make a small establishment on the now almost depopulated island of Otaheite; and to render it useful in the navigation to and from Botany Bay, as a place where ships may procure abundant supplies of pork and vegetables. The king of Owhyhee is making himself master of the other Sand- wich Islands; is improving them to the greatest prosperity of agricul- ture and population; is ambitious of making them seats of manufactures and commerce, and even proposes to open a trade to Nootka Sound and to Bengal. Thu, 01 Jan 1807 12:00:00 GMT Ciceronians. Brown, Charles Brockden THE ruling passion of Cicero was undoubtedly the love of fame. To this he was ready to sacrifice every other consideration. The images of future glory seem to have always occupied his fancy, and he wrote and spoke, doubtless, in some degree, for the sake of present and temporary purposes, but chiefly for the sake of a lasting reputation with posterity. Sat, 01 Jun 1805 12:00:00 GMT Circulation of Newspapers. Brown, Charles Brockden IT is stated, in a late number of the Moniteur, that of that official paper 3,000, of the Publiciste 2,900, of the Journal de Paris 2,800, of the Journal des Debats (which is most favourable to the ancient order of things) 6,000, of the Clef des Cabi- nets 11,000, of the Citoyen Francais 1,200, of the Journal des Defenseurs de la Patrie 1,000, of the Décade Philosophique 900, and of the Eng- lish newspaper called the Argus 720 copies are sold. Mon, 01 Jul 1805 12:00:00 GMT Classical Learning no Anti-Christian Tendency. Brown, Charles Brockden IN a former number of your work, you ventured to insert some remarks upon the tendency of clas- sical learning to supplant the belief of christianity, by that of the old pagan divinities. The writer seems reasonably enough to conclude, that, though this effect might have taken place when the pagan and christian religions were contending, as during the third and fourth centuries, for the mastery, it is wholly impossible at present. A shrewd writer, in your last number, undertakes to question this inference, but, to me, the arguments and examples he pro- duces seem rather to strengthen than invalidate the conclusion of his adversary. Sun, 01 Sep 1805 12:00:00 GMT Classical Obscurities. Brown, Charles Brockden THE difficulties that attend the comprehension of the classical Ro- man writers are totally unknown to common readers. They go on ren- dering English word for Latin word, and imagine that they understand the poet because they find an English counterpart for his Latin phrase or sentence: whereas their crude and uninformed minds collect no congru- ous ideas from the page. When they attempt to step from sounds to things, they leap into a chaos which furnishes no footing, no track, no guide. Sat, 01 Nov 1806 12:00:00 GMT The Columbiad. Brown, Charles Brockden THE COLUMBIAD, a poem, in ten books, by Joel Barlow, is soon to be published in Philadel- phia. Thu, 01 Jan 1807 12:00:00 GMT Communication. Brown, Charles Brockden I had the good fortune to attend an oration upon gaming last evening delivered by Mr. Ogilvie, at the hall in Fourth-street. My feelings were so powerfully affected by the exhibition that I wit- nessed, that I cannot help giving them way in a few remarks upon the subject. Most sincerely do I condole with those whom accident or ignorance prevented from attending: for, a more eloquent and powerful dissuasive from gaming was surely never before delivered to a public assembly. Mon, 17 Oct 1808 12:00:00 GMT Communication. Brown, Charles Brockden I had the good fortune to attend an oration upon gaming last evening delivered by Mr. Ogilvie, at the hall in Fourth-street. My feelings were so powerfully affected by the exhibition that I wit- nessed, that I cannot help giving them way in a few remarks upon the subject. Most sincerely do I condole with those whom accident or ignorance prevented from attending: for, a more eloquent and powerful dissuasive from gaming was surely never before delivered to a public assembly. Tue, 18 Oct 1808 12:00:00 GMT Communication. Brown, Charles Brockden When the writer of this article attended the first lecture delivered by Mr. Ogilvie, he was struck with the elegance of language and eloquence of manner which distinguished the speaker; while at the same time, the vein of pure morality which pervaded the whole discourse, rendered it no less salutary than pleasing. But, on Friday evening, when the subject of Gaming occupied the attention of the Lecturer, he was peculiarly interesting and impressive; his description of its fascinating power, and his representation of its direful consequences, were taken from the life; and the arguments which he employed against it were such as sophistry could not elude;—they were such as bespoke the man of sensibility, the son of genius and the friend of vir- tue. Tue, 18 Oct 1808 12:00:00 GMT Communication. Brown, Charles Brockden Mr. Poulson Thu, 20 Oct 1808 12:00:00 GMT Communication. Brown, Charles Brockden Mr. Poulson, Sat, 22 Oct 1808 12:00:00 GMT Communication; For the American Daily Advertiser. Brown, Charles Brockden Many of those who have attended the elegant and instructive Orations of Mr. Ogilvie, have re- gretted, that, owing to the partial illumination of the Hall, the features and countenance of the Ora- tor, were but very imperfectly discernible. Every one knows how essential it is when estimating the abilities of a publick speaker, to witness that ex- pression of soul depicted, in the countenance, without which eloquence has not half its effect. Thu, 20 Oct 1808 12:00:00 GMT Communication; For the Aurora. Brown, Charles Brockden This evening Mr. Ogilvie, it seems, pro- poses to entertain the public with a discourse on the progress and prospects of civil society. This is a grand theme, to which I have no doubt, after hearing his previous performan- ces, his extraordinary powers will do ample justice. A subject rendered, to all enlighten- ed minds, so deeply interesting, by the events of the present period, cannot fail of fully ob- taining its due, both in reasoning and in rheto- ric, from the hand of this orator. From those who have heard the same discourse delivered in Virginia and Maryland, I am informed that he takes a clear and strong view of the effects produced on the happiness of mankind, not only by those more ancient agents, the revi- val of literature and the invention of pr... Sat, 22 Oct 1808 12:00:00 GMT Comparative State of Philadelphia. Brown, Charles Brockden WE can only judge of cities as of all other things, by comparison. Philadelphia has many advantages, and no doubt disadvantages, but its merit on the whole will be great or little on account of the particular circumstances of the city with which we compare it. I cannot but rejoice that I am a resident of Philadelphia, after reading the following details of some other cities. A traveller, who was obliged to travel from Bay- enne to Lisbon by land, gives the fol- lowing sketch of the Portuguese metropolis. Thu, 01 Aug 1805 12:00:00 GMT Connecticut Scenery. From a Traveller's Journal. Brown, Charles Brockden ON Wednesday, Mr. D—— and myself on horseback, and my friend and A—— in a chaise, visited two lofty points in the neighbourhood of this city (Middletown), called Higby's mountain and Powder hill. The first is ascended by a winding and craggy road, leading through a forest of shrub-oaks and cedars. The opposite side is a steep and rugged cliff, the height of which it is difficult to ascertain. This cliff, whose descent is, in many places, perpendicular, forms a kind of wall, from the foot of which there stretches a scene of magnificent extent, and delicious variety. Fri, 01 Mar 1805 12:00:00 GMT Correspondence. Brown, Charles Brockden “CANDIDUS” was received too late to appear in this Number. The great length of his quotations is some objection to the insertion of his communication. If they could be curtailed, or a reference be made to the pages of the printed volume, it would be more agreeable to the generality of readers. The change, however, which is about to take place in this publication, may induce Candidus to seek some other vehicle for a speedier publication, unless content to wait the appearance of the next Review. Mon, 01 Dec 1800 12:00:00 GMT Cowper's Religion. Brown, Charles Brockden COWPER'S religion was either altogether methodism, or strongly tinctured with the peculiarities of this sect. In outward show and practice, he was, however, an adherent to the church of England, and perhaps car- ried his rigours no further than many the most eminent of that per- suasion have done. Sat, 01 Sep 1804 12:00:00 GMT Critical Notes. No. III. Analysis of Milton's 'Il Penseroso. Brown, Charles Brockden Why the objects either of nature or poetry produce different effects on different minds, is easily explain- ed. Ideas and images are differ- ently linked and associated; and as all are tinctured with pain or with pleasure, it is impossible that any two readers should read the same performance with exactly the same emotions; or even that the same person should derive the same im- pressions from the perusal at dif- ferent times. Thought is volatile and flexible beyond any other es- sence: yet, like every other, is bound by certain laws, and particularly influenced and swayed by habit..... Hence it is, that those who begin, in early youth, to read a poem, con- tinue, generally, for the rest of their lives, to read wit... Thu, 01 Dec 1803 12:00:00 GMT Critical Notices. No. IX. Brown, Charles Brockden 1. A VERY valuable work has been for some time published, entitled “The Journal of Andrew Ellicott, late commissioner on behalf of the United States, during part of the year 1796, the years 1797, 1798, 1799, and part of the year 1800, for determining the boundary between the United States and the posses- sions of his catholic majesty in Ame- rica; containing occasional remarks on the situation, soil, rivers, natural productions, and diseases of the dif- ferent countries on the Ohio, the Mississippi from the mouth of the Ohio to the Gulph of Mexico, the whole of West Florida, and part of East Florida; to which is added, an appendix, containing all the astro- nomical observations made use of, for determining the boundary, with many others, made in different parts of the country, for settling the geo- graphical positions of some import- ant points, with maps of the boun- dary on a large scale; likewise a great number of thermometrical ob- servations made at different times and places.” Thu, 01 Nov 1804 12:00:00 GMT Critical Notices. No. VIII. Brown, Charles Brockden EVERY reader knows that this is part of Milton's description of an imaginary personage called Death. How few are there among the read- ers of this, or any popular poet, who stop to enquire into the propriety or reasonableness of what they read! They are told beforehand that this or that is a sublime production, and, with a modesty in some respects praise-worthy, take the work as a criterion of taste and excellence, and seldom venture to judge for themselves, or to derive the reasons of their approbation from the unbi- assed and original suggestions of their own minds. Fri, 01 Jun 1804 12:00:00 GMT Critical Remarks on Austin's Letters from London. Brown, Charles Brockden MR. AUSTIN is a politician. He is one of those who annex great importance to forms of go- vernment, and suppose most of the vices and virtues, evils and felicities of mankind to arise from their poli- tical condition. He is a friend to the democratic system, and thinks the American constitution not only best in itself, but to be best adminis- tered by those who hold the public offices, and bear legislative sway, at present. Fri, 01 Feb 1805 12:00:00 GMT Critical Remarks on Buchan's Advice to Mothers. Brown, Charles Brockden THIS performance is one of the most useful and agreeable that could have been transplanted to our soil. The author is an old man, but he writes in an entertaining and per- suasive, and even in an elegant manner. The work is entirely free from technical obscurity, or sci- etific method. It is written to in- struct, and, for that purpose, endea- vours to engage the attention of that sex, whose interests he takes into his care. Fri, 01 Mar 1805 12:00:00 GMT Criticism. Brown, Charles Brockden THE author builds the reasonings and exhortations of these pages on the well-known counsel given to Job by his wife. After some judicious remarks on the conduct and charac- ter of Job, he proceeds to define the crime of suicide, in a much larger sense than is commonly assigned to it, and in such a sense as will greatly extend the application and utility of the lessons which these discourses convey. Mon, 01 Apr 1805 12:00:00 GMT Cumberland's Memoirs. Brown, Charles Brockden I HAVE been very much amused with reading the Memoirs of Cum- berland, a work lately published, and containing many valuable anec- dotes of persons and books that have attracted much of the notice of the world. The author has not acquired much fame, except on account of a few popular comedies. Few writers, indeed, have been so voluminous, and at the same time have written so little that is likely to last longer than himself. He has been an epic, tragic, and comic poet; but his sin- gle epic, and his many tragedies, have been read by few, and by no- body twice; and only three or four, among a score or two of his come- dies, are of sterling merit or durable reputation. The most interesting parts of these memoirs are those which relate to other people. When he speaks only of himself, he has little to say that is worth hearing for its own sake, and that little does not-acquire much additional im- portance by any peculiar felicity in his mode of saying it. Tue, 01 Jul 1806 12:00:00 GMT Deafness. Brown, Charles Brockden THE following short dialogue took place between the writer of this and a lady who had lost her hearing. This had been her situation for many years. People converse with her, and she usually answers them, with pen (or pencil) and paper. It shows so ami- able and rational a mind, though la- bouring under a great calamity, that I cannot resist the temptation to send it to you. Mon, 01 Oct 1804 12:00:00 GMT Death of General George Washington. Brown, Charles Brockden THE death of this illustrious man, by an abrupt and vio- lent distemper, will long occupy the attention of his fellow citizens. No public event could have oc- curred, adapted so strongly to awak- en the sensibility and excite the re- flections of Americans. No apolo- gy will therefore be needful for re- lating the circumstances of this great event. The particulars of his disease and death being stated by the physicians who attended him, their narrative deserves to be con- sidered as authentic. The follow- ing account was drawn up by Doc- tors Craik and Dick. Thu, 01 Jan 1970 12:00:00 GMT Death of Hamilton. Brown, Charles Brockden THE present month is distin- guished by one of the most memor- able and disastrous events that ever occurred; the death of a great and illustrious person, not by some in- evitable casualty, or some ordinary disease, but by the pistol of a rival, in open day, and after a full pause of mutual preparation. Wed, 01 Aug 1804 12:00:00 GMT The Delinquent, Reynolds's Last Comedy. Brown, Charles Brockden REYNOLDS, as an author, in fe- cundity and success, seems to be the only British competitor of the Ger- man Kotzebue. Wed, 01 Jan 1806 12:00:00 GMT Description of Cohoes Falls. From a Manuscript Journal. Brown, Charles Brockden July, 1803. Wed, 01 May 1805 12:00:00 GMT A Description of New Orleans. Brown, Charles Brockden NEW ORLEANS has become of so much importance by its transfer to the United States, and by being the resort of so many adventurers from the Atlantic coast, that we may naturally feel some curiosity respecting its real condition. Mon, 01 Jul 1805 12:00:00 GMT The Difference between History and Romance. Brown, Charles Brockden HISTORY and romance are terms that have never been very clearly distinguished from each other. It should seem that one dealt in fiction, and the other in truth; that one is a picture of the probable and certain, and the other a tissue of untruths; that one de- scribes what might have happened, and what has actually happened, and the other what never had exist- ance. Tue, 01 Apr 1800 12:00:00 GMT Differences Between Felicity and Happiness. Brown, Charles Brockden IS there any difference between the words felicity and happiness? If any difference there be, it must, methinks, be of a very delicate and subtile nature. Tue, 01 Jul 1800 12:00:00 GMT Differences between Prejudice and Prepossession. Brown, Charles Brockden THESE words have differences that are not easily discovered or defined. I offer you my opi- nion on those differences with no great confidence; but I am a great friend to inquiries of this nature; and as some of your readers appear to resemble me in this respect, I am willing to throw my mite into the common fund of instructive entertainment. Fri, 01 Aug 1800 12:00:00 GMT Divisions of the Year. Brown, Charles Brockden THE present most awkward and absurd division of the year into months of unequal duration was first introduced by Julius Cæsar, and has prevailed ever since: a memorable proof of the inveterate obstinacy of custom. The Roman calendar was found by Cæsar in a most disorder- ly state, and he applied to Egypt, the land of sages, for the means of reformation. He appears, howe- ver, to have borrowed nothing from Egypt, but the duration of the year. The rational division of it in- to twelve months, of thirty days each, with five festival days (six every fourth year) subjoined to the last, the mode of the Egyptians, was not adopted. Tue, 01 Oct 1805 12:00:00 GMT Dogs. Brown, Charles Brockden THE best idea that can be form- ed of the extent to which dogs are tolerated in Great Britain, may be gathered from the amount of the tax upom them. This tax, in 1803, brought in upwards of 450,000 dol- lars. As it must be matter of choice and luxury to keep a dog, what must be the general opulence of a nation, or what must be its general attach- ment to the canine race, when, in addition to the price and trouble of their maintenance, the people are willing to pay so vast a sum as this, for the privilege of keeping them! Wed, 01 Aug 1804 12:00:00 GMT Don Quixote. Brown, Charles Brockden DR. WARTON, in his Essay on Pope, observes, that the dialogue in the Essay on Criticism, between the poet and the mad knight, is not taken from the Don Quixote of Cervantes, but from one that is commonly called a continuation of it, and which was, in fact, written after the publication of the first part, and before the second part appear- ed. For this reason, and some others, this performance, though in- ferior to the work of Cervantes, deserves more attention than is usually given to it. It is said to have been written by a person nam- ed Alonso Fernandes d'Avellanada; but this is supposed to be a fictitious name. This book was translated into French by Le Sage, a proof that he thought it not destitute of merit: there is likewise an En- glish version, by one Baker; and Cervantes himself alludes to it, se- veral times, in the second part of his own Don Quixote, particularly in chapters LIX and LXXII. One circumstance, indeed, renders this book a literary curiosity: the great probability that i... Fri, 01 Mar 1805 12:00:00 GMT [D]uties [sic] of Editors. Brown, Charles Brockden I AM a warm well-wisher to your work, and am sorry that it does not seem to have attained a popularity and circulation quite as extensive as I think it merits. I have been casting about a good deal to divine the cause of this, and being unwilling to impute it to any defi- ciency, either of real merit in your- self, or of penetration or munifi- cence in the public, I am inclined to ascribe it to the neglect of certain arts, by which the respect and at- tention of the world is much more certainly won than by any solid ex- cellence. Mon, 01 Apr 1805 12:00:00 GMT Easton Delaware Bridge. Brown, Charles Brockden THIS elegant and substantial structure is now completed, and was opened for public use on Tuesday the fourteenth day of October, 1806; and such was the attraction of the occasion, that the company receiv- ed, on that day, tolls for eight hun- dred and fifty-five foot passages over the bridge. On the day preceding, though the bridge was not yet open for general use, a drove of more than 150 mules were permitted to pass over it, and by that indulgence were saved the delay of several hours, which must necessarily have been consumed in crossing the river by the ferry boats. Independent of the vast accommodation this bridge has added to the ordinary commu- nication of the neighbourhood, in which respect the effect is already manifested by the great increase of the intercourse with the borough; it is certain, that so important a facility will draw exclusively to this point the numerous travellers, who, with their families, teams, and cat- tle, are daily emigrating from the eastern states to the western and north-we... Mon, 01 Dec 1806 12:00:00 GMT The Editor['s] Address to the Public. Brown, Charles Brockden IT is usual for one who presents the public with a periodical work like the present, to introduce him- self to the notice of his readers by some sort of preface or address. I take up the pen in conformity to this custom, but am quite at a loss for topics suitable to so interesting an occasion. I cannot expatiate on the variety of my knowledge, the bril- liancy of my wit, the versatility of my talents. To none of these do I lay any claim, and though this va- riety, brilliancy of solidity, are ne- cessary ingredients in a work of this kind, I trust merely to the zeal and liberality of my friends to supply me with them. I have them not my- self, but doubt not of the good of- fices of those who possess them, and shall think myself entitled to no small praise, if I am able to collect into one socal spot the rays of a great number of luminaries. They also may be very unequal to each other in lustre, and some of them may be little better than twinkling and fee- ble stars, of the hundredth magni- tude; but what is wa... Sat, 01 Oct 1803 12:00:00 GMT [The editor's answer to ""Mr. Webster's Letter to the Editor, on the Review of his History of Pestilence. ...""]. Brown, Charles Brockden [☞ A sincere desire that ample justice should be done to the merits of every author, has induced us to insert the foregoing letter, which, as it concerns a subject interesting to science, and, indirectly, to sound criticism and literature, will, we hope, notwithstanding its length, be favourably received by our readers. We shall always be hap- py to have our decisions rectified when they are wrong; for, as men and individuals, we have neither the vanity or folly to suppose that our judgments are infallible.—In matters of taste and criticism, as well as of morality and history, we have not yet discovered any mode by which the truth of our opinions could be demonstrated.—To the ma- thematical and physical sciences, belongs that demonstrative power which at once unfolds the truth and removes all doubt and uncertainty; but, concerning those things about which wiser, older, and more learned men have differed in opinion, a reviewer may be allowed to doubt. Sat, 01 Nov 1800 12:00:00 GMT [Editor's Introduction and Response to] Marvellous Stories. Brown, Charles Brockden IGNORANCE, they say, is the mother of credulity; but I think this maxim is a false one. It is the characteristic of human nature to discredit what is opposite to our own observation or experience.— Whether this observation and ex- perience be narrow or extensive, we are equally disposed to deny credit to that which contradicts it. Perhaps it is the natural conse- quence of enlarged knowledge to produce credulity, or a disposition to admit, if not the truth, yet, at least, the likelihood or possibility of facts, not enforced by the strongest testimony, though such facts do not coincide with our own experience. The more we know, the larger are the limits of possibility. Every new fact or appearance is, of course, not coincident with previous knowledge, and seems to allow us to conjecture the possibility or existence of things, as remote from the fact just known, as this fact is from what was previ- ously known. Fri, 01 Mar 1805 12:00:00 GMT [Editor's Introduction and Response to] Nature of Virtue. Brown, Charles Brockden THE celebrated Jonathan Ed- wards wrote a prosound treatise on the nature of true virtue. The fol- lowing anecdote from Joinville, the historian, of the last great expedi- tion of the French to Syria and Egypt, before that of the present imperator Gallorum, will show that the same sentiment and doctrine may occur to the most dissimilar minds and in the most opposite situ- ations. Sat, 01 Sep 1804 12:00:00 GMT [Editor's Introduction to] Account of the Dutch East Indian Settlements. Brown, Charles Brockden As the European and foreign dominions of the Dutch commonwealth have lately passed into the hands of the two great rivals, France and England, it is an object of some curiosity to know the nature and extent of those dominions, and the benefits really re- dounding from them. The following account of the colonial establishments of the Dutch in the east, is taken, with some alterations and amend- ments, from a foreign publication, and will, no doubt, prove to many of your readers a curious and valuable document. Tue, 01 May 1804 12:00:00 GMT [Editor's Introduction to] An Account of Parkinson's Tour in America. Brown, Charles Brockden A TOUR in the United States has lately been published in Europe, written by Richard Parkinson, a practical farmer, who lately spent three years among us. If a native reader derives no instruction from the wisdom of this, he will at least be amused with its follies and mis- takes. Sat, 01 Mar 1806 12:00:00 GMT [Editor's Introduction to] Bricks. Brown, Charles Brockden PHILADELPHIA is noted for its manufactory of bricks. The annual erection of brick buildings in this city is immense, and both the build- er and inhabitant of a house are materially interested in the quality and goodness of the material of which these buildings are formed. The following remarks may prove emmently serviceable. Thu, 01 May 1806 12:00:00 GMT [Editor's Introduction to] Character of Dr. Franklin. Brown, Charles Brockden A JUST view of the character of Dr. Franklin has probably never been given by any of his country- men. While living, the world was divided into passionate friends and rancorous enemies, and since his death a kind of political tincture still adheres to all our sentiments con- cerning him. Among his own coun- trymen, prejudice and passion, which used to be enlisted wholly on his side, has, in some respects, become hostile to him, and an impartial es- timate of his merits can perhaps only be looked for among foreigners. The following portrait is taken from a foreign publication, and seems to be altogether dispassionate and equi- table. Sat, 01 Nov 1806 12:00:00 GMT [Editor's Introduction to] Chemical Question. Brown, Charles Brockden [The following “Chemical Ques- tion” was first proposed in a daily paper of this city, nearly two years ago: I have not seen any answer to it since that time, and from the intended scope of the Literary Ma- gazine, I am induced to request a corner for it. This question must be considered an important one, as it may tend to elucidate some of those causes, which act so power- fully, (because secretly) towards the rapid destruction of the human teeth in all climates and situations. Whether Sugar is one of these agents of decomposition, or not, our present imperfect state of scienti- fic knowledge will not admit us to decide: but it rather appears from concurring circumstances, that its effects are not deleterious in their na- ture: —as I am told, that the inha- bitants of the West Indies preserve their teeth in great perfection and beauty: but for the truth of this, I cannot vouch. It is hoped that some of the great luminaries of science now in the city, who frequent “hot lecture-rooms” (to the g... Thu, 01 Dec 1803 12:00:00 GMT [Editor's Introduction to] Dr. Franklin's Junto. Brown, Charles Brockden THE following set of rules, form- ed by Dr. Franklin, for a club, founded by himself, may probably not be yet entirely worn out of the memory and affections of some men still living. Sun, 01 Dec 1805 12:00:00 GMT [Editor's Introduction to] Economy of Light. Brown, Charles Brockden COUNT RUMFORD, who ex- tended his view to so many corners of the kitchen, in order to cheapen and simplify the means of subsistence, has not been forgetful of the impor- tant department of the domestic sys- tem, relative to lamps and candles. After discussing, with great minute- ness, the various methods of cook- ing victuals with the least expence of fuel, of warming parlours and chambers with the least quantity of fire, he justly thought it not unworthy of his attention to investigate the means of lighting rooms in the cheapest and succinctest manner. His zeal, in this respect, has been emulated by the French, and the government thought proper to em- ploy a person for the express pur- pose of ascertaining the best mode of obtaining light from the substan- ces usually employed. Some account of these experiments will be curious to many, and certainly has a mani- fest tendency to be useful to all….. They differ in some degree from those of count Rumford. Sat, 01 Sep 1804 12:00:00 GMT [Editor's Introduction to] Employment of a Cure for Lunacy. Brown, Charles Brockden IT may be very wise in most cases, and in some cases absolutely necessary, to shut up maniacs alone, in naked, gloomy, noisome cells, and to consign them to total inacti- vity. One, who is no physician, can hardly fail of condemning such modes of treatment. We know that these circumstances would make a sound man crazy. It is hard to be- lieve them capable of making a crazy man sound. Fri, 01 Mar 1805 12:00:00 GMT [Editor's Introduction to] Female Authorship. An Example. Brown, Charles Brockden THE great number of females who at present in Great Britain pur- sue writing for a subsistence is a re- markable circumstance in the pic- ture of our own times. One is natu- rally inquisitive into the destinies and motives of these unaccustomed votaries of literature. I have, how- ever, never met with any authentic detail of the life of any of these lite- rary ladies, except the following, which contains so many striking and affecting, and yet natural circum- stances, as to induce me to repeat it. Tue, 01 Oct 1805 12:00:00 GMT [Editor's Introduction to] German Cemeteries. Brown, Charles Brockden Mon, 01 Jul 1805 12:00:00 GMT [Editor's Introduction to] Interpretations of Prophecy. Brown, Charles Brockden The weakness and arrogance of the human understanding are mani- fested in nothing more than in the infinitely various and contradictory expositions of the scriptural pro- phecies, and especially of the book of Revelations, which have been given, at different times, by learned men. To ingenious and endless conjectures of grave students, on this subject, we may add the opinion of the whimsical but learned William Whiston, who published An Essay on the Revelations, in which he conceived some prophecy fulfilled by the victories of prince Eugene. What could Whiston do less than dedicate his essay to the prince, and present him with a copy? And what could the noble Eugene do less than thank him for the compli- ment? The prince, however, pro- fessed, modestly enough, not to have been aware that he had the honour of being known to St. John. The best part of the story is, that he made Whiston a present of fifteen guineas. Sat, 01 Dec 1804 12:00:00 GMT [Editor's Introduction to] Lawyers Defended. Brown, Charles Brockden NOTHING is more common than the abuse of lawyers. With the mass of mankind, a lawyer and a knave are almost synonymous terms; and the outcry against their avarice and extortion is particularly unanimous and loud. A lawyer's demands are always paid grudgingly, and inevita- bly considered as exceeding his dues. A man will pay his carpenter, his taylor, his dancing-master with lit- tle or no hesitation, but his lawyer's claims are always listened to with suspicion and jealousy, and his wa- ges, however moderate, paid from a sense, not of gratitude or justice, but necessity. Sat, 01 Nov 1806 12:00:00 GMT