720 XTF Search Results (subject=essay;subject-join=exact;brand=default;f1-subject=essay;f2-date=1798);subject-join%3Dexact;brand%3Ddefault;f1-subject%3Dessay;f2-date%3D1798 Results for your query: subject=essay;subject-join=exact;brand=default;f1-subject=essay;f2-date=1798 Wed, 14 Jan 2009 12:00:00 GMT An Instance of Ventriloquism. Brown, Charles Brockden THE following anecdote relative to ventriloquism, contains some humour and is related by most undoubted au- thority, viz. Adrianus Turnebus, the greatest critic of the sixteenth cen- tury, who was admired and respected by all the learned in Europe. “There was a crafty fellow,” says he, “called Petrus Brabantius, who, as often as he pleased, would speak from his belly, with his mouth indeed open, but his lips unmoved, of which I have been repeatedly eye and ear-witness. In this manner he put divers cheats on several persons: amongst others, the following was well known:— There was a merchant of Lyons, lately dead, who had acquired a great estate by unjust dealings. Brabantius happening to be at Lyons, and hearing of this, comes one day to Cornutus, the son and heir of this merchant, as he walked in a portico behind the church-yard, and tells him that he was sent to inform him of what was to be done by him, and that it was more requisite to think of the soul and reputation of his father, than thus wander about ... Tue, 30 Jun 1970 12:00:00 GMT Notice of a New Work. &c. To the Editor of the Weekly Magazine. Brown, Charles Brockden virgil. Tue, 17 Mar 1970 12:00:00 GMT On Scheming. Brown, Charles Brockden EVERY man is more or less a schemer. It is amusing to remark the various kinds of schemers which exist in the world. Some are busied in forming projects for lessening the expenses of their family, and others for augmenting the amount of their revenue. By far the greater part of mankind range themselves in the latter class; not a few are employed in the former way; and the number is not inconsiderable of those whose schemes have no other object than how to spend with most profusion. Tue, 12 May 1970 12:00:00 GMT On the Effects of Theatric Exhibitions. Brown, Charles Brockden TO ascertain the tendency of plays is by no means difficult. There is no more powerful mode of winning the attention, and swaying the pas- sions of mankind. Mental power is quite a different consideration from the moral application of that power. Genius affords no security from error. The writers of plays have been gene- rally necessitous and profligate. They have therefore written under the in- fluence of wrong conceptions of duty and happiness; and, in order to effect their purpose, which was gain, have deemed themselves obliged to hu- mour the caprices and pamper the vicious appetites, of those who fre- quent these spectacles. Tue, 21 Apr 1970 12:00:00 GMT On the Effects of Theatric Representations. Brown, Charles Brockden WHETHER most good, or most evil flows from theatrical exhi- bitions? appears to be a question a correspondent wishes to have decided. This question has given rise to vari- ous thoughts, on the subject; should they lead to the wished-for decision they are at T. Markright's service. Tue, 21 Apr 1970 12:00:00 GMT On Theatres. Brown, Charles Brockden A CORRESPONDENT in your last number has enquired into the usefulness of theatres. The question has often been discussed, but, perhaps, never in a manner perfectly satisfac- tory. Subjects of this kind are very complex, and the foundation of our reasonings lies much deeper than is commonly supposed. The question may be stated in the compass of a page, but could not be thoroughly discussed in less than a volume. Tue, 14 Apr 1970 12:00:00 GMT Queries. Brown, Charles Brockden WHAT is the difference between Newton's method of Fluxions and the differential calculus of D'Alem- bert? Tue, 23 Jun 1970 12:00:00 GMT A Receipt for a Modern Romance. Brown, Charles Brockden TAKE an old castle; pull down a part of it, and allow the grass to grow on the battlements, and provide the owls and bats with uninterrupted ha- bitations among the ruins. Pour a sufficient quantity of heavy rain upon the hinges and bolts of the gates, so that when they are attempted to be opened, they may creak most fear- fully. Next take an old man and woman, and employ them to sleep in a part of this castle, and provide them with frightful stories of lights that appear in the western or the eastern tower every night, and of music heard in the neighbouring woods, and ghosts dressed in white who perambulate the place. Tue, 30 Jun 1970 12:00:00 GMT Sudden Impulses. Brown, Charles Brockden “LET us turn down this avenue,” said I to Matilda, as we were the other day, walking in the State-House yard. “It is true, the foliage has not yet sufficiently expanded to shield us from the glare of a noon-day sun. The approach of summer is, as yet, announced only by the swelling of the buds, and the balmy vernal breeze. Yet this situation is more favourable to observation on the busy human scene before us, and we are ourselves more secluded from notice than in the main walk. It is thus I love to sur- vey the world. Whether my views extend to an empire, or are bounded by an acre, I still wish to place my- self, as it were, behind the scene. My youth, my sex, and inexperience, fur- nish my apology for the indulgence of this timidity. I am sensible, times and occasions may occur in which it would be criminal. But they who have still to exert their whole energy to dispel the mist of ignorance and prejudice by which they are enveloped; whose whole attention is requisite to weed from their own minds the seeds of ... Tue, 14 Apr 1970 12:00:00 GMT [untitled] A.Z. requests to be informed…. Brown, Charles Brockden A. Z. requests to be informed of the meaning of the title of the work lately announced, for publication, in this Maga- zine. In answer to him, it may be said that “Sky Walk,” is nothing more than a popular corruption of “Ski Wakkee,” or Big Spring, the name given by the Lenni Lennassee, or Delaware Indians, to the district where the principal scenes of this novel are transacted. Tue, 07 Apr 1970 12:00:00 GMT Utrum Horum?. Brown, Charles Brockden IN this age of free enquiry, it is rather surprising to find that no one has undertaken more fully to investi- gate the character of that being who is emphatically stiled in the language of Holy Writ “the evil one.” Tue, 07 Jul 1970 12:00:00 GMT