720 XTF Search Results (subject=essay;subject-join=exact;brand=default;f1-subject=essay;f2-date=1799);subject-join%3Dexact;brand%3Ddefault;f1-subject%3Dessay;f2-date%3D1799 Results for your query: subject=essay;subject-join=exact;brand=default;f1-subject=essay;f2-date=1799 Wed, 14 Jan 2009 12:00:00 GMT Death of General George Washington. Brown, Charles Brockden THE death of this illustrious man, by an abrupt and vio- lent distemper, will long occupy the attention of his fellow citizens. No public event could have oc- curred, adapted so strongly to awak- en the sensibility and excite the re- flections of Americans. No apolo- gy will therefore be needful for re- lating the circumstances of this great event. The particulars of his disease and death being stated by the physicians who attended him, their narrative deserves to be con- sidered as authentic. The follow- ing account was drawn up by Doc- tors Craik and Dick. Thu, 01 Jan 1970 12:00:00 GMT Miscellaneous Articles of Literary and Philosophical Intelligence. . Brown, Charles Brockden THE last number of the second volume of the Medical Repository has been published this month, by Messrs. T. and J. Swords.—A second edition of the first and second volumes of that very valuable work is preparing, and will shortly appear. Fri, 01 May 1970 12:00:00 GMT Miscellaneous Articles of Literary and Philosophical Intelligence . Brown, Charles Brockden DR. Barton, of Philadelphia, has pub- lished “Fragments of the Natural History of Pennsylvania: part I.” Mon, 01 Jun 1970 12:00:00 GMT Miscellaneous Articles of Literary and Philosophical Intelligence . Brown, Charles Brockden WE learn that a volume of Ser- mons, by the Rev. John Clarke, D. D. late of Boston, is now in the press in that town, and will shortly be published. Wed, 01 Jul 1970 12:00:00 GMT Miscellaneous Articles of Literary and Philosophical Intelligence . Brown, Charles Brockden PROPOSALS have been lately issued by Mr. W. W. Woodward of Phi- ladelphia, for printing by subscription, the works of the late John Wither- spoon, D. D. President of the College of New-Jersey, in three volumes 8vo.— This edition will contain not only all the performances of Dr. W. which have been already published, but several im- portant articles never yet submitted to the press. Sat, 01 Aug 1970 12:00:00 GMT Miscellaneous Articles of Literary and Philosophical Intelligence . Brown, Charles Brockden Thu, 01 Jan 1970 12:00:00 GMT On Almanacks. Brown, Charles Brockden Mr. Editor, Fri, 01 May 1970 12:00:00 GMT On Apparitions. In a Letter from a Country Gentleman to his Friend in Town. Brown, Charles Brockden PRAY, Sir, what is your opi- nion respecting the power which the living may obtain over the dead? I suppose you will ea- sily see what it was that put me upon asking this question. Not long ago, an instance of this power was said to be given by a person in your city, and I want much to know the truth or falsehood of the tale. Wed, 01 Apr 1970 12:00:00 GMT On the Inequalities of Solar Light. Brown, Charles Brockden IT is an old remark, that the com- monest appearances in nature, and the most frequent incidents in human life, are, when viewed by the eyes of a philosopher, mysteri- ous and inexplicable. Men have puzzled themselves in inquiring why a stone that is thrown upward into the air, falls again, after a cer- tain time, to the earth; and how it happens that the arm is lifted, mere- ly because I desire that it should be so. Not contented with the facts as they are noted by our senses, our curiosity conjures up a property, assigns to it the name of gravitation, measures its influence by numbers and lines, and traces its existence through every part of the universe. Fri, 01 May 1970 12:00:00 GMT On the Number of Printed Books. Brown, Charles Brockden Sir, Thu, 01 Jan 1970 12:00:00 GMT On the Stature of Man. Brown, Charles Brockden Mr. Editor, Wed, 01 Jul 1970 12:00:00 GMT On the Use of Maize. Brown, Charles Brockden Sir, Sat, 01 Aug 1970 12:00:00 GMT Parallel between Hume, Robertson and Gibbon. Brown, Charles Brockden AMONG English writers of his- tory, common consent seems to have assigned the first place to Hume, Robertson, and Gibbon.— The merit of each of these, com- pared with that of their contempo- raries and their predecessors, is un- doubtedly illustrious. That each has numerous defects will as readily be granted; but it will not be ea- sily or unanimously decided to which, when compared with each other, the pre-eminence is due. Fri, 01 May 1970 12:00:00 GMT Philadelphia Water-Works. June, 1799. Brown, Charles Brockden June, 1799. Mon, 01 Jun 1970 12:00:00 GMT Reflections on Moralists and Moral Writings. Brown, Charles Brockden ADVICE is generally viewed as a nauseating potion by those patients to whom it is administered. It chills the heart, and discomposes the econ- omy of the nerves. Hence we find the adviser and the advice treated with equal contempt. To render coun- sel palatable, has been considered by moral writers as the highest and most valuable effort of genius. Nor can we reasonably question their decision when we contemplate the extreme difficulty as well as incalculable im- portance of the art. Mon, 30 Mar 1970 12:00:00 GMT Thoughts on Style. Brown, Charles Brockden Mon, 01 Jun 1970 12:00:00 GMT Walstein's School of History. From the German of Krants of Gotha [first part]. Brown, Charles Brockden WALSTEIN was professor of history at Jena, and, of course, had several pupils. Nine of them were more assiduous in their attention to their tutor than the others. This circumstance came at length to be noticed by each other, as well as by Walstein, and naturally produced good-will and fellowship among them. They gra- dually separated themselves from the negligent and heedless crowd, cleaved to each other, and frequently met to exchange and compare ideas. Walstein was prepossessed in their favour by their studious habits, and their veneration for him. He fre- quently admitted them to exclusive interviews, and laying aside his pro- fessional dignity, conversed with them on the footing of a friend and equal. Sat, 01 Aug 1970 12:00:00 GMT Walstein's School of History. From the German of Krants of Gotha [second and last part]. Brown, Charles Brockden [Concluded from p. 338.] Thu, 01 Jan 1970 12:00:00 GMT