720 XTF Search Results (subject=essay;subject-join=exact;brand=default;f1-subject=essay;f2-date=1800);subject-join%3Dexact;brand%3Ddefault;f1-subject%3Dessay;f2-date%3D1800 Results for your query: subject=essay;subject-join=exact;brand=default;f1-subject=essay;f2-date=1800 Wed, 14 Jan 2009 12:00:00 GMT Answer to a Letter from A.Z. 'To the Editor of the Monthly Magazine. Brown, Charles Brockden [The Editor is ever ready to lis- ten to the remarks of his friends and correspondents, and to profit by their advice in his exertions to please and benefit those who honour his work with a perusal. His scheme, as first announced, is very com- prehensive, adapted as well to the moralist as the philosopher, critic, physician, and divine. Literature and science have a strong connec- tion with morality: and, although the Editor is not less sensible than A. Z. of the superior importance of those performances which have im- mediate relation to the latter, he cannot but think that a plan which comprehends other branches of knowledge, will be approved by the majority of readers. His design is to render his work as extensively use- ful as possible; to furnish a re- spectable vehicle for all those who have leisure and inclination to write, to convey their thoughts to the public. The department of morals is not limited; and it depends on the number and zeal of his corres- pondents whether it shall conta... Wed, 01 Oct 1800 12:00:00 GMT Correspondence. Brown, Charles Brockden “CANDIDUS” was received too late to appear in this Number. The great length of his quotations is some objection to the insertion of his communication. If they could be curtailed, or a reference be made to the pages of the printed volume, it would be more agreeable to the generality of readers. The change, however, which is about to take place in this publication, may induce Candidus to seek some other vehicle for a speedier publication, unless content to wait the appearance of the next Review. Mon, 01 Dec 1800 12:00:00 GMT The Difference between History and Romance. Brown, Charles Brockden HISTORY and romance are terms that have never been very clearly distinguished from each other. It should seem that one dealt in fiction, and the other in truth; that one is a picture of the probable and certain, and the other a tissue of untruths; that one de- scribes what might have happened, and what has actually happened, and the other what never had exist- ance. Tue, 01 Apr 1800 12:00:00 GMT Differences Between Felicity and Happiness. Brown, Charles Brockden IS there any difference between the words felicity and happiness? If any difference there be, it must, methinks, be of a very delicate and subtile nature. Tue, 01 Jul 1800 12:00:00 GMT Differences between Prejudice and Prepossession. Brown, Charles Brockden THESE words have differences that are not easily discovered or defined. I offer you my opi- nion on those differences with no great confidence; but I am a great friend to inquiries of this nature; and as some of your readers appear to resemble me in this respect, I am willing to throw my mite into the common fund of instructive entertainment. Fri, 01 Aug 1800 12:00:00 GMT [The editor's answer to ""Mr. Webster's Letter to the Editor, on the Review of his History of Pestilence. ...""]. Brown, Charles Brockden [☞ A sincere desire that ample justice should be done to the merits of every author, has induced us to insert the foregoing letter, which, as it concerns a subject interesting to science, and, indirectly, to sound criticism and literature, will, we hope, notwithstanding its length, be favourably received by our readers. We shall always be hap- py to have our decisions rectified when they are wrong; for, as men and individuals, we have neither the vanity or folly to suppose that our judgments are infallible.—In matters of taste and criticism, as well as of morality and history, we have not yet discovered any mode by which the truth of our opinions could be demonstrated.—To the ma- thematical and physical sciences, belongs that demonstrative power which at once unfolds the truth and removes all doubt and uncertainty; but, concerning those things about which wiser, older, and more learned men have differed in opinion, a reviewer may be allowed to doubt. Sat, 01 Nov 1800 12:00:00 GMT The Evils of Reserve in Marriage. Brown, Charles Brockden BELIEVE me, Mary, that to the security of matrimonial felicity, no quality is more necessa- ry than candour. All reserve, ob- scurity, or disguise, are produc- tive of indifference, suspicion, or distrust. Let my example con- vince you of the necessity of per- fect candour, and unbounded con- fidence in the conjugal union. There should exist such an unity of interest that every pleasure or pain should be common, and all separate enjoy- ment or suffering is an injury to its sacred rights. Sun, 01 Jun 1800 12:00:00 GMT For the Monthly Magazine. Comparison of Blank Verse and Rhyme. Brown, Charles Brockden THERE are few persons of a literary life and conversation of whom the inquiry has not been made, Do you prefer rhyme to blank verse in English poetry? The true answer, the species of ver- sification to which our preference is due, may be easily decided. Wed, 01 Oct 1800 12:00:00 GMT For the Monthly Magazine. Differences between Shade and Shadow. Brown, Charles Brockden THESE words are seldom con- founded in discourse; but it is still more seldom that any clear conceptions are possessed of their precise and respective significations. Wed, 01 Oct 1800 12:00:00 GMT Friendship: An Original Letter. Brown, Charles Brockden LET me thank you, my belov- ed friend, with tears of true pleasure, for this letter. How happy am I in your love and confidence! How zealous shall I be, and how proud to deserve it! Tue, 01 Jul 1800 12:00:00 GMT Hints for a Funeral Oration. Brown, Charles Brockden EVERY event has some good effects mingled with its evil ones. This is eminetly true with respect to the death of Washington. I condole with my fellow citizens in general, on the loss which they have sustained in the death of one, who, in every political exigence, would have exerted himself for the common safety, with more likeli- hood of success, with greater puri- ty of motives, with more foresight and caution, and with a larger por- tion of the general confidence, than any other man living. Sat, 01 Feb 1800 12:00:00 GMT [A letter] To the Editor of the Monthly Magazine [containing a criticism of the Monthly Magazine]. Brown, Charles Brockden IN estimating the various means of enlarging the understanding and meliorating the heart, I have long considered periodical publica- tions extensively useful. Influenced by this sentiment, I no sooner saw your proposals than I became a sub- scriber to your Magazine. To in- timate that I have parted with my money without an equivalent, or perused the several numbers with- out benefit, would be uncandid: but being neither philosopher nor critic, physician nor divine, I have certainly derived less pleasure and improvement from the work than my knowledge of your cha- racter had led me to expect. My animadversions, however, are not intended to imply a censure on the execution of the several depart- ments, but to show the impropriety of admitting some of them into the plan. Wed, 01 Oct 1800 12:00:00 GMT A Literary Ware-House. Brown, Charles Brockden Sir, Tue, 01 Apr 1800 12:00:00 GMT Miscellaneous Articles of Literary and Philosophical Intelligence. Brown, Charles Brockden Sat, 01 Mar 1800 12:00:00 GMT Miscellaneous Articles of Literary and Philosophical Intelligence . Brown, Charles Brockden Thu, 01 May 1800 12:00:00 GMT Miscellaneous Articles of Literary and Philosophical Intelligence . Brown, Charles Brockden Tue, 01 Jul 1800 12:00:00 GMT Miscellaneous Articles of Literary and Philosophical Intelligence . Brown, Charles Brockden Fri, 01 Aug 1800 12:00:00 GMT Miscellaneous Articles of Literary and Philosophical Intelligence . Brown, Charles Brockden Mon, 01 Sep 1800 12:00:00 GMT Miscellaneous Articles of Literary and Philosophical Intelligence . Brown, Charles Brockden Wed, 01 Oct 1800 12:00:00 GMT Miscellaneous Articles of Literary and Philosophical Intelligence . Brown, Charles Brockden Sat, 01 Nov 1800 12:00:00 GMT Miscellaneous Articles of Literary and Philosophical Intelligence . Brown, Charles Brockden Mon, 01 Dec 1800 12:00:00 GMT Miscellaneous Articles of Literary and Philosophical Intelligence . Brown, Charles Brockden Wed, 01 Jan 1800 12:00:00 GMT Miscellaneous Articles of Literary and Philosophical Intelligence. . Brown, Charles Brockden Sat, 01 Feb 1800 12:00:00 GMT Miscellaneous Articles of Literary and Philosophical Intelligence . Brown, Charles Brockden AFTER a storm of rain with thun- der and lightning, on the evening of Saturday the 12th of April, the streets of this city appeared covered with a yellow substance resembling sulphur. Se- veral gentlemen made experiments upon this yellow dust, and found that it pos- sessed none of the properties of sulphur, but was a vegetable substance, supposed the pollen, or fecundating dust, of the pine forests of New-Jersey. The same ap- pearance of yellow dust was also observ- ed after the same storm, on Long-Island, more than thirty miles from New-York. Tue, 01 Apr 1800 12:00:00 GMT A Miser's Prayer. Brown, Charles Brockden THE falsehood and selfishness of the human heart has been the theme of moralists and satyrists ever since the days of Job and Juvenal. The numberless ways in which our own interest intrudes upon our contemplations, and per- verts our wishes, has often been observed. Some poet has taken occasion to exemplify these perver- sions in detailing the prayers put up, by a great number of votaries, at the shrine of some popular di- vinity. He represents the indigent as praying for wealth, the unmar- ried for an husband, the childless for offspring, and the impatient heir for the death of the present possessor. Mon, 01 Dec 1800 12:00:00 GMT A Modern Socrates. To the Editor of the Monthly Magazine. Brown, Charles Brockden IT is strange that you book- makers are a race of such grave, abstruse people, that you are fond of talking about things with which most people have no concern, and in a way that not many can under- stand, and still fewer are pleased with. Thu, 01 May 1800 12:00:00 GMT Note on Stephen Calvert. Brown, Charles Brockden A FRIEND of mine lately de- sired me to lay aside some very urgent business in which I was engaged, to attend to a certain Mr. Calvert, whom he solicited my leave to introduce to me. My at- tention was otherwise engaged, and I saw nothing in the character of this stranger that promised to re- ward me for the time bestowed up- on him; but my friend was ex- tremely importunate, and assured me that I should have no reason to repent of my compliance. He said I should be infinitely entertained with the adventures of the man, that his life abounded with surpris- ing turns of fortune, and that he would prevail with him to tell me his story. Sat, 01 Mar 1800 12:00:00 GMT Objections to Richardson's Clarissa. To the Editor of the Monthly Magazine. Brown, Charles Brockden Sat, 01 Nov 1800 12:00:00 GMT On a Scheme for Describing American Manners. (Addressed to a Foreigner.). Brown, Charles Brockden WHAT strange project is this which you describe? A picture of American manners! A view of our social, domestic, eco- nomical state! Such as foreign and future observers, as well as contemporary ones, shall point to and say, “This is the scene dis- played by four millions of actors on the vast stage bounded by the Ocean, Florida, Mississippi, and St. Lawrence, for the three lustrums ensuing the revolution, which made the Anglo-Belgico- Teutonico-North-Americans a na- tion.” Are you aware of the many difficulties attending such a scheme? Tue, 01 Jul 1800 12:00:00 GMT On a Taste for the Picturesque. Brown, Charles Brockden A GENTLEMAN, a friend of mine, who sometimes favours me with a visit, lately found me at a window that overlooks New- York-Bay and its Islands. This scene, just then, was extremely beau- tiful, and its beauties were height- ened by a long-protracted echo oc- casioned by the evening gun, fired from the ramparts of the fort on the Island. My guest took his seat by my side, and began the talk by some reflections on the picturesque. He spoke somewhat to this effect: Tue, 01 Jul 1800 12:00:00 GMT On Conversation. Brown, Charles Brockden IT is a pity that the most useful of intellectual exertions is at the same time the most difficult, but such is definition. The difficulty, indeed, disposes us to decry the utility, and to call for definitions is, now-a-days, accounted impolite. That readiness and accuracy of con- ception and command of language requisite to answer such calls, being seldom or never possessed, the call is heard generally with anger and impatience, and he that is used to make it may pass for logician or philosopher, but will never be ranked with polite men; politeness being merely the art of pleasing, di- rectly, by soothing the vanity or banqueting the passions of others, or, indirectly, by avoiding accusa- tion, and helping others to conceal their incapacity or ignorance. Fri, 01 Aug 1800 12:00:00 GMT On Early Attachments. Brown, Charles Brockden IT is a common remark, that friendships formed in childhood are most permanent. But observa- tion and experience will lead us to doubt its truth, and to believe that the intimacy between children of the same age rarely continues to years of maturity. In youth, ab- sence or a change of fortune, weak- ens or destroys the sentiment of friendship. Early attachments, it will be found, are often unfavour- able in their impressions, and in- jurious in their consequences. Thu, 01 May 1800 12:00:00 GMT On Mottos and Quotations from the Ancients. Brown, Charles Brockden SIX hundred years ago, when all who aspired to literature were obliged to seek it among the re- liques of the Greeks and Romans, the learned languages ceased to be dead tongues. In correspondence, conversation, and publication, the only medium was Latin. In the progress of improvement, though the ancient tongues were gradually supplanted, in popular perform- ances, by the modern, yet writers being early imbued with the ancient literature, and intimately conversant with it, their topics, their opinions, and their images, continued to flow from that source. Mon, 01 Dec 1800 12:00:00 GMT On the Portraits of Death. Brown, Charles Brockden Mon, 01 Dec 1800 12:00:00 GMT On the prevailing Ignorance of Geography. Brown, Charles Brockden AN American gentleman was once entertained by a Welsh knight. It was at the opening of the American war, on which the discourse naturally turned. The knight, after some discussion on the causes of the troubles, very shrewdly observed that the troops designed for the service would have a very long march. Mon, 01 Dec 1800 12:00:00 GMT On the Scheme of an American Language. Brown, Charles Brockden Tue, 01 Jul 1800 12:00:00 GMT The Point of Honour in America. Brown, Charles Brockden SEDUCTION, and murder by duel, are the remnants of the ancient manners of Europe. These have sometimes been more politely styled gallantry and the point of honour; and, such is the influence of names, that gallantry and honour are soft and inoffensive sounds, though their acceptation be pre- cisely similar to seduction and mur- der. Mon, 01 Dec 1800 12:00:00 GMT Preface. Brown, Charles Brockden THE Monthly Magazine, and American Re- view, was undertaken with a foresight of the many diffi- culties which might embarrass and impede its progress for a time; but, feeling some confidence in the general excel- lence of their plan, and relying on the aid of friends, and others well disposed to promote the literature of their country, the Editors were not intimidated by the gloomy prospect of the disastrous wreck of former adventurers, or discouraged by the predictions of a similar fate, from re- newing the experiment, and again trying the strength and durableness of public favour and patronage towards literary projects. Its appearance, too, at a time when no similar publication was known to exist in the United States, was justly deemed a circumstance peculiarly favourable to success. Tue, 01 Jul 1800 12:00:00 GMT Remarks on a Passage in Virgil. Brown, Charles Brockden VISITING my friend Crito, lately, I found him in his closet poring over a collection of metrical romances, by some of the old Troubadours. I could not help censuring that perverse taste which could find pleasure in the monsters and prodigies of the Gothic ro- mance, and expressed much con- tempt for their incredible exploits, their absurd images, their lame al- legory, their spells, and giants, and winged dragons, their halls of gold, and their bridges of glass. Tue, 01 Apr 1800 12:00:00 GMT Remarks on Female Politicians. Brown, Charles Brockden AS an admirer of the fair sex, and trembingly alive to every thing that affects their character, I have presumed, of late, to censure several females of my acquaintance for their love of politics. They listened, with admirable attention, to all I thought proper to say on the subject. A few evenings since, I renewed my arguments with two- fold earnestness. When I paused to see if there were any to applaud my opinions, a sprightly and sensi- ble girl, as if resolving on a piece of revenge, turned towards a female visitant who had observed a pro- found silence the preceding part of the evening, and asked her, gaily, if women had not an equal right with men to be politicians. I drew near to hear the dialogue. Timo- rously blushing, she replied, “No, my dear.” Mon, 01 Dec 1800 12:00:00 GMT Remarks on Short-hand Writing. Brown, Charles Brockden SHORT-HAND has grown con- siderably into use of late years. In some schools in Great Britain, it has been adopted as a part of or- dinary education, and the authors of schemes of short-hand writing are never tired of dwelling on its ex- cellencies and advantages. It may, therefore, be worth while to reflect a moment upon the possibility and limits of this accomplishment. Fri, 01 Aug 1800 12:00:00 GMT Remarks upon the Russian Empire. Brown, Charles Brockden RUSSIA, by the part she has lately taken in the contests and negociations of the western nations of Europe, has become an object of importance. The pro- gress and condition, political and geographical, of that Empire, are subjects of curious speculation; but these speculations seem hitherto to have led to many erroneous con- clusions. It is common to allow our minds to be overwhelmed by the magnitude of this object, and not to discriminate between the real and apparent sources of power and wealth. Sat, 01 Feb 1800 12:00:00 GMT Statements of destruction produced by the French Revolution. Brown, Charles Brockden Sat, 01 Mar 1800 12:00:00 GMT Suicide. Brown, Charles Brockden SELF-PRESERVATION is a principle so general in its influence that it is supposed to be charac- teristic of every animated being. Nay, vegetables have been thought to be endowed with this principle. It implies a love of life: It prompts us to shrink from danger when it threatens our existence, and to em- ploy those means which tend to pre- serve and prolong our being. I have often listened to harangues on the sacredness and universality of this principle. Appealing to my own feelings, I find a sufficient proof of its strength: Yet, when I look upon the world, I observe numerous in- stances of suicide—an act which seems to prove the previous subversion of this principle. If, of my own accord,- I kill myself, it seems to follow that existence is no longer of any value. Tue, 01 Apr 1800 12:00:00 GMT Thoughts on American Newspapers. To the Editor of the Monthly Magazine. Brown, Charles Brockden “THE Americans,” said a sple- netic friend of mine, who has travelled a good deal in Ame- rica, “are a nation of readers. Taking one with another, a far greater number of the people devote some of their time to reading, than of any other people in the world. In Great-Britain, France, and Ger- many, those who do, or who can read, bear a very small proportion to the rest. They are scarcely one to twenty; but, in America, almost every man is a student. Wed, 01 Oct 1800 12:00:00 GMT Thoughts on the Origin of the Claims of Europeans to North-America. Brown, Charles Brockden THE property of North-Ame- rica was claimed by the kings of England, because certain navi- gators, either their native subjects, or foreigners authorized by their commissions, and sailing from their ports, had descried some parts of its eastern shore. To have sailed along the cost was a sufficient bar to the claims of other christian princes, provided no other had sailed along it before. In that case it seems to have been deemed necessary, not merely to descry it at a distance, but to land and leave behind them some monument, or some inscrip- tion, by way of taking possession. Tue, 01 Jul 1800 12:00:00 GMT Thoughts on the Probable Termination of Negro Slavery in the United States of America. Brown, Charles Brockden To the Editor of the Monthly Magazine. SIR, IN the five Atlantic southern States, according to the last enu- meration, there were about eleven hundred and sixty thousand free in- habitants, and six hundred and thirty thousand negro slaves. A man of an inquisitive temper can hardly fail of turning often in his mind, a fact of so much import- ance, and endeavouring to trace the consequences that may hereafter flow from so considerable a distinc- tion in the complexion and privi- leges of the people of those States. Tue, 01 Apr 1800 12:00:00 GMT To Correspondents. Brown, Charles Brockden “The Speculatist, No. II.” has been received, and will be inserted in the Magazine for September. A continuance of the communications of this pleasing writer is requested. Fri, 01 Aug 1800 12:00:00 GMT To Correspondents. Brown, Charles Brockden The Editor is under the necessity of postponing, till the next Number, the insertion of the poetical piece entitled “Edward and Susan,” and also the elegy signed “Oscar.” Mon, 01 Sep 1800 12:00:00 GMT To Correspondents. Brown, Charles Brockden The “Ode to Samuel Low, Esq.” by “CENSOR,” though ex- pressive of correct opinions, is, in manner, not fully adapted for publica- tion in our miscellany. Wed, 01 Oct 1800 12:00:00 GMT To Correspondents. Brown, Charles Brockden “Disconsolate Eliza,” by “HENRICUS,” does not possess all that ten- derness and passion, and that poetic diction, which the subject demands, and which would entitle it to a place in our poetical department. It ap- pears to be the production of youthful genius, and, as such, may afford the promise of better things. The judgment of the editor must controul his wishes to gratify this correspondent. Sat, 01 Nov 1800 12:00:00 GMT What is a JEW? To the Editor of the Monthly Magazine. Brown, Charles Brockden Sir, Sat, 01 Nov 1800 12:00:00 GMT What is Love?. Brown, Charles Brockden WAS there ever any satisfac- tory account given of the passion of love? Was the subject ever handled didactically? What is love? Has this question, so of- ten asked, ever been properly and clearly answered? Thu, 01 May 1800 12:00:00 GMT