720 XTF Search Results (subject=essay;subject-join=exact;brand=default;f1-subject=essay;f2-date=1807);subject-join%3Dexact;brand%3Ddefault;f1-subject%3Dessay;f2-date%3D1807 Results for your query: subject=essay;subject-join=exact;brand=default;f1-subject=essay;f2-date=1807 Wed, 14 Jan 2009 12:00:00 GMT An Abstract of all the Laws and Public Acts [for 1806]. Brown, Charles Brockden I. IN addition to the sum heretofore appropriated for that object, the sum of two hundred and fifty thousand dollars, is appropriated by this act towards defraying the expences of the navy of the United States, during the year one thousand eight hundred and five. Thu, 01 Jan 1807 12:00:00 GMT Account of the Late Monarchy of Prussia. Brown, Charles Brockden Whether the Prussian monar- chy is ever destined to rise again, is a question which a few months may possibly determine. It has, however, made a great figure in the world during the last century; and though the monarchy, as a single body, may be annihilated, yet the land and people composing it will still remain. It may there- fore be interesting and instructive to give a concise account of its ac- tual condition on the eve of the present war. This account will have so far a connection with the present state of things, that it will inform us what it is which the French have overturned; what weight has been taken out of one scale, and, if the revolution should be permanent, what has been put into another. It will likewise af- ford us some insight into the real consequences of the present war in Europe, by showing the kind and degree of national prosperity and happiness which that war has destroyed, or at least suspended. Thu, 01 Jan 1807 12:00:00 GMT American Register of Deaths. Brown, Charles Brockden October 1, 1806. Thu, 01 Jan 1807 12:00:00 GMT Biographical Notices. Uriah Tracy. Paswan Oglou. Mr Thomas Pemberton. Brown, Charles Brockden Wed, 01 Jul 1807 12:00:00 GMT Biographical Sketches. Brown, Charles Brockden Sat, 01 Aug 1807 12:00:00 GMT British and Foreign Intelligence Chiefly Scientific. Brown, Charles Brockden 1. November 1, 1806.—THE Aca- demy of France at Rome, which, under the auspices of the French government, and the indefatigable zeal of its present director Suvée, had been re-established in the Corso Palace, has since been transferred to the beautiful palace of Villa Me- dici, which the French government obtained from the king of Etruria, and will assume the name of the French School of Fine Arts at Rome. By his exertions, Suvée has pre- pared convenient accommodations for five students of architecture, five of painting, one of engraving on copper, one of engraving on stone, and especially cameos, and one of musical composition. These students, after having gained the principal prizes at Paris, go to Rome to finish their studies, and there find all possible means of faci- litating their progress. Thu, 01 Jan 1807 12:00:00 GMT Character of Dr. Franklin. Brown, Charles Brockden A just view of the character of Dr. Franklin has probably ne- ver been given by any of his countrymen. While living, the world was divided into passion- ate friends and rancorous ene- mies, and since his death a kind of political tincture still adheres to all our sentiments concerning him. Among his own country- men, prejudice and passion, which used to be enlisted whol- ly on his side, has, in some res- pects, become hostile to him, and an impartial estimate of his merits can perhaps only be look- ed for among foreigners. The following portrait is taken from a foreign publication, and seems to be altogether dispassionate and equitable. Thu, 01 Jan 1807 12:00:00 GMT Chronicle of Memorable Occurrences, 1806-07. Brown, Charles Brockden IT is proposed, in a London paper, as an object highly important in a commercial view, to make a small establishment on the now almost depopulated island of Otaheite; and to render it useful in the navigation to and from Botany Bay, as a place where ships may procure abundant supplies of pork and vegetables. The king of Owhyhee is making himself master of the other Sand- wich Islands; is improving them to the greatest prosperity of agricul- ture and population; is ambitious of making them seats of manufactures and commerce, and even proposes to open a trade to Nootka Sound and to Bengal. Thu, 01 Jan 1807 12:00:00 GMT The Columbiad. Brown, Charles Brockden THE COLUMBIAD, a poem, in ten books, by Joel Barlow, is soon to be published in Philadel- phia. Thu, 01 Jan 1807 12:00:00 GMT [Editor's Introduction to] Weights and Measures. Brown, Charles Brockden AMONG the measures submitted to the consideration of the legisla- ture of Pennsylvania at their late session, was an interesting report by Mr. Dorsey on the subject of weights and measures. After stating the total inefficiency of the existing laws of Pennsylvania in this respect, the committee submitted the following plan, embraced by a bill previously before the legislature. Wed, 01 Jul 1807 12:00:00 GMT Literary and Philosophical Intelligence. Brown, Charles Brockden Fri, 01 May 1807 12:00:00 GMT Literary and Philosophical Intelligence. Brown, Charles Brockden THE Philadelphia Linnean Soci- ety, established at Philadelphia, for the promotion of natural history, at a meeting in the month of March last, resolved, “that a member be appointed to deliver an oration, in which are to be particularly pointed out the desiderata in natural history, and the best means to be pursued for the advancement of the science.” In obedience to the request of the society, Dr. B. S. Barton, the mem- ber appointed, delivered the oration on the 10th of June, in the presence of the society, of the trustees and faculty of the university of Pennsyl- vania, and a considerable number of other gentlemen. The society hav- ing thought proper to order the dis- course for publication, it is now in the press, and will be published with all convenient speed. Mon, 01 Jun 1807 12:00:00 GMT Literary Intelligence. Brown, Charles Brockden A YOUNG American gentleman has issued proposals for publishing, in two vols, crown 8vo., embellished with likenesses of Anacreon and Moore, an original work to be enti- tled, Memoirs of Anacreon, translat- ed from the original Greek of Cri- tias of Athens, by Charles Sedley, Esq.: including the Odes of Ana- creon from the version of Thomas Moore, Esq. This work, a part of which was published in the Port Folio for the past year, is formed upon the plan of the Travels of Anacharsis, by the abbé Barthelemy. Thu, 01 Jan 1807 12:00:00 GMT Literary Intelligence. Brown, Charles Brockden MESSRS. William P. Farrand and B. B. Hopkins & Co. of this city, will very shortly publish a particu- lar account of the Expedition of Captain Lewis and Captain Clark to the Pacific Ocean. Sun, 01 Feb 1807 12:00:00 GMT Literary Intelligence. Brown, Charles Brockden Wed, 01 Apr 1807 12:00:00 GMT Literary, Philosophical, Commercial, and Agricultural Intelligence. Brown, Charles Brockden MR. BURNET has a new work in considerable forwardness, in Lon- don, entitled, “Specimens of Eng- lish Prose Writers, from the earli- est times to the close of the se- venteenth century, with sketches biographical and literary, including an account of books, as well as of their authors, with occasional criti- cisms, &c.” This work, it is ap- prehended, will possess some singu- lar and important recommendations. The primary object of the series of specimens is to illustrate the pro- gress of the English language, from its rise to its complete establishment. The principles by which the author has been generally influenced in his choice of extracts, have been, to select passages curious or remarka- ble, as relating directly to the sub- ject of language; as possessing in- trinsic value as examples of style; as characteristic of the author; or as distinctive of the manners and sentiment of the age. In writers of continuous reasoning, which abound from the reign of Elizabeth, his aim has commonly been to present as ... Wed, 01 Jul 1807 12:00:00 GMT Literary, Philosophical, Commercial, and Agricultural Intelligence. Brown, Charles Brockden EDWARD LIVINGSTON, of New Orleans, has offered proposals for publishing “The Body of the Civil Law,” which he means to translate in ten volumes octavo, at ten dollars a volume. Sat, 01 Aug 1807 12:00:00 GMT Literary, Philosophical, Commercial, and Agricultural Intelligence. Brown, Charles Brockden WE have had occasion lately to announce the introduction of several important branches of manufactures in our country, in addition to the great number which have been gra- dually and almost imperceptibly progressing since the revolution, but we know of none which, as a colla- teral branch, affords us more real satisfaction, than the recent suc- cessful effort of Mr. John Harrison, of this city, in the manufacture of oil of vitriol; after many unsuccess- ful attempts in other parts of the union, and, indeed, knowing as we do that many parts of the con- tinent of Europe are still tribu- tary to Great Britain for this im- portant aid to their general manu- factures, we think it no common cause of congratulation. The pro- gress of science and the arts is eminently promoted by it: not a dyer, clothier, bleacher, calico printer, hatter, brass founder or paper maker, with many other art- ists, that do not require its aid in a greater or lesser degree; the science of medicine, the pursuits of the mineralogist and ch... Tue, 01 Sep 1807 12:00:00 GMT Literary, Philosophical, Commercial, and Agricultural Intelligence. Brown, Charles Brockden THERE will soon be published in Philadelphia a new and interesting work, entitled “the Columbiad, a poem, in ten books, by Joel Barlow.” This work will be ornamented with twelve engravings, which have been done in England by the most emi- nent artists, and at great expence. They are in the first style of ele- gance. The typographical part, wholly American, is executed in a manner highly creditable to the se- veral artists employed. The paper by Amies, the type by Binny and Ronaldson, and the printing, with consummate taste and care, by Fry and Kammerer; it will be published * This paper was written nearly two years since. by C. and A. Conrad and Co., in one volume, quarto. A work like this, on a great national subject, must excite a high degree of interest. In the present instance, we are confi- dent that the public expectation will not be disappointed; and while the Columbiad will be cited as a monument of American genius, the publishers are determined that this edit... Thu, 01 Oct 1807 12:00:00 GMT Literary, Philosophical, Commercial, and Agricultural Intelligence. Brown, Charles Brockden MR. THOMAS DOBSON, of this city, has issed proposals for pub- lishing, by subscription, a New Translation of the Sacred Scrip- tures. The Old Testament from the Greek of the Septuagint; and the New Testament from the most correct Greek Text; with occasion- al notes By Charles Thomson, Esq, late secretary to the congress of the United States. Sun, 01 Nov 1807 12:00:00 GMT Literary, Philosophical, Commercial, and Agricultural Intelligence. Brown, Charles Brockden BY a recent census, it appears that, on the 1st December, 1807, there were contained in the city and county of New York, Males 39,991 Females 41,763 Male slaves 658 Female do. 1,118 Total 83,530 Tue, 01 Dec 1807 12:00:00 GMT New Religious Sect. Brown, Charles Brockden A SECT has lately been dis- covered in Silesia, which, though they have existed upwards of a cen- tury, have not attracted the public attention till lately. This conceal- ment has been chiefly occasioned by their peculiar and fundamental max- ims, which enjoin them to conform outwardly to the rites and ceremo- nies of other sects, when required to do so by considerations of personal ease and safety; to abstain from at- tempting to make any converts from the followers of a different faith, and to communicate their te- nets only in the way of education, to their own children, or to infants consigned by poverty or death of natural protectors to their care. In their modes of worship they inter- pret strictly that injunction in scrip- ture, When you pray, go into your closets, and pray in secret, &c. Worship, according to them, is ac- ceptable, when offered in sincerity, by whomsoever and in whatsoever manner offered, but the precept of Christ, rightly understood, enjoins solitary and secret prayer. Accor- dingly,... Tue, 01 Sep 1807 12:00:00 GMT [Notes from the Editor]. Brown, Charles Brockden THE Editor, on closing his seventh volume, begs leave to return his grateful thanks for the additional patronage he has lately been favour- ed with, and to assure his readers, that no expence nor trouble shall be spared to render his miscellany more worthy of their favour. For this purpose he is endeavouring to secure a more extensive correspondence, and he has been promised the assistance of a number of literary gentle- men, with whose aid he will commence his next volume with fresh spi- rit and resolution, animated by the hope that he shall be amply rewarded by the cheering smiles of his readers. He has likewise taken steps to en- sure a more regular supply of the European periodical works; and, as he has early access to all the new publications, to give a greater variety and interest to his work, he will occasionally insert analyses of, and ex- tracts from, such as shall appear to him most worthy of notice. Mon, 01 Jun 1807 12:00:00 GMT Notices of Recent Publications. Brown, Charles Brockden 1. THERE has recently been pub- lished, in this city, by Thomas Pal- mer, a work entitled, Memoirs of Ninon de L'Enclos, with her Let- ters to the Marquis de Sevigne and Monsieur de St. Evremond; trans- lated from the French, by Mrs. Grif- fith. Thu, 01 Jan 1807 12:00:00 GMT Preface. Brown, Charles Brockden WE at length present to the public the first volume of the ame- rican register. The Editor dismisses it from his hands with no small de- gree of diffidence and apprehension. He is sensible that the work will be justly chargeable with many omissions and errors, and is conscious that some of these may be owing to his own incapacity or ignorance. There are some objections, however, to which he may have exposed himself, with- out any demerit on his own part. In extenuation of these, he trusts to the candour and forbearance of the reader, who will duly reflect upon the diffi- culties unavoidably attending the commencement of a work entirely new in this country. In properly distributing and proportioning the materials of a work of this nature, the compiler can only be guided by experience, and he must make several trials before his collections completely settle and adjust themselves to the mould designed to receive them. Thu, 01 Jan 1807 12:00:00 GMT Recent News from London, Literary and Philosophical. Brown, Charles Brockden KOTZEBUE has lately publish- ed at Berlin some volumes of Tales, Episodes, and Nouvellettes, a trans- lation of which has been undertaken, and will speedily appear, in three volumes, corresponding with his various travels. This gentleman and M. Muller are understood to be the authors of the admired and spirited manifesto of the king of Prussia. Sun, 01 Feb 1807 12:00:00 GMT Review of Literature. Brown, Charles Brockden Thu, 01 Jan 1807 12:00:00 GMT To Correspondents. Brown, Charles Brockden The Anniversary Address, delivered before the American Literary Association, which was intended for the present number, is unavoidably delayed. It shall be inserted entire in our next. Wed, 01 Apr 1807 12:00:00 GMT [A very short note about American poetry at the end of a short selection of poems]. Brown, Charles Brockden Good poetry is the most scarce of all literary commodities, though poetry, or matter that, by courtesy, bears the name, is suffi- ciently abundant. There has not lately been published in America any poetical volume of much value. We are therefore obliged to have recourse to the daily, weekly, and monthly periodical works for materials. The above pieces have most of them been carefully se- lected from these, and will probably be allowed to possess merit, at least, above mediocrity. Thu, 01 Jan 1807 12:00:00 GMT