720 XTF Search Results (subject=essay;subject-join=exact;brand=default;f1-subject=essay;f2-date=1810);subject-join%3Dexact;brand%3Ddefault;f1-subject%3Dessay;f2-date%3D1810 Results for your query: subject=essay;subject-join=exact;brand=default;f1-subject=essay;f2-date=1810 Wed, 14 Jan 2009 12:00:00 GMT American Register of Deaths. Brown, Charles Brockden Mon, 01 Jan 1810 12:00:00 GMT Sketch of the Life of General Horatio Gates. Brown, Charles Brockden GATES was in a private station, residing on his farm in Virginia, in June, seventeen hundred and eighty. The low state of their affairs in the southern districts induced con- gress, on the thirteenth of that month, to call him to the chief command in that quarter. The state of affairs in Pennsyl- vania, Jersey, and New-York, afforded sufficient employ- ment for Washington, and Gates being the next in rank and reputation, was resorted to as the last refuge of his suf- fering country. Thu, 01 Feb 1810 12:00:00 GMT