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41Author:B (possibly by Brown)Requires cookie*
 Article:Miscellaneous Articles of Literary and Philosophical Intelligence <part 9>  
 Publication:The Monthly Magazine and the American Review  vol. II,  issue 4,  p. 318  
 Place of Publication:New York 
 Publisher:T. & J. Swords 
 Publication Date:April 1800 
 Accession #:1800-04318 
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42Author:B (possibly by Brown)Requires cookie*
 Article:On Early Attachments  
 Publication:The Monthly Magazine and the American Review  vol. II,  issue 5,  pp. 321–323  
 Place of Publication:New York 
 Publisher:T. & J. Swords 
 Publication Date:May 1800 
 Accession #:1800-05321 
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43Author:B (possibly by Brown)Requires cookie*
 Article:What is Love?  
 Publication:The Monthly Magazine and the American Review  vol. II,  issue 5,  pp. 323–324  
 Place of Publication:New York 
 Publisher:T. & J. Swords 
 Publication Date:May 1800 
 Accession #:1800-05323 
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44Author:B (possibly by Brown)Requires cookie*
 Article:A Modern Socrates. To the Editor of the Monthly Magazine  
 Publication:The Monthly Magazine and the American Review  vol. II,  issue 5,  pp. 326–328  
 Place of Publication:New York 
 Publisher:T. & J. Swords 
 Publication Date:May 1800 
 Accession #:1800-05326 
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45Author:B (possibly by Brown)Requires cookie*
 Article:Miscellaneous Articles of Literary and Philosophical Intelligence <part 10>  
 Publication:The Monthly Magazine and the American Review  vol. II,  issue 5,  p. 398  
 Place of Publication:New York 
 Publisher:T. & J. Swords 
 Publication Date:May 1800 
 Accession #:1800-05398 
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46Author:B (possibly by Brown)Requires cookie*
 Article:The Evils of Reserve in Marriage  
 Publication:The Monthly Magazine and the American Review  vol. II,  issue 6,  pp. 409–411  
 Place of Publication:New York 
 Publisher:T. & J. Swords 
 Publication Date:June 1800 
 Accession #:1800-06409 
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47Author:B (possibly by Brown)Requires cookie*
 Article:On a Scheme for Describing American Manners. (Addressed to a Foreigner.)  
 Publication:The Monthly Magazine and the American Review  vol. III,  issue 1,  pp. 7–10  
 Place of Publication:New York 
 Publisher:T. & J. Swords 
 Publication Date:July 1800 
 Accession #:1800-07007 
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48Author:A (by Brown)Requires cookie*
 Article:On a Taste for the Picturesque  
 Publication:The Monthly Magazine and the American Review  vol. III,  issue 1,  pp. 11–13  
 Place of Publication:New York 
 Publisher:T. & J. Swords 
 Publication Date:July 1800 
 Accession #:1800-07011 
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49Author:B (possibly by Brown)Requires cookie*
 Article:Differences Between Felicity and Happiness  
 Publication:The Monthly Magazine and the American Review  vol. III,  issue 1,  pp. 13–15  
 Place of Publication:New York 
 Publisher:T. & J. Swords 
 Publication Date:July 1800 
 Accession #:1800-07013 
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50Author:A (by Brown)Requires cookie*
 Article:Thoughts on the Origin of the Claims of Europeans to North-America  
 Publication:The Monthly Magazine and the American Review  vol. III,  issue 1,  pp. 16–18  
 Place of Publication:New York 
 Publisher:T. & J. Swords 
 Publication Date:July 1800 
 Accession #:1800-07016 
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51Author:A (by Brown)Requires cookie*
 Article:Friendship: An Original Letter  
 Publication:The Monthly Magazine and the American Review  vol. III,  issue 1,  pp. 37–39  
 Place of Publication:New York 
 Publisher:T. & J. Swords 
 Publication Date:July 1800 
 Accession #:1800-07037 
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52Author:B (possibly by Brown)Requires cookie*
 Article:Miscellaneous Articles of Literary and Philosophical Intelligence <part 11>  
 Publication:The Monthly Magazine and the American Review  vol. III,  issue 1,  pp. 74–78  
 Place of Publication:New York 
 Publisher:T. & J. Swords 
 Publication Date:July 1800 
 Accession #:1800-07074 
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53Author:A (by Brown)Requires cookie*
 Publication:The Monthly Magazine and the American Review  vol. III,  issue 1,  pp. iii – iv  
 Place of Publication:New York 
 Publisher:T. & J. Swords 
 Publication Date:July 1800 
 Accession #:1800-07III 
 Similar Items:Find
54Author:A (by Brown)Requires cookie*
 Article:On Conversation  
 Publication:The Monthly Magazine and the American Review  vol. III,  issue 2,  pp. 87–88  
 Place of Publication:New York 
 Publisher:T. & J. Swords 
 Publication Date:August 1800 
 Accession #:1800-08087 
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55Author:A (by Brown)Requires cookie*
 Article:Remarks on Short-hand Writing  
 Publication:The Monthly Magazine and the American Review  vol. III,  issue 2,  pp. 92–96  
 Place of Publication:New York 
 Publisher:T. & J. Swords 
 Publication Date:August 1800 
 Accession #:1800-08092 
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56Author:B (possibly by Brown)Requires cookie*
 Article:Differences between Prejudice and Prepossession  
 Publication:The Monthly Magazine and the American Review  vol. III,  issue 2,  pp. 96–97  
 Place of Publication:New York 
 Publisher:T. & J. Swords 
 Publication Date:August 1800 
 Accession #:1800-08096 
 Similar Items:Find
57Author:B (possibly by Brown)Requires cookie*
 Article:Miscellaneous Articles of Literary and Philosophical Intelligence <part 12>  
 Publication:The Monthly Magazine and the American Review  vol. III,  issue 2,  pp. 153–158  
 Place of Publication:New York 
 Publisher:T. & J. Swords 
 Publication Date:August 1800 
 Accession #:1800-08153 
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58Author:B (possibly by Brown)Requires cookie*
 Article:To Correspondents  
 Publication:The Monthly Magazine and the American Review  vol. III,  issue 2,  p. 160  
 Place of Publication:New York 
 Publisher:T. & J. Swords 
 Publication Date:August 1800 
 Accession #:1800-08160 
 Similar Items:Find
59Author:B (possibly by Brown)Requires cookie*
 Article:Miscellaneous Articles of Literary and Philosophical Intelligence <part 13>  
 Publication:The Monthly Magazine and the American Review  vol. III,  issue 3,  pp. 233–238  
 Place of Publication:New York 
 Publisher:T. & J. Swords 
 Publication Date:September 1800 
 Accession #:1800-09233 
 Similar Items:Find
60Author:A (by Brown)Requires cookie*
 Article:To Correspondents  
 Publication:The Monthly Magazine and the American Review  vol. III,  issue 3,  p. 240  
 Place of Publication:New York 
 Publisher:T. & J. Swords 
 Publication Date:September 1800 
 Accession #:1800-09240 
 Similar Items:Find
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