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141Author:A (by Brown)Requires cookie*
 Article:Death of Hamilton  
 Publication:The Literary Magazine and American Register  vol. II,  issue 11,  pp. 337–338  
 Place of Publication:Philadelphia 
 Publisher:John Conrad & Co. 
 Publication Date:August 1804 
 Accession #:1804-08337 
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142Author:B (possibly by Brown)Requires cookie*
 Article:To the Editor, &c. [Letter from Morris Town, Oct. 30, 1801]  
 Publication:The Literary Magazine and American Register  vol. II,  issue 11,  pp. 338–339  
 Place of Publication:Philadelphia 
 Publisher:John Conrad & Co. 
 Publication Date:August 1804 
 Accession #:1804-08338 
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143Author:B (possibly by Brown)Requires cookie*
 Article:British Pension List  
 Publication:The Literary Magazine and American Register  vol. II,  issue 11,  pp. 343–344  
 Place of Publication:Philadelphia 
 Publisher:John Conrad & Co. 
 Publication Date:August 1804 
 Accession #:1804-08343 
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144Author:B (possibly by Brown)Requires cookie*
 Publication:The Literary Magazine and American Register  vol. II,  issue 11,  p. 344  
 Place of Publication:Philadelphia 
 Publisher:John Conrad & Co. 
 Publication Date:August 1804 
 Accession #:1804-08344a 
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145Author:B (possibly by Brown)Requires cookie*
 Article:Notices of American Writers and Publications  
 Publication:The Literary Magazine and American Register  vol. II,  issue 11,  pp. 344–356  
 Place of Publication:Philadelphia 
 Publisher:John Conrad & Co. 
 Publication Date:August 1804 
 Accession #:1804-08344b 
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146Author:B (possibly by Brown)Requires cookie*
 Article:European Literary News  
 Publication:The Literary Magazine and American Register  vol. II,  issue 11,  p. 356  
 Place of Publication:Philadelphia 
 Publisher:John Conrad & Co. 
 Publication Date:August 1804 
 Accession #:1804-08356 
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147Author:B (possibly by Brown)Requires cookie*
 Publication:The Literary Magazine and American Register  vol. II,  issue 11,  pp. 359–360  
 Place of Publication:Philadelphia 
 Publisher:John Conrad & Co. 
 Publication Date:August 1804 
 Accession #:1804-08359 
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148Author:H (hybrid work; portions attributed to Brown)Requires cookie*
 Article:Godwin and Malthus  
 Publication:The Literary Magazine and American Register  vol. II,  issue 11,  pp. 361–369  
 Place of Publication:Philadelphia 
 Publisher:John Conrad & Co. 
 Publication Date:August 1804 
 Accession #:1804-08361 
 Hybridity note:[Brown writes the first 5 paragraphs, reprinting the remainder from the London Monthly Magazine (Supplementary number to the 16th volume, Jan. 25, 1803), 609-615.] 
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149Author:B (possibly by Brown)Requires cookie*
 Article:Works in Prison  
 Publication:The Literary Magazine and American Register  vol. II,  issue 11,  pp. 369–370  
 Place of Publication:Philadelphia 
 Publisher:John Conrad & Co. 
 Publication Date:August 1804 
 Accession #:1804-08369 
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150Author:B (possibly by Brown)Requires cookie*
 Article:List of New Publications in August  
 Publication:The Literary Magazine and American Register  vol. II,  issue 11,  pp. 409–410  
 Place of Publication:Philadelphia 
 Publisher:John Conrad & Co. 
 Publication Date:August 1804 
 Accession #:1804-08409 
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151Author:A (by Brown)Requires cookie*
 Article:To Correspondents  
 Publication:The Literary Magazine and American Register  vol. II,  issue 11,  p. 410  
 Place of Publication:Philadelphia 
 Publisher:John Conrad & Co. 
 Publication Date:August 1804 
 Accession #:1804-08410 
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152Author:B (possibly by Brown)Requires cookie*
 Article:Thomas Jefferson  
 Publication:The Literary Magazine and American Register  vol. II,  issue 12,  pp. 413–414  
 Place of Publication:Philadelphia 
 Publisher:John Conrad & Co. 
 Publication Date:September 1804 
 Accession #:1804-09413 
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153Author:B (possibly by Brown)Requires cookie*
 Article:Cowper's Religion  
 Publication:The Literary Magazine and American Register  vol. II,  issue 12,  pp. 414–415  
 Place of Publication:Philadelphia 
 Publisher:John Conrad & Co. 
 Publication Date:September 1804 
 Accession #:1804-09414 
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154Author:H (hybrid work; portions attributed to Brown)Requires cookie*
 Article:[Editor's Introduction and Response to] Nature of Virtue  
 Publication:The Literary Magazine and American Register  vol. II,  issue 12,  pp. 415–416  
 Place of Publication:Philadelphia 
 Publisher:John Conrad & Co. 
 Publication Date:September 1804 
 Accession #:1804-09415 
 Hybridity note:[Brown writes paragraphs 1 and 4, reprinting paragraphs 2 and 3 from the London Monthly Magazine (Jan. 1804), 549.] 
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155Author:B (possibly by Brown)Requires cookie*
 Article:The Jewish High Priest  
 Publication:The Literary Magazine and American Register  vol. II,  issue 12,  p. 416  
 Place of Publication:Philadelphia 
 Publisher:John Conrad & Co. 
 Publication Date:September 1804 
 Accession #:1804-09416a 
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156Author:B (possibly by Brown)Requires cookie*
 Article:The Winter's Day  
 Publication:The Literary Magazine and American Register  vol. II,  issue 12,  pp. 416–418  
 Place of Publication:Philadelphia 
 Publisher:John Conrad & Co. 
 Publication Date:September 1804 
 Accession #:1804-09416b 
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157Author:H (hybrid work; portions attributed to Brown)Requires cookie*
 Article:[Editor's Introduction to] Economy of Light  
 Publication:The Literary Magazine and American Register  vol. II,  issue 12,  pp. 420–422  
 Place of Publication:Philadelphia 
 Publisher:John Conrad & Co. 
 Publication Date:September 1804 
 Accession #:1804-09420 
 Hybridity note:[Brown writes the first paragraph only, reprinting the remainder from the London Monthly Magazine (“Supplemental number” to no. 4:26 (Dec. 1797), 539-40.] 
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158Author:H (hybrid work; portions attributed to Brown)Requires cookie*
 Article:[Editor's Introduction to] The Neapolitan Baron  
 Publication:The Literary Magazine and American Register  vol. II,  issue 12,  pp. 461–464  
 Place of Publication:Philadelphia 
 Publisher:John Conrad & Co. 
 Publication Date:September 1804 
 Accession #:1804-09461 
 Hybridity note:[Brown writes the first paragraph only, reprinting the remainder from Carl Ulisse von Salis-Marschlins, Travels through Various Provinces of the Kingdom of Naples, in 1789 (London: T. Cadell, 1795), 196-202.] 
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159Author:B (possibly by Brown)Requires cookie*
 Article:List of New Publications, in September  
 Publication:The Literary Magazine and American Register  vol. II,  issue 12,  p. 490  
 Place of Publication:Philadelphia 
 Publisher:John Conrad & Co. 
 Publication Date:September 1804 
 Accession #:1804-09490a 
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160Author:A (by Brown)Requires cookie*
 Article:To Correspondents  
 Publication:The Literary Magazine and American Register  vol. II,  issue 12,  p. 490  
 Place of Publication:Philadelphia 
 Publisher:John Conrad & Co. 
 Publication Date:September 1804 
 Accession #:1804-09490b 
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