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381Author:B (possibly by Brown)Requires cookie*
 Article:Literary and Philosophical Intelligence  
 Publication:The Literary Magazine and American Register  vol. VII,  issue 45,  pp. 460–466  
 Place of Publication:Philadelphia 
 Publisher:John Conrad & Co. 
 Publication Date:June 1807 
 Accession #:1807-06460 
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382Author:A (by Brown)Requires cookie*
 Article:[Notes from the Editor]  
 Publication:The Literary Magazine and American Register  vol. VII,  issue 45,  p. 472  
 Place of Publication:Philadelphia 
 Publisher:John Conrad & Co. 
 Publication Date:June 1807 
 Accession #:1807-06472 
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383Author:H (hybrid work; portions attributed to Brown)Requires cookie*
 Article:[Editor's Introduction to] Weights and Measures  
 Publication:The Literary Magazine and American Register  vol. VIII,  issue 46,  pp. 15–17  
 Place of Publication:Philadelphia 
 Publisher:John Conrad & Co. 
 Publication Date:July 1807 
 Accession #:1807-07015 
 Hybridity note:[Brown writes the first two paragraphs only, introducing the remainder reprinted from the Journal of the Pennsylvania General Assembly and Senate (1806), 444ff.] 
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384Author:B (possibly by Brown)Requires cookie*
 Article:Biographical Notices. Uriah Tracy. Paswan Oglou. Mr Thomas Pemberton  
 Publication:The Literary Magazine and American Register  vol. VIII,  issue 46,  pp. 40–42  
 Place of Publication:Philadelphia 
 Publisher:John Conrad & Co. 
 Publication Date:July 1807 
 Accession #:1807-07040 
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385Author:B (possibly by Brown)Requires cookie*
 Article:Literary, Philosophical, Commercial, and Agricultural Intelligence  
 Publication:The Literary Magazine and American Register  vol. VIII,  issue 46,  pp. 42–47  
 Place of Publication:Philadelphia 
 Publisher:John Conrad & Co. 
 Publication Date:July 1807 
 Accession #:1807-07042 
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386Author:B (possibly by Brown)Requires cookie*
 Article:Biographical Sketches  
 Publication:The Literary Magazine and American Register  vol. VIII,  issue 47,  pp. 92–94  
 Place of Publication:Philadelphia 
 Publisher:John Conrad & Co. 
 Publication Date:August 1807 
 Accession #:1807-08092 
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387Author:B (possibly by Brown)Requires cookie*
 Article:Literary, Philosophical, Commercial, and Agricultural Intelligence  
 Publication:The Literary Magazine and American Register  vol. VIII,  issue 47,  pp. 95–100  
 Place of Publication:Philadelphia 
 Publisher:John Conrad & Co. 
 Publication Date:August 1807 
 Accession #:1807-08095 
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388Author:B (possibly by Brown)Requires cookie*
 Article:New Religious Sect  
 Publication:The Literary Magazine and American Register  vol. VIII,  issue 48,  pp. 142–143  
 Place of Publication:Philadelphia 
 Publisher:John Conrad & Co. 
 Publication Date:September 1807 
 Accession #:1807-09142 
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389Author:B (possibly by Brown)Requires cookie*
 Article:Literary, Philosophical, Commercial, and Agricultural Intelligence  
 Publication:The Literary Magazine and American Register  vol. VIII,  issue 48,  pp. 150–156  
 Place of Publication:Philadelphia 
 Publisher:John Conrad & Co. 
 Publication Date:September 1807 
 Accession #:1807-09150 
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390Author:B (possibly by Brown)Requires cookie*
 Article:Literary, Philosophical, Commercial, and Agricultural Intelligence  
 Publication:The Literary Magazine and American Register  vol. VIII,  issue 49,  pp. 204–212  
 Place of Publication:Philadelphia 
 Publisher:John Conrad & Co. 
 Publication Date:October 1807 
 Accession #:1807-10204 
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391Author:B (possibly by Brown)Requires cookie*
 Article:Literary, Philosophical, Commercial, and Agricultural Intelligence  
 Publication:The Literary Magazine and American Register  vol. VIII,  issue 50,  pp. 263–269  
 Place of Publication:Philadelphia 
 Publisher:John Conrad & Co. 
 Publication Date:November 1807 
 Accession #:1807-11263 
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392Author:B (possibly by Brown)Requires cookie*
 Article:Literary, Philosophical, Commercial, and Agricultural Intelligence  
 Publication:The Literary Magazine and American Register  vol. VIII,  issue 51,  pp. 324–328  
 Place of Publication:Philadelphia 
 Publisher:John Conrad & Co. 
 Publication Date:December 1807 
 Accession #:1807-12324 
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393Author:A (by Brown)Requires cookie*
 Publication:The American Register, or General Repository of History, Politics, and Science  vol. II,  pp. iii – iv  
 Place of Publication:Philadelphia 
 Publisher:C. & A. Conrad 
 Publication Date:1808 
 Accession #:1808-01000 
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394Author:A (by Brown)Requires cookie*
 Article:American Register of Deaths  
 Publication:The American Register, or General Repository of History, Politics, and Science  vol. II,  pp. 71–72  
 Place of Publication:Philadelphia 
 Publisher:C. & A. Conrad 
 Publication Date:1808 
 Accession #:1808-01071a 
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395Author:B (possibly by Brown)Requires cookie*
 Article:An Abstract of all the Laws and Public Acts Passed in the Second Session of the Ninth Congress of the United States, from December 1, 1806, to March 2, 1807  
 Publication:The American Register, or General Repository of History, Politics, and Science  vol. II,  pp. 107–143  
 Place of Publication:Philadelphia 
 Publisher:C. & A. Conrad 
 Publication Date:1808 
 Accession #:1808-01107 
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396Author:B (possibly by Brown)Requires cookie*
 Article:Review of Literature  
 Publication:The American Register, or General Repository of History, Politics, and Science  vol. II,  pp. 149–174  
 Place of Publication:Philadelphia 
 Publisher:C. & A. Conrad 
 Publication Date:1808 
 Accession #:1808-01149 
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397Author:B (possibly by Brown)Requires cookie*
 Article:On the Political Character of Dr. Franklin  
 Publication:The American Register, or General Repository of History, Politics, and Science  vol. II,  pp. 175–178  
 Place of Publication:Philadelphia 
 Publisher:C. & A. Conrad 
 Publication Date:1808 
 Accession #:1808-01175 
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398Author:B (possibly by Brown)Requires cookie*
 Article:Chronicle, No. I  
 Publication:The American Register, or General Repository of History, Politics, and Science  vol. II,  pp. 179–280  
 Place of Publication:Philadelphia 
 Publisher:C. & A. Conrad 
 Publication Date:1808 
 Accession #:1808-01179 
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399Author:B (possibly by Brown)Requires cookie*
 Article:Chronicle No. II  
 Publication:The American Register, or General Repository of History, Politics, and Science  vol. II,  pp. 281–351  
 Place of Publication:Philadelphia 
 Publisher:C. & A. Conrad 
 Publication Date:1808 
 Accession #:1808-01281 
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400Author:B (possibly by Brown)Requires cookie*
 Article:European Literary and Philosophical Intelligence  
 Publication:The American Register, or General Repository of History, Politics, and Science  vol. II,  pp. 353–408  
 Place of Publication:Philadelphia 
 Publisher:C. & A. Conrad 
 Publication Date:1808 
 Accession #:1808-01353 
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