720 XTF Search Results (subject=fiction;subject-join=exact;brand=default;f1-date=1805);subject-join%3Dexact;brand%3Ddefault;f1-date%3D1805 Results for your query: subject=fiction;subject-join=exact;brand=default;f1-date=1805 Wed, 14 Jan 2009 12:00:00 GMT For the Literary Magazine. Memoirs of Carwin the Biloquist. Continued from page 114. Brown, Charles Brockden I RETIRED accordingly to my apartment, and spent the prescribed hour in anxious and irresolute re- flections. They were no other than had hitherto occurred, but they oc- curred with more force than ever. Some fatal obstinacy, however, got possession of me, and I persisted in the resolution of concealing one thing. We become fondly attached to objects and pursuits, frequently for no conceivable reason but the pain and trouble they cost us. In proportion to the danger in which they involve us do we cherish them. Our darling potion is the poison that scorches our vitals. Fri, 01 Mar 1805 12:00:00 GMT For the Literary Magazine. Memoirs of Carwin the Biloquist. Continued from vol. II, page 252. Brown, Charles Brockden THE books which composed this little library were chiefly the voya- ges and travels of the missionaries of the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. Added to these were some works upon political economy and legislation. Those writers who have amused themselves with re- ducing their ideas to practice, and drawing imaginary pictures of na- tions or republics, whose manners or government came up to their standard of excellence, were, all of whom I had ever heard, and some I had never heard of before, to be found in this collection. A transla- tion of Aristotle's republic, the poli- tical romances of sir Thomas Moore, Harrington, and Hume, appeared to have been much read, and Ludlow had not been sparing of his marginal comments. In these writers he appeared to find nothing but error and absurdity; and his notes were introduced for no other end than to point out groundless principles and false conclusions….. The style of these remarks was al- ready familiar to me. I saw no- thing new in them, or different from the ... Fri, 01 Feb 1805 12:00:00 GMT The Ivizan Cottager. Brown, Charles Brockden WHEN we read the account which travellers give of the mode of living among savages, and even among the class of peasantry in civil- ized nations, we are prompted to exclaim, How little is necessary to human sustenance! When we hear described the habitation of a single room, whose floor is the damp bare earth; whose roof is straw or moss; eight or ten feet high, and ten or twelve in diameter; where the fire is kindled in the middle; whose smoke finds no other outlet, and whose light finds no other entrance, than the door-way; we can scarcely credit the tale. Our credulity is still more shocked, when it is added, that these mansions frequently swarm with young children, who are plump, buxom, and robust. If our own edu- cation has been soft and delicate, our minds are crowded with the number- less wants and perils which are in- cident to matrimonial life, to chil- dren and their mothers, and are at a loss to conceive how these desti- tute wretches are able to exist, or to preserve their progeny in such drea- ry... Sun, 01 Dec 1805 12:00:00 GMT Kotan Husbandry. Brown, Charles Brockden HUSBANDRY, the most import- ant of all arts, has been reduced to very simple principles, and been brought within a very narrow com- pass, by this nation. There is no art susceptible of greater variety in its operations than this, and none in which the western nations have ac- tually adopted a greater number and diversity of modes. This obviously arises from the dispersed and un- connected situation of the cultivators, and from their stupidity and igno- rance. The learned and curious have laid out their wealth and their curiosity on different objects, and the art of extracting human subsist- ence from the earth has been treat- ed with contempt and negligence. Mon, 01 Apr 1805 12:00:00 GMT Richard the Third and Perkin Warbeck. Brown, Charles Brockden THE folly and the fallacy of fame is an old theme of observation; but there are few instances of its absur- dity and injustice more memorable than in relation to the character of Richard the third. Happening to be unfortunate in battle, and a rival king and family stepping into his place, his character has been ma- ligned and mangled without mercy. One historian after another has re- peated the tale of his murders, per- juries, and usurpations; and what the grave historian relates to a few, the poet has rendered familiar to all mankind. Fri, 01 Feb 1805 12:00:00 GMT The Romance of Real Life. Brown, Charles Brockden AT a general half-yearly meeting of the society for the support and encouragement of Sunday schools in England and Wales, the committee reported, that since the last general meeting, in October, 1804, they had added fifty-one schools, with the ad- dition of more than 6000 scholars, to the statement then delivered; and that from the commencement of this institution, in 1785, the society had afforded aid, either in books or mo- ney, to 2380 schools, containing 213,011 scholars, for whose use they had distributed 200,974 spelling- books, 46,465 testaments, and 6935 bibles, besides a sum of 41421. 4s. 5d. granted to such schools as stood in need of pecuniary assistance. The effect of that attention which the committee paid to petitions for assist- ance from the principality of Wales begins now to display itself in a man- ner which promises the most exten- sive and happy results. It is alrea- dy ascertained that 115 schools have been established by the society in the counties of Flint, Denbigh, An- glesey, Merione... Fri, 01 Nov 1805 12:00:00 GMT Somnambulism. A fragment. Brown, Charles Brockden The following fragment will require no other preface or commentary than an extract from the Vienna Gazette of June 14, 1784. “At Great Glogau, in Silesia, the attention of physi- cians, and of the people, has been excited by the case of a young man, whose behaviour indicates perfect health in all respects but one. He has a habit of rising in his sleep, and performing a great many actions with as much order and exactness as when awake. This habit for a long time showed itself in freaks and achieve- ments merely innocent, or, at least, only troublesome and inconvenient, till about six weeks ago. At that period a shocking event took place about three leagues from the town, and in the neighbourhood where the youth's family resides. A young lady, travelling with her father by night, was shot dead upon the road, by some person unknown. The offi- cers of justice took a good deal of pains to trace the author of the crime, and at length, by carefully comparing circumstances, a suspicion was fixed upon this youth. Afte... Wed, 01 May 1805 12:00:00 GMT A Specimen of Agricultural Improvement. Extracted from the correspondence of a traveller in Scotland. Brown, Charles Brockden ——THE northern estate called C——, contains about twenty-five thousand acres, and consists of a roundish piece of land, jutting out into the Irish sea, connected, by a narrow peninsula, with the main land of ———shire. The won- ders wrought in this little territory, by the genius of the proprietor, are still more remarkable than those ef- fected in W——, because its condi- tion was far more desolate and for- lorn, when it came into his possession. Its general aspect was that of sterile mountains, whose summits were roughened with rocks, and whose sides were covered with bog and moss, and overrun with heath and fern. Scarcely a fruit or timber tree was any where to be seen….. Near the coast a species of negli- gent and slovenly cultivation took place. About ten thousand acres, or two-fifths of the whole, was di- vided into two hundred farms, each, on an average, consisting of fifty acres, and containing, on the whole, about fourteen hundred persons….. Four hamlets, or villages, composed of cottagers and petty tra... Fri, 01 Feb 1805 12:00:00 GMT Specimen of Political Improvement. Brown, Charles Brockden Continued from page 86. Fri, 01 Feb 1805 12:00:00 GMT Specimen of Political Improvement. Brown, Charles Brockden EVERY district in Great Britain, of any considerable extent, contains at least the vestiges of an ancient castle and abbey. The ruinous con- dition of these edifices is more ow- ing to the neglect and violence of men, than to the frailty of their structure or materials. The fero- cious avarice and barbarous tyranny of Henry VIII, in England, and the wild fury of a fanatical populace, in Scotland, were the causes of the destruction of abbeys; while the change of manners, which rendered a fortress no longer necessary to personal safety, has occasioned the ruin of castles. In some few instan- ces the abbey, though with a multi- tude of alterations, has become a private dwelling, and the castle, rendered sacred by the images of ancient grandeur and power, has, at an immense expense, been convert- ed to the same use. In general, however, both are reduced to their foundations, and are cherished mere- ly as mementos of past ages. Fri, 01 Mar 1805 12:00:00 GMT A Specimen of Political Improvement. Brown, Charles Brockden I AM much mistaken if the castle of C—— be not, in many respects, the most extraordinary monument of its kind to be found in Great Bri- tain, and perhaps in Europe. It is true, my acquaintance with build- ings of this sort is extremely limit- ed, and the model of this castle may be common in Italy and Germany, but these, the vestiges of which are scattered over the British islands, seem to be constructed on a plan widely different from this. You must indulge me in giving you some description of it, though I am aware no description, in such cases, can be very clear or satisfactory. Fri, 01 Mar 1805 12:00:00 GMT