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1Author:B (possibly by Brown)Requires cookie*
 Article:Art. I. [Review of] A complete History of Connecticut, Civil and Ecclesiastical, from the Emigration of its first Planters from England in 1630, to 1713. By Benjamin Trumbull, D.D. Vol. i. 8vo. 2 dollars & 25 cents. Hudson and Goodwin. Hartford  
 Publication:The Monthly Magazine and the American Review  vol. I,  issue 1,  pp. 45–46  
 Place of Publication:New York 
 Publisher:T. & J. Swords 
 Publication Date:April 1799 
 Accession #:1799-04045 
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2Author:B (possibly by Brown)Requires cookie*
 Article:Art. II. [Review of] The Life of Ezra Stiles, D.D.L.L.D. President of Yale College, etc. etc. By Abiel Holmes, A.M. Pastor of the First Church in Cambridge. 8vo. pp. 403. Thomas and Andrews. Boston. 1798  
 Publication:The Monthly Magazine and the American Review  vol. I,  issue 1,  pp. 47–48  
 Place of Publication:New York 
 Publisher:T. & J. Swords 
 Publication Date:April 1799 
 Accession #:1799-04047 
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3Author:B (possibly by Brown)Requires cookie*
 Article:Art. III. [Review of] Sermons on various Subjects, Doctrinal, Experimental, and Practical. By Nathan Strong, Pastor of the North Presbyterian Church in Hartford, Connecticut. Vol. i. 8vo. pp. 396. 1 dollar and 50 cents. Hudson and Goodwin. Hartford. 1798  
 Publication:The Monthly Magazine and the American Review  vol. I,  issue 1,  pp. 48–50  
 Place of Publication:New York 
 Publisher:T. & J. Swords 
 Publication Date:April 1799 
 Accession #:1799-04048 
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4Author:B (possibly by Brown)Requires cookie*
 Article:Art. IV. [Review of] An Eulogium on the late Dr. Samuel Cooper. Delivered before the Medical Society of Philadelphia, on the 4th March, 1799. By Charles Caldwell, A.M.M.D. &c. 8vo. pp. 48. Philadelphia. Carey. 1799  
 Publication:The Monthly Magazine and the American Review  vol. I,  issue 1,  pp. 50–51  
 Place of Publication:New York 
 Publisher:T. & J. Swords 
 Publication Date:April 1799 
 Accession #:1799-04050 
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5Author:A (by Brown)Requires cookie*
 Article:Art. V. [Review of] New Views of the Origin of the Tribes and Nations of America. By Benjamin Smith Barton,M.D. &c.&c. 8vo. pp. 274. Philadelphia. Printed for the Author by John Bioren. 1798  
 Publication:The Monthly Magazine and the American Review  vol. I,  issue 2,  pp. 117–119  
 Place of Publication:New York 
 Publisher:T. & J. Swords 
 Publication Date:May 1799 
 Accession #:1799-05117 
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6Author:B (possibly by Brown)Requires cookie*
 Article:Art. VII. [Review of] Memoirs of Major-Gen. Heath, containing Anecdotes, Details of Skirmishes, Battles, and other Military Events, during the American War. Written by himself. pp. 388. 8vo. Thomas & Andrews. Boston. 1798  
 Publication:The Monthly Magazine and the American Review  vol. I,  issue 2,  pp. 124–126  
 Place of Publication:New York 
 Publisher:T. & J. Swords 
 Publication Date:May 1799 
 Accession #:1799-05124 
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7Author:B (possibly by Brown)Requires cookie*
 Article:Art. IX. [Review of] The Duty of Executors and Administrators. By the Hon. John Faucheraud Grimke, one of the Associate Judges of the State of South Carolina. New-York. T. and J. Swords. 1797  
 Publication:The Monthly Magazine and the American Review  vol. I,  issue 2,  pp. 127–128  
 Place of Publication:New York 
 Publisher:T. & J. Swords 
 Publication Date:May 1799 
 Accession #:1799-05127 
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8Author:B (possibly by Brown)Requires cookie*
 Article:Art. X. [Review of] A Discourse on National Sins: delivered May 9, 1798; being the Day recommended by the President of the United States, to be observed as a Day of General Fast. By William Linn, D.D. one of the Ministers of the Reformed Dutch Church in the City of New-York. 8vo. pp. 37. T. and J. Swords. New-York. 1798  
 Publication:The Monthly Magazine and the American Review  vol. I,  issue 2,  pp. 128–129  
 Place of Publication:New York 
 Publisher:T. & J. Swords 
 Publication Date:May 1799 
 Accession #:1799-05128 
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9Author:B (possibly by Brown)Requires cookie*
 Article:Art. XI. [Review of] A Sermon, delivered May 9, 1798, being the Day of a National Fast, recommended by the President of the United States. By John Thornton Kirkland, Minister of the New South Church, Boston. 8vo. pp. 23. Russel. Boston. 1798  
 Publication:The Monthly Magazine and the American Review  vol. I,  issue 2,  pp. 129–130  
 Place of Publication:New York 
 Publisher:T. & J. Swords 
 Publication Date:May 1799 
 Accession #:1799-05129 
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10Author:B (possibly by Brown)Requires cookie*
 Article:Art. V. [Review of] Essays, Political, Economical, and Philosophical. By Benjamin Count Rumford. The first American, from the third London edition. Vol. i. pp. 464. D. West. Boston. 1798. <part 1>  
 Publication:The Monthly Magazine and the American Review  vol. I,  issue 2,  pp. 132–134  
 Place of Publication:New York 
 Publisher:T. & J. Swords 
 Publication Date:May 1799 
 Accession #:1799-05132 
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11Author:B (possibly by Brown)Requires cookie*
 Article:Art. VI [Review of] Encyclopedia; or a Dictionary of Arts, Sciences and Miscellaneous Literature; constructed on a Plan, by which the different Sciences and Arts are digested into the Form of distinct Treatises or Systems, &c. The first American Edition, in eighteen volumes 4to. T. Dobson. Philadelphia. 1798  
 Publication:The Monthly Magazine and the American Review  vol. I,  issue 2,  pp. 134–135  
 Place of Publication:New York 
 Publisher:T. & J. Swords 
 Publication Date:May 1799 
 Accession #:1799-05134 
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12Author:B (possibly by Brown)Requires cookie*
 Article:Art. VII. [Review of] Poems by Robert Southey. First American Edition. pp. 125. 12mo. Boston. Printed for Joseph Nancrede. 1799. Price 62 cents  
 Publication:The Monthly Magazine and the American Review  vol. I,  issue 2,  pp. 135–137  
 Place of Publication:New York 
 Publisher:T. & J. Swords 
 Publication Date:May 1799 
 Accession #:1799-05135 
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13Author:B (possibly by Brown)Requires cookie*
 Article:Art. VIII. [Review of] The Naval Gazetteer, or Seaman's complete Guide, &c. &c. By the Rev. John Malham. Illustrated with a correct Set of Charts. The first American Edition, in two Volumes large 8vo. Boston. W. Spotswood and J. Nancrede. 1797  
 Publication:The Monthly Magazine and the American Review  vol. I,  issue 2,  p. 137  
 Place of Publication:New York 
 Publisher:T. & J. Swords 
 Publication Date:May 1799 
 Accession #:1799-05137 
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14Author:B (possibly by Brown)Requires cookie*
 Article:Art.XIII. [Review of] An Oration pronounced July 4th, 1798, at the request of the inhabitants of the Town of Boston, in commemoration of the Anniversary of American Independence. By Josiah Quincy. 2d edition. pp. 31. Boston. J. Russell. 1798  
 Publication:The Monthly Magazine and the American Review  vol. I,  issue 3,  pp. 217–221  
 Place of Publication:New York 
 Publisher:T. & J. Swords 
 Publication Date:June 1799 
 Accession #:1799-06217 
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15Author:A (by Brown)Requires cookie*
 Article:Art. IX. [Review of] Joan of Arc: An Epic Poem, by Robert Southey. Boston. Manning and Loring. 1798. 12mo. pp. 170  
 Publication:The Monthly Magazine and the American Review  vol. I,  issue 3,  pp. 225–229  
 Place of Publication:New York 
 Publisher:T. & J. Swords 
 Publication Date:June 1799 
 Accession #:1799-06225 
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16Author:B (possibly by Brown)Requires cookie*
 Article:Art. X. [Review of] Essays...By...Count Rumford <part 2>  
 Publication:The Monthly Magazine and the American Review  vol. I,  issue 3,  pp. 229–232  
 Place of Publication:New York 
 Publisher:T. & J. Swords 
 Publication Date:June 1799 
 Accession #:1799-06229 
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17Author:B (possibly by Brown)Requires cookie*
 Article:Art. XVI. [Review of] An Oration, spoken at Hartford, in Connecticut, on the Anniversary of American Independence, &c. By William Brown. Hartford. Hudson and Goodwin. 1799. pp. 23  
 Publication:The Monthly Magazine and the American Review  vol. I,  issue 4,  pp. 287–290  
 Place of Publication:New York 
 Publisher:T. & J. Swords 
 Publication Date:July 1799 
 Accession #:1799-07287 
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18Author:B (possibly by Brown)Requires cookie*
 Article:Art. XI. [Review of] An Appeal to Impartial Posterity. By Madame Roland, &c. Translated from the French. 2 vols. 8vo. New-York. Printed by R. Wilson, for A. Van Hook. 1798.,  
 Publication:The Monthly Magazine and the American Review  vol. I,  issue 4,  pp. 293–299  
 Place of Publication:New York 
 Publisher:T. & J. Swords 
 Publication Date:July 1799 
 Accession #:1799-07293 
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19Author:B (possibly by Brown)Requires cookie*
 Article:Art. XII. [Review of] Essays...By...Count Rumford <part 3>  
 Publication:The Monthly Magazine and the American Review  vol. I,  issue 4,  pp. 299–305  
 Place of Publication:New York 
 Publisher:T. & J. Swords 
 Publication Date:July 1799 
 Accession #:1799-07299 
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20Author:B (possibly by Brown)Requires cookie*
 Article:Art. XXI. [Review of] An Oration, pronounced on the 4th of July, 1799, at the request of the Citizens of New-Haven. By David Daggett. Second Edition. pp. 28. 8vo. New-Haven. Thomas Green and Son. 1799  
 Publication:The Monthly Magazine and the American Review  vol. I,  issue 5,  pp. 369–372  
 Place of Publication:New York 
 Publisher:T. & J. Swords 
 Publication Date:August 1799 
 Accession #:1799-08369 
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