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101Author:B (possibly by Brown)Requires cookie*
 Article:Art. XLIV. [Review of] Letter from Alexander Hamilton, concerning the Public Conduct and Character of John Adams, Esq. President of the United States. 8vo. pp. 54. 4th Edition. New York. Lang. 1800  
 Publication:The Monthly Magazine and the American Review  vol. III,  issue 5,  pp. 362–369  
 Place of Publication:New York 
 Publisher:T. & J. Swords 
 Publication Date:November 1800 
 Accession #:1800-11362 
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102Author:B (possibly by Brown)Requires cookie*
 Article:Art. XLIX. [Review of] A Funeral Oration on the Death of George Washington. Prepared at the request of the Society of Cincinnati of the State of Delaware, and pronounced at Wilmington on the 22d of February, 1800. By Edward Roche, Secretary of the Society. 8vo. pp. 15. Wilmington. Wilson. 1800  
 Publication:The Monthly Magazine and the American Review  vol. III,  issue 5,  pp. 377–378  
 Place of Publication:New York 
 Publisher:T. & J. Swords 
 Publication Date:November 1800 
 Accession #:1800-11377 
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103Author:B (possibly by Brown)Requires cookie*
 Article:Art. L. [Review of] An Answer to Alexander Hamilton's Letter concerning the Public Conduct and Character of John Adams, Esq. President of the United States. By a Citizen of New York. 8vo. pp. 32. New York. Johnson and Stryker. 1800  
 Publication:The Monthly Magazine and the American Review  vol. III,  issue 5,  p. 378  
 Place of Publication:New York 
 Publisher:T. & J. Swords 
 Publication Date:November 1800 
 Accession #:1800-11378a 
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104Author:B (possibly by Brown)Requires cookie*
 Article:Art. LI. [Review of] A Reply to Alexander Hamilton's Letter concerning the Public Conduct and Character of John Adams, Esq. President of the United States. By a Federal Republican. 8vo. pp. 16. New-York. Nichols and Co. 1800  
 Publication:The Monthly Magazine and the American Review  vol. III,  issue 5,  pp. 378–379  
 Place of Publication:New York 
 Publisher:T. & J. Swords 
 Publication Date:November 1800 
 Accession #:1800-11378b 
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105Author:B (possibly by Brown)Requires cookie*
 Article:Art. LII. [Review of] A Vindication of the Character of John Adams, Esq. in reply to the Letter of General Hamilton; addressed to the Federal Citizens of the Union. 8vo. pp. 24. New-York. Totten and Co. 1800."  
 Publication:The Monthly Magazine and the American Review  vol. III,  issue 5,  p. 379  
 Place of Publication:New York 
 Publisher:T. & J. Swords 
 Publication Date:November 1800 
 Accession #:1800-11379a 
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106Author:B (possibly by Brown)Requires cookie*
 Article:Art. LIII: [Review of] A Letter to General Hamilton, occasioned by his Letter to President Adams. By a Federalist. 8vo. Pp. 8  
 Publication:The Monthly Magazine and the American Review  vol. III,  issue 5,  pp. 379–380  
 Place of Publication:New York 
 Publisher:T. & J. Swords 
 Publication Date:November 1800 
 Accession #:1800-11379b 
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107Author:B (possibly by Brown)Requires cookie*
 Article:Art. LIV. [Review of] Sermons on various Subjects, Doctrinal, Experimental, and Practical. By Nathan Strong, Pastor of the North Presbyterian Church in Hartford, Connecticut. Vol. ii. 8vo. pp. 400. Hartford. Cooke. 1800  
 Publication:The Monthly Magazine and the American Review  vol. III,  issue 6,  pp. 420–426  
 Place of Publication:New York 
 Publisher:T. & J. Swords 
 Publication Date:December 1800 
 Accession #:1800-12420 
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108Author:B (possibly by Brown)Requires cookie*
 Article:Art. LV. [Review of] Poems, chiefly occasional, by the late Mr. [William] Cliffton. To which are prefixed, Introductory Notices of the Life, Character, and Writings of the Author. 18mo. pp. 119. New-York. J.W. Fenno. 1800  
 Publication:The Monthly Magazine and the American Review  vol. III,  issue 6,  pp. 426–433  
 Place of Publication:New York 
 Publisher:T. & J. Swords 
 Publication Date:December 1800 
 Accession #:1800-12426 
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109Author:B (possibly by Brown)Requires cookie*
 Article:Art. LVI. [Review of] Desultory Reflections on the Political Aspects of Public Affairs in the United States of America. Part ii. 8vo. pp. 38. New-York. J.W. Fenno. 1800 <part 2>  
 Publication:The Monthly Magazine and the American Review  vol. III,  issue 6,  pp. 433–441  
 Place of Publication:New York 
 Publisher:T. & J. Swords 
 Publication Date:December 1800 
 Accession #:1800-12433 
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110Author:B (possibly by Brown)Requires cookie*
 Article:Art. LVII. [Review of] A New Physical System of Astronomy; or, an Attempt to Explain the Operations of the Powers which impel the Planets and Comets to perform Elliptical Revolutions round the Sun, and revolve on their own Axis: in which the Physical System of Sir Isaac Newton is examined, and presumed to be refuted. To which is annexed, a Physiological Treatise, &c. By Joseph Young, M.D. of New-York. 8vo. pp. 188. New-York. Hopkins. 1800  
 Publication:The Monthly Magazine and the American Review  vol. III,  issue 6,  pp. 441–445  
 Place of Publication:New York 
 Publisher:T. & J. Swords 
 Publication Date:December 1800 
 Accession #:1800-12441 
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111Author:B (possibly by Brown)Requires cookie*
 Article:Art. LX. [Review of] A Vindication of Thomas Jefferson against the Charges contained in a Pamphlet entitled 'Serious Considerations,' &c. By Grotius. 8vo. pp. 47. New-York. Denniston. 1800  
 Publication:The Monthly Magazine and the American Review  vol. III,  issue 6,  pp. 447–452  
 Place of Publication:New York 
 Publisher:T. & J. Swords 
 Publication Date:December 1800 
 Accession #:1800-12447 
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112Author:B (possibly by Brown)Requires cookie*
 Article:Art. LXII. [Review of] Pizarro in Peru; or, the Death of Rolla: a Play in five Acts. From the German of Augustus Von Kotzebue, by William Dunlap. With Notes, marking the Variations from the Original. 8vo. pp. 72. New York. Hopkins. 1800  
 Publication:The Monthly Magazine and the American Review  vol. III,  issue 6,  pp. 453–455  
 Place of Publication:New York 
 Publisher:T. & J. Swords 
 Publication Date:December 1800 
 Accession #:1800-12453 
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113Author:A (by Brown)Requires cookie*
 Article:[Review of J.Q.Adams translation,] Fr. v. Gentz, Origin and Principles of the American Revolution, etc.  
 Publication:The American Review and Literary Journal  vol. 1,  pp. 55–64  
 Place of Publication:New York 
 Publisher:T. & J. Swords 
 Publication Date:1801 
 Accession #:1801-00055 
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114Author:B (possibly by Brown)Requires cookie*
 Article:Art. XVIII. [Review of] Abaelino the Great Bandit. Translated from the German and adapted to the New York Theatre. By William Dunlap...1802  
 Publication:The American Review and Literary Journal  vol. II,  issue 4,  pp. 476–477  
 Place of Publication:New York 
 Publisher:T. & J. Swords 
 Publication Date:1802 
 Accession #:1802-12472 
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115Author:B (possibly by Brown)Requires cookie*
 Article:[Review of] A View of South Carolina, as respects her natural and civic John Drayton. Charleston, W.P. Young, 1802, 8vo. Boards. Pp. 255  
 Publication:The Literary Magazine and American Register  vol. I,  issue 1,  pp. 30–38  
 Place of Publication:Philadelphia 
 Publisher:John Conrad & Co. 
 Publication Date:October 1803 
 Accession #:1803-10030 
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116Author:B (possibly by Brown)Requires cookie*
 Article:[Review of] Two Compends for the use of the Philadelphia Academy… 1. Of Elocution; 2. Of Natural History. By James Abercrombie, A.M. one of the Assistant Ministers of Christ's Church and St. Peter's, and Director of the Academy. […] Philadelphia, H. Maxwell, [pp.] 254  
 Publication:The Literary Magazine and American Register  vol. I,  issue 1,  pp. 38–44  
 Place of Publication:Philadelphia 
 Publisher:John Conrad & Co. 
 Publication Date:October 1803 
 Accession #:1803-10038 
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117Author:B (possibly by Brown)Requires cookie*
 Article:[Review of] Narrative Poems, by J. d'Israeli; published by John Conrad & Co. Philadelphia... T. & G. Palmer, printers... 63  
 Publication:The Literary Magazine and American Register  vol. I,  issue 1,  pp. 44–46  
 Place of Publication:Philadelphia 
 Publisher:John Conrad & Co. 
 Publication Date:October 1803 
 Accession #:1803-10044 
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118Author:B (possibly by Brown)Requires cookie*
 Article:[Review of] The Ruling Passion: an Occasional Poem….By Thomas Paine, A.M  
 Publication:The Literary Magazine and American Register  vol. I,  issue 2,  pp. 104–106  
 Place of Publication:Philadelphia 
 Publisher:John Conrad & Co. 
 Publication Date:November 1803 
 Accession #:1803-11104 
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119Author:B (possibly by Brown)Requires cookie*
 Article:[Review of] History of the British Expedition to Egypt; to which is subjoined, a sketch of the present state of that country and its means of defence. Illustrated with maps, and a portrait of Sir Ralph Abercromby. By Robert Thomas Wilson, lieutenant colonel of cavalry in his Britannic Majesty's service, and knight of the Imperial Military Order of Maria Theresea. […] Philadelphia: published by Conrad, & Co.—Bonsal & Niles, Printers, Wilmington–[pp.] 317  
 Publication:The Literary Magazine and American Register  vol. I,  issue 2,  pp. 106–109  
 Place of Publication:Philadelphia 
 Publisher:John Conrad & Co. 
 Publication Date:November 1803 
 Accession #:1803-11106 
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120Author:B (possibly by Brown)Requires cookie*
 Article:[Review of] Boston ... —a Poem, by Winthrop Sargent  
 Publication:The Literary Magazine and American Register  vol. I,  issue 3,  pp. 190–191  
 Place of Publication:Philadelphia 
 Publisher:John Conrad & Co. 
 Publication Date:December 1803 
 Accession #:1803-12190 
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