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81Author:B (possibly by Brown)Requires cookie*
 Article:Art. XV. [Review of] A Discourse, delivered April 1st, 1800, in the Brick Presbyterian Church, before the New York Missionary Society, at their Annual Meeting. By William Linn, D.D. one of the Ministers of the Reformed Dutch Church in the City of New York. 8vo. pp. 40. New York. I. Collins, 1800  
 Publication:The Monthly Magazine and the American Review  vol. III,  issue 2,  pp. 141–142  
 Place of Publication:New York 
 Publisher:T. & J. Swords 
 Publication Date:August 1800 
 Accession #:1800-08141b 
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82Author:B (possibly by Brown)Requires cookie*
 Article:Art. XVI [Review of] A Discourse on the Character and Death of General George Washington, delivered at Ipswich, on the 22nd February, A.D. 1800. By Joseph Dana, A.M. Pastor of the South Church in that place. 8vo. pp.28. Newburyport. Blunt. 1800  
 Publication:The Monthly Magazine and the American Review  vol. III,  issue 2,  p. 143  
 Place of Publication:New York 
 Publisher:T. & J. Swords 
 Publication Date:August 1800 
 Accession #:1800-08143a 
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83Author:B (possibly by Brown)Requires cookie*
 Article:Art. XVII. [Review of] A Discourse on the Character and Virtues of General George Washington; delivered on the 22nd February, 1800, &c. By Daniel Dana, Minister of a Church in Newburyport. 8vo. Pp. 31. Newburyport, March 1800  
 Publication:The Monthly Magazine and the American Review  vol. III,  issue 2,  p. 143  
 Place of Publication:New York 
 Publisher:T. & J. Swords 
 Publication Date:August 1800 
 Accession #:1800-08143b 
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84Author:B (possibly by Brown)Requires cookie*
 Article:Art. XVIII. [Review of] A Sermon, delivered at Newburyport, on the 22nd February, 1800. By the Rev. John Boddily, Minister in the Second Presbyterian Church in said town. 8vo. pp. 15. Newburyport. Blunt. 1800  
 Publication:The Monthly Magazine and the American Review  vol. III,  issue 2,  p. 143  
 Place of Publication:New York 
 Publisher:T. & J. Swords 
 Publication Date:August 1800 
 Accession #:1800-08143c 
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85Author:B (possibly by Brown)Requires cookie*
 Article:Art. XIX. [Review of] An Oration, delivered in St. Paul's Church, on the 4th of July, 1800, before the General Society of Mechanics and Tradesmen, Tammany Society, or Columbian Order, and other Associations and Citizens. By M.L. Davis, of the General Society of Mechanics and Tradesmen. 8vo. pp. 21. New York. W.A. Davis. 1800  
 Publication:The Monthly Magazine and the American Review  vol. III,  issue 2,  pp. 143–144  
 Place of Publication:New York 
 Publisher:T. & J. Swords 
 Publication Date:August 1800 
 Accession #:1800-08143d 
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86Author:B (possibly by Brown)Requires cookie*
 Article:Art. XX. [Review of] Mount Vernon, a Poem by John Searson, formerly of Philadelphia, Merchant. 8vo. Philadelphia. R. Folwell. 1800  
 Publication:The Monthly Magazine and the American Review  vol. III,  issue 2,  p. 144  
 Place of Publication:New York 
 Publisher:T. & J. Swords 
 Publication Date:August 1800 
 Accession #:1800-08144 
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87Author:B (possibly by Brown)Requires cookie*
 Article:Art. XXIV. [Review of] Serious Considerations on the Election of a President: addressed to the Citizens of the United States. 8vo. pp. 36. New-York. J. Furman. 1800  
 Publication:The Monthly Magazine and the American Review  vol. III,  issue 3,  pp. 202–204  
 Place of Publication:New York 
 Publisher:T. & J. Swords 
 Publication Date:September 1800 
 Accession #:1800-09202 
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88Author:B (possibly by Brown)Requires cookie*
 Article:Art. XXVI. [Review of] Eulogium, delivered to a large Concourse of respectable Citizens, at the State-House, in the Town of Dover, on the 22d February, 1800, in Commemoration of the Death of General George Washington. By John Vining, Esq. Published at the request of the Committee of Arrangement, appointed to superintend the Ceremony, and take Order on the solemn Occasion. 8vo. pp. 20. Philadelphia. Ormrod. 1800."  
 Publication:The Monthly Magazine and the American Review  vol. III,  issue 3,  pp. 206–207  
 Place of Publication:New York 
 Publisher:T. & J. Swords 
 Publication Date:September 1800 
 Accession #:1800-09206 
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89Author:B (possibly by Brown)Requires cookie*
 Article:Art. XXVII. [Review of] A Funeral Oration upon the Death of General George Washington. Prepared at the request of the Masonic Lodge No. 14, of Wilmington, State of Delaware, and delivered on St. John the Evangelist's Day, being the 27th of December, anno lucis 5799, and now published at the particular desire of the Lodge. By Gunning Bedford. A.M. 4to. pp. 18. Wilmington. Wilson. 1800."  
 Publication:The Monthly Magazine and the American Review  vol. III,  issue 3,  pp. 207–208  
 Place of Publication:New York 
 Publisher:T. & J. Swords 
 Publication Date:September 1800 
 Accession #:1800-09207 
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90Author:B (possibly by Brown)Requires cookie*
 Article:Art. XXVIII. [Review of] A Discourse of General Washington, delivered in the Catholic Church of St. Peter, in Baltimore, February 22, 1800. By the Right Reverend Bishop Carroll. 8vo. pp. 24. Baltimore. Warner and Hanna. 1800  
 Publication:The Monthly Magazine and the American Review  vol. III,  issue 3,  pp. 208–209  
 Place of Publication:New York 
 Publisher:T. & J. Swords 
 Publication Date:September 1800 
 Accession #:1800-09208 
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91Author:B (possibly by Brown)Requires cookie*
 Article:Art. XXIX. [Review of] The Majesty and Mortality of created Gods, illustrated and improved: a Funeral Discourse, delivered at North-Haven, December 29, 1799, on the Death of General George Washington. By Benjamin Trumbull, D.D. Pastor of the Church in North-Haven. 8vo. pp. 31. New-Haven. Read and Morse. 1800  
 Publication:The Monthly Magazine and the American Review  vol. III,  issue 3,  p. 209  
 Place of Publication:New York 
 Publisher:T. & J. Swords 
 Publication Date:September 1800 
 Accession #:1800-09209a 
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92Author:B (possibly by Brown)Requires cookie*
 Article:Art. XXX. [Review of] A Sermon, delivered before the Military Officers, Apollo Lodge, and a large and respectable number of the Citizens of Troy, (N.Y.) in consequence of the Death of Lieutenant General George Washington. By Jonas Coe, A.M. Minister of the Presbyterian Church in Troy. pp. 16. Troy. Moffit and Co. 1800  
 Publication:The Monthly Magazine and the American Review  vol. III,  issue 3,  pp. 209–210  
 Place of Publication:New York 
 Publisher:T. & J. Swords 
 Publication Date:September 1800 
 Accession #:1800-09209b 
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93Author:B (possibly by Brown)Requires cookie*
 Article:Art. XXXIV. [Review of] Poems, by Samuel Low. In two volumes. 12mo. Vol. ii. pp. 168. New York. T. and J. Swords. 1800 <part 2>  
 Publication:The Monthly Magazine and the American Review  vol. III,  issue 4,  pp. 266–269  
 Place of Publication:New York 
 Publisher:T. & J. Swords 
 Publication Date:October 1800 
 Accession #:1800-10266 
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94Author:B (possibly by Brown)Requires cookie*
 Article:Art. XXXV. [Review of] The Voice of Warning to Christians, on the ensuing Election of a President of the United States. 8vo. pp. 40. New-York. Hopkins  
 Publication:The Monthly Magazine and the American Review  vol. III,  issue 4,  pp. 269–272  
 Place of Publication:New York 
 Publisher:T. & J. Swords 
 Publication Date:October 1800 
 Accession #:1800-10269 
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95Author:B (possibly by Brown)Requires cookie*
 Article:Art. XXXVI. [Review of] God the Author of Human Greatness: a Discourse on the Death of General George Washington; delivered at the North Congregational Church in Newburyport, December 29, 1799. By Samuel Spring, Pastor. 8vo. pp. 28. Newburyport. Blunt. 1800  
 Publication:The Monthly Magazine and the American Review  vol. III,  issue 4,  p. 272  
 Place of Publication:New York 
 Publisher:T. & J. Swords 
 Publication Date:October 1800 
 Accession #:1800-10272a 
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96Author:B (possibly by Brown)Requires cookie*
 Article:Art. XXXVII. [Review of] Greatness the Result of Goodness, a Sermon, occasioned by the Death of George Washington, late Commander in Chief of the Armies, and First President, of the United States of America, who died December 14, 1799, aged 68. By Samuel West, D.D. Pastor of the Church in Hollis Street, Boston. 8vo. pp. 17. Boston. Manning and Loring. 1800. [and review of] A Discourse, delivered at Hartford February 22, 1800, the day set apart by Recommendation of Congress, to pay a Tribute of Respect to the Memory of General George Washington, who died December 14, 1799. By Abel Flint, Pastor of the South Church in Hartford. 8vo. pp. 22. Hartford. Hudson and Goodwin. 1800  
 Publication:The Monthly Magazine and the American Review  vol. III,  issue 4,  pp. 242–243  
 Place of Publication:New York 
 Publisher:T. & J. Swords 
 Publication Date:October 1800 
 Accession #:1800-10272b 
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97Author:B (possibly by Brown)Requires cookie*
 Article:Art. XXXVIII. [Review of] A Discourse, delivered on Friday, December 27, 1799, the Day set apart by the Citizens of Hartford, to lament, before God, the Death of General George Washington; who died December 14, 1799. By Nathan Strong, Pastor of the North Presbyterian Church in Hartford. 8vo. pp. 26. Hartford. Hudson and Goodwin. 1800."  
 Publication:The Monthly Magazine and the American Review  vol. III,  issue 4,  p. 273  
 Place of Publication:New York 
 Publisher:T. & J. Swords 
 Publication Date:October 1800 
 Accession #:1800-10273a 
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98Author:B (possibly by Brown)Requires cookie*
 Article:Art. XXXIX. [Review of] A Discourse on the Dignity and Excellence of the Human Character; illustrated in the Life of General George Washington, late Commander of the Armies, and President of the United States, in Commemoration of the afflicttive Event of his Death. Delivered February 22, 1800, in the Benevolent Congregational Church in Providence; and published by Request of that Society. By Enos Hitchcock, D.D. Member of the Society of the Cincinnati. 8vo. pp. 35. Providence. Carter, 1800  
 Publication:The Monthly Magazine and the American Review  vol. III,  issue 4,  p. 273  
 Place of Publication:New York 
 Publisher:T. & J. Swords 
 Publication Date:October 1800 
 Accession #:1800-10273b 
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99Author:B (possibly by Brown)Requires cookie*
 Article:Art. XLII. [Review of] Sermons on some of the first Principles and Doctrines of true Religion. By Nathanael Emmons, D.D. Pastor of the Church in Franklin, Massachusetts. 8vo. pp. 510. Wrentham. N. and B. Heaton. 1800  
 Publication:The Monthly Magazine and the American Review  vol. III,  issue 5,  pp. 349–354  
 Place of Publication:New York 
 Publisher:T. & J. Swords 
 Publication Date:November 1800 
 Accession #:1800-11349 
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100Author:B (possibly by Brown)Requires cookie*
 Article:Art. XLIII. [Review of] The Claims of Thomas Jefferson to the Presidency examined at the Bar of Christianity. By a Layman. 8vo. pp. 54. Philadelphia. Dickins. 1800  
 Publication:The Monthly Magazine and the American Review  vol. III,  issue 5,  pp. 354–362  
 Place of Publication:New York 
 Publisher:T. & J. Swords 
 Publication Date:November 1800 
 Accession #:1800-11354 
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