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serial essay (4)
1Author:A (by Brown)Requires cookie*
 Article:The Rhapsodist. No. I  
 Publication:The Columbian Magazine, or, Monthly Miscellany  vol. 3,  issue 8,  pp. 464–467  
 Place of Publication:Philadelphia 
 Publisher:T. Seddon, W. Spotswood, C. Cist & J. Trenchard 
 Publication Date:August 1789 
 Genre:serial essay | fiction 
 Accession #:1789-08464 
 Similar Items:Find
2Author:A (by Brown)Requires cookie*
 Article:The Rhapsodist. No. II  
 Publication:The Columbian Magazine, or, Monthly Miscellany  vol. 3,  issue 9,  pp. 537–541  
 Place of Publication:Philadelphia 
 Publisher:T. Seddon, W. Spotswood, C. Cist & J. Trenchard 
 Publication Date:September 1789 
 Genre:serial essay | fiction 
 Accession #:1789-09537 
 Similar Items:Find
3Author:A (by Brown)Requires cookie*
 Article:The Rhapsodist. No. III  
 Publication:The Columbian Magazine, or, Monthly Miscellany  vol. 3,  issue 10,  pp. 587–601  
 Place of Publication:Philadelphia 
 Publisher:T. Seddon, W. Spotswood, C. Cist & J. Trenchard 
 Publication Date:October 1789 
 Genre:serial essay | fiction 
 Accession #:1789-10587 
 Similar Items:Find
4Author:A (by Brown)Requires cookie*
 Article:The Rhapsodist. No. IV  
 Publication:The Columbian Magazine, or, Monthly Miscellany  vol. 3,  issue 11,  pp. 661–665  
 Place of Publication:Philadelphia 
 Publisher:T. Seddon, W. Spotswood, C. Cist & J. Trenchard 
 Publication Date:November 1789 
 Genre:serial essay | fiction 
 Accession #:1789-11661 
 Similar Items:Find