720 XTF Search Results (subject=serial essay;subject-join=exact;smode=simple;brand=default;f1-date=1799);subject-join%3Dexact;smode%3Dsimple;brand%3Ddefault;f1-date%3D1799 Results for your query: subject=serial essay;subject-join=exact;smode=simple;brand=default;f1-date=1799 Wed, 14 Jan 2009 12:00:00 GMT The Economist.- No. I. Brown, Charles Brockden THERE was, if I mistake not, an officer among the old Ro- mans, called the Censor. It was his business to note the moral devi- ations of his countrymen, to check and to punish them. I believe very little success attended this officer in the administration of his duties. From some defect in the agents or objects of censure, this employ- ment seems, in general, not merely to fail of producing good, but ac- tually to exasperate the evil which it purposes to cure. This is poor encouragement for a lover of man- kind to assume this illustrious pro- vince, and yet I cannot but think, that mild and seasonable animad- versions on the errors and follies of our neighbours, may sometimes be of use. Wed, 01 Apr 1970 12:00:00 GMT The Ubiquitarian.—No. XVIII. Brown, Charles Brockden AN elegant writer has asserted, that we are all the creatures of Education, —implying that society is composed of persons who act only as they are taught. Perhaps the maxim may be justified from the example of some countries, in ancient and modern times. The Spartans and the Prussians would afford evidence of its truism. But in a country where education is a matter of inferior consideration, where teachers are as various in their precepts as they are numerous; and where the external alone is studied, to the ne- glect of moral accomplishment; in what light must we pursue the senti- ment of the writer?—We cannot call that education which consists of an indifference for, or a dereliction of the true intention of education. Mon, 23 Mar 1970 12:00:00 GMT