God the Author of Human Greatness:
a Discourse on the Death of Gene-
ral George Washington; deli-
vered at the North Congregational
Church in Newburyport, December
29, 1799. By Samuel Spring,
Pastor. 8vo. pp. 28. Newbury-
port. Blunt. 1800.
IN very humble language, and in
a style by no means classical,
Mr. Spring delivers a number of
common-place remarks, which, of
course, neither interest the mind,
nor seem quite commensurate with
the dignity of the subject. All this,
however, may have been deemed
tolerably good within the precincts
of his pulpit; but the author, when
he was committing his production
to the wild wing of the press, should
have relfected that it might chance
to fall among those who are strang-
ers to his intrinsic merit, and who,
regarding this discourse as the stand-
ard of his talents, might draw con-
clusions unfavourable to his reputa-
tion as a writer.