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FOR 1807.

THE publications in the following catalogue are such as appeared
in the United States during the latter part of the year 1807. From
the nature of this work, and, indeed, of the subject, it is impossible to
divide our literary views by any exact chronological limits. As the
lists, considered as a series, are tolerably correct, this minute division
is of less consequence. All sketches, whether of national history or
national literature, in order to be accurate, must be made at the dis-
tance of at least a year from the events related; but public curiosity
generally requires an earlier exhibition, and must therefore make
allowance for some deficiency or inaccuracy.

This period has produced a valuable addition to the law library, in
a work published by order of the legislature of Massachusetts, con-
taining the laws of that state, passed between November, 1780, and
February, 1807, a period of twenty-seven years, and the period that
has elapsed since the revolution. Part of these laws have been already
published in a collective form, and part for the first time on this
occasion. There is likewise a valuable appendix, containing the laws
of Massachusetts enacted previous to the year 1780, and which are
still in force.

It is hardly necessary to mention that the laws of the United States,
and of each state, indeed, we may add, of every corporate or munici-
pal body authorized to pass bye laws, are annually published at full
length, with all their technical appendages, and in the order in which
they were passed. Copies of these, however, are seldom attainable,
except, with regard to the laws of particular states, at the seat of their
respective governments. It is doubtful whether these are regularly
and periodically collected and deposited in any public library of the
United States, notwithstanding the evident advantage of such a me-

This period presents us with a valuable work, entitled, Admiralty
Decisions in the District Court of the United States, for the Pennsyl-
vania District, by the Hon. Richard Peters; comprizing also some

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Decisions in the same Court, by the late Francis Hopkinson, Esq.;
and of other District Courts of the United States, by Richard Peters,
Jun., Esq. The editor has thought proper, very judiciously, to subjoin
the maritime codes of Oleron, Wisbuy, the Hanse towns, Louis XIV,
and the United States, and a treatise on maritime law in general.

Of the history of legal decisions, or law reports, the only speci-
mens we meet with relate to Massachusetts and North Carolina.

The cases in the supreme court of law in Massachusetts, for 1806,
have been reported and published by Mr. D. A. Tyng.

Duncan Cameron and William Norwood have published Reports
of Cases decided in the Conference Court of North Carolina. The
mere title of these works is sufficient to evince their value.

During the year 1807, the important trial of Aaron Burr, and of
some of the persons charged as his accomplices, took place in the
supreme court of the United States at Richmond. This trial is said
to have been carefully recorded by a skilful short-hand writer, and
we have reason to believe, that, when published, it will prove one of
the most authentic and copious narratives or statements of this kind
which has ever appeared. We wait with much impatience for the
publication. The public curiosity has been very imperfectly grati-
fied by the reports of newspapers on this subject.

We have, however, a publication somewhat connected with this
interesting subject, in

The Speeches of Messrs. Harper and Martin, on the Application
made to the Supreme Court of the United States on behalf of Bollman
and Swartwout, for a habeas corpus. These persons were arrested
at New Orleans, by general Wilkinson, on the charge of being agents
in the conspiracy imputed to Aaron Burr. There is added to these
speeches a letter of general Adair on the same subject.

This publication; the letters published in newspapers by the per-
sons who suffered arrest or transportation on account of their connec-
tion with Aaron Burr; the communications made to congress on the
same subject by the president of the United States; and authentic
reports of the trials of Aaron Burr and others in Kentucky and Vir-
ginia, will form a very full and valuable series of documents in rela-
tion to this important point in American history. We should gladly
see a comprehensive publication of this nature.

Among reports of single trials, we only meet with three. Two of
these for libel, and one for murder. Of the former, one was

The Case of Maturin Livingston against James Cheetham, in New
York. The other is

The Case of John Jessup against John Firth, Esq., tried at Wood-
bury, in New Jersey. The third is

The Trial of Alpheus Hitchcock for the Murder of his Wife, tried
in the state of New York.

On medical subjects we have little to report but the regular con-
tinuance of the miscellaneous and periodical works mentioned on a
former occasion. We have, however, in a separate form, the Phar-
macopoeia of the Medical Society of Massachusetts.

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On theological topics the publications are very numerous. There
are several periodical works, conducted by skilful and industrious hands,
confined to religious subjects. There is one, at least, in each of the
three great towns, Boston, New York, and Philadelphia, and one or
more in Connecticut. It is very remarkable, however, that religious
publications seldom or never appear in any part of the United States
southward of the Chesapeake. The true cause of this is worth in-
quiry. Whether it argues few writers, few printers, or few readers
in our southern countrymen, or a scarcity of all these, it behoves an
inquisitive examiner to find out.

We were not a little surprized to find the old controversy about the
grounds of christianity in some degree revived at New York, and by
the arch polemic, Thomas Paine himself. Time seems in no degree
to have shaken the belief, or subdued the spirit of this singular per-
son; but, till the present period, we supposed that he had wholly dis-
continued writing against religion. He has, however, condescended
to make a new attempt to enlighten the world, before he leaves it, by
giving us

An Examination of the Passages in the Old Testament quoted in
the New, and called Prophecies concerning Jesus Christ: to which is
prefixed, an Essay on Dreams, being an explanation of them, and
an application of the theory to the New Testament dreams: toge-
ther with my Private * Thoughts of a Future State, and remarks on
the contradictory doctrines of the books of Matthew and Mark.

If this work has found readers, it is yet surprising that any one
has thought it worth while to take up the controversy. We find,
however, two small performances written in answer to Paine. One
at New York, by Peter R. Mason, and another at Baltimore, by J. B.
Colvin. Paine's book has been unanswered, and probably unread by,
and even unknown to the majority of the reading and enlightened

What is called the unitarian sect of christians has made but little
progress in the United States, as a sect or separate class of the com-
munity. We know of no approach being made to the formation of
an exclusive congregation but at Philadelphia; and here the society is
as yet composed of a body of laics, and is a species of club rather than
a congregation regularly organized, with a spiritual pastor at their
head. At that city has appeared

The Constitution of the First Unitarian Society of Philadelphia.

A member of this society has likewise published

No. I of a Series of Discourses. This is a discourse on the right,
duty, and importance of free inquiry in matters of religion.

Thomas Dobson, a well known bookseller of Philadelphia, has here-
tofore given to the public several performances on religious subjects.
We have, during this period, another from his pen, entitled,

Thoughts on the Scripture Account of Faith in Jesus, and Life
through his Name.

* A singular blunder in this epithet, when given to thoughts which a man pub-
lishes from the press.

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On one of the most abstruse branches of theology there has appear-
ed a publication by I. W. Smith, at Poughkeepsie, N. Y., entitled

Decrees Vindicated, or Reconciled with Free Agency and Account-

Dr. Tappan, late professor of divinity at Cambridge, Massachu-
setts, left behind him a work which has since appeared, entitled

Lectures on Jewish Antiquities.

Mr. Rosewell Messinger, of York, Maine, has given us

Sentiments on Resignation.

A periodical publication appears at Boston, called the Berean. We
have now the first number of the second volume of

The Berean; or an Appeal to Scripture on Questions of the utmost
Importance to the Human Race.

Mr. J. Emerson, of Boston, has given us

Two Minor Catechisms for the Use of Parents and Instructors in
teaching their Children and Pupils.

An anonymous writer has published, at Concord, Massachusetts,

A Summary of Christian Doctrines and Duties, for the use of New

There has been, for some time, a religious controversy carrying on
in New-England, on the subject of baptism. The sect known by the
name of baptists maintain the duty and propriety of introducing per-
sons into the christian church by open or river baptism, preceeded by
regular religious convictions and profession: consequently this rite can
properly take place only in adults, contrary to the usage of all other
sects, who either do not baptize at all, or who think it lawful and neces-
sary to baptize infants. The baptists appear to have made consider-
able progress in the United States, and in New England there occur a
good many publications, in which the right of baptism is largely dis-

To a work on this subject, mentioned in our last, by Dr. Baldwin,
we now meet with an answer by Mr. Worcester, of Salem, with the
title of

Serious and Candid letters to T. Baldwin, D. D. on his book “Bap-
tism of Believers,” &c.

Mr. Merril, of Boston, has published

A second exposition of some of the False Arguments, Mistakes, and
Errors of Samuel Austin;

While the latter continues his theological labours in a new work, en-

A View of the Economy of the Church of God, as it existed primi-
tively under the Abrahamic Dispensation and the Sinai Law, and as to
its perfection under the more luminous dispensation of the Gospel, par-
ticularly in regard to the Covenants.

Mr. Haynes has published a sermon, which he calls

Universal Salvation a very Ancient Doctrine.

Dr. Kemp, of Maryland, has given us

A Tract upon Conversion, with an appendix, containing six import-
ant questions and answers, on the Knowledge of Forgiveness of Sins.

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This was speedily followed by

A Rod for Dr. Kemp, or an Examination of his Tract on Conversion,
&c., proving his variance with the Scriptures, his own Church, and

A sermon was some time ago published, which bore the title of
“Eternal Life God's Free Gift, bestowed on Men according to their
Moral Behaviour; or Free Grace and Free Will concur in the Affair of
Man's Salvation.”

This performance was criticised in a pamphlet by J. Dickinson, and
is now vindicated by Mr. John Beach of Providence.

In a periodical work, called the Christian Magazine, published at
New York, a criticism by the editor, Dr. Mason, on some controversial
pieces on the subject of ecclesiastical government, brought forth, in
the form of letters, addressed to Dr. Mason,

An Apology for Apostolic Order and its Advocates, by the Rev. J.
H. Hobart.

In this work the government of the church of England is learnedly
defended, and with equal learning and moderation is the presbyterian
constitution vindicated by Dr. Samuel Miller, in the following work:

Letters concerning the Constitution and Order of the Christian Mi-
nistry, as deduced from Scripture and Primitive Usage.

The purpose of all controversy is to change the opinion of an adver-
sary. The end usually effected by it is to confirm and strengthen the
adversary in his previous opinions, and to add to these convictions a
personal abhorrence of the man who endeavours to shake them. These
effects arise from the heat and intemperance with which controvery is
usually managed. Moderation and benignity sometimes appear in
these contests, and then, though our labour ends as infallibly as before
in strengthening a hostile persuasion, we do not necessarily inspire
hatred or contempt of ourselves.

Archdeacon Paley is the best, because the most candid and best
tempered, as well as the accutest controversial writer this age has pro-
duced. It were much to be wished that all polemics would imbibe
the spirit of this writer. It is not, however, to be expected that any
but those whose sentiments have been previously neutral on the sub-
ject will agree with him, that christians were left by their great Teach-
er to the guidance of their own judgment, in the choice of modes of ec-
clesiastical discipline and government; that this judgment is to be
swayed by considerations of utility alone, and is not to be regulated by
authority or former practice, and is to consult no other end than the pre-
servation and diffusion of religious knowledge. Paley deduces from this
principle consequences which all will not embrace; nor is it necessary
to mutual kindness and benevolence, provided we agree in the principle.

The late doctors Tappan and Stillman left behind them numerous
sermons, of which selections have been made and presented to the pub-
lic. Some account of the life and character of each is prefixed to
these works.

The single sermons are, as usual, on funeral occasions; on anniver-
sary solemnities; on the ordination of pastors; and on particular specu-
lative topics.

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Of the first kind we may mention the following:

Mr. Clarke's, at New Brunswick, on the death of judge Patterson.

Professor Shurtliff's, on the death of Mr. Woodward, at Dartmouth,
N. H.

Mr. Wright's, at Medway, on the death of Captain C. Bullard.

Mr. Griffin's, on the death of Dr. M'Whorter, at Newark, N. J.

Of the second kind, we have

Mr. Bentley's, before the governor and legislature of Massachusetts,
at Boston.

Mr. Bradstreet's, before the legislature of New Hampshire, at Hop-

Mr. Emerson's, at Boston, before the Massachusetts Humane So-

Mr. Parrish's, at the same place, before the Massachusetts Mission-
ary Society, at their annual meeting.

Dr. Reed's, at the same place, before the annual convention of the
congregational ministers.

Dr. Morse's, at the same place, before the Boston Female Asylum.

Mr. Baldwin's, at the same place, before the Honourable Artillery

Mr. Miltimore's, at Newburyport, before the Female Charitable

Mr. Abbot's, at Portsmouth, before the Portsmouth Female Asy-

Mr. Gleason's, at Boston, at the visitation of the masonic lodges.

Mr. Dana's, at Newburyport, on the same occasion.

Bishop Peter's, at New York, on the same occasion.

Mr. Taggert's, before the New Hampshire Missionary Society.

Mr. Moore's, at Wilton, New Hampshire, before the Musical So-
ciety of that place.

Mr. Richmond's, at Hingham, to the scholars of Darby academy.

Mr. Stillson's, at Plymouth, a thanksgiving sermon.

Dr. Lyman's, at Hatfield, on the opening of Hatfield bridge.

Mr. Miltimore's, at the dedication of a church at Belleville.

Mr. Thatcher's, at the dedication of an academy at Milton.

Mr. Lyman's, at the dedication of a church at Lebanon.

Mr. Absalom Jones's*, at Philadelphia, on the prohibition of the
slave trade.

Of the third class, we have

Dr. Lyman's, at the installation of Mr. Wood, at Halifax, Vermont.

Mr. T. Mason Harris's, on clerical duties, at the installation of Mr.
Pratt, at Barnstaple.

Dr. Lathrop's, at the ordination of Mr. Andrews, at Putney.

Mr. Parrish's, at the ordination of Mr. Thurston, at Winthrop,

Mr. Clay's, at his installation, at the baptist meeting-house, at Boston.

Of the fourth kind, are the following:

* Mr. Jones is a black man, rector of the African episcopal church in that city.

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Mr. Woodbridge's, at Middletown, Connecticut, being an illustration
of some passages of scripture on the doctrine of absolute predesti-

Mr. Flint's two sermons, at Bridgewater, on the qualifications for
the christian ministry.

Mr. Parker's, at Middleborough, Massachusetts, on the unity of
Christ's church.

Mr. Peake's, at Newburyport, on sanctification.

Mr. Channing's, on the duties of children, at Boston.

Mr. Dana's, at Ipswich, on the worth and loss of the soul.

Among political or spiritual performances are to be ranked the ora-
tions which it has been the custom to deliver on the 4th of July, the
anniversary of the revolution. This practice is more or less adhered
to, according to the aspect of the times; and the reigning topic of poli-
tical curiosity or dissention occupies the chief place in the perfor-
mance of the day. Previous to the 4th of July, 1807, the memorable
attack upon the frigate Chesapeake took place. No event seems
to have roused a more violent spirit among the people, and yet it
is a little strange that it gave no extraordinary impulse to the fourth-
of-July oratory,

The following are the only published anniversary orations of this
kind that have fallen under our notice:

By J. H. Thomas, Esq., at Alexandria.

By Mr. Gleason, at Hingham.

By Mr. Cushman, at Augusta, Maine.

By Mr. Thatcher, at Boston.

By Mr. Lyman, at Northampton.

By Mr. Webster, at Salisbury, New Hampshire.

By Mr. Dana, at Grafton, Massachusetts.

On the useful and important subject of agriculture, we have a new
volume of

Communications to the Massachusetts Agricultural Society, and Ex-
tracts. The articles are the following:

1. Answers to queries.

2. Hints regarding cattle, by sir John Sinclair.

3. On the management of manure.

4. On the cultivation of potatoes.

5. Of the influence of soils, and their improvement by culture.

6. On the benefit to farmers by studying botany.

7. On the use of pumice.

8. On feeding and fattening swine.

9. On domestic animals in general.

Connected with juvenile education and instruction, we are presented

A Catalogue of Masters and Misses, who have, at any time, belong-
ed to the Academy at Portsmouth, N. H., kept by the Rev. Timothy

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If the example of Mr. Alden were followed by the masters, or prin-
as they prefer to be styled, of the twelve hundred * boarding
schools in the United States, there would be no dearth of American

At Boston, has appeared

The Worlds Displayed, for the benefit of young people, by a fami-
liar history of some of their inhabitants.

The endless catalogue of French school books has been increased by

Mr. Du Moulin's French Tutor: being Rules and Examples for
the French Syntax.

Mrs. Susannah Rowson, of Boston, has given us

A Spelling Dictionary for the Use of Young People.

Mr. Blatchford, the principal of the Lansingburg academy, has

An English Translation of Professor Morris's and Mr. Ewing's
Greek Grammar.

In former times Latin and Greek were so far blended in education,
that, though the former was sometimes learned without the latter, the
latter was never learned but with and after the study of the former.
Hence the propriety and utility of the use of the Latin language, in
compiling Greek lexicons and grammars. It now begins to be the
mode to use English instead of Latin on this occasion. What are
we to infer from this? That the ancient alliance between Greek
and Latin is about to be dissolved? That Greek begins to be taught in
schools to those who overlook the Latin language, or to be learned in
private, by those who want Greek only and not Latin? We are un-
acquainted with any such school or any such private student.

The arguments in favour of the new fashion are obvious. They
need not be enumerated; but they are totally fallacious with regard
to such as make Latin a preparation to Greek. To such the old mode
is manifestly advantageous, because it tends to preserve and improve
the language already acquired, in acquiring a new one; without being
less commodious or intelligible than the English language. How
far the two languages are actually divorced, at present, in schools or
closets, we cannot certainly tell; but to substitute the new system in
place of the old, with students actually acquainted with Latin, would
be wantonly and absurdly foregoing a very great advantage.

We have a new addition to geographical school-books in

Mr. Parrish's System of Universal Geography, for scholastic use.

At Philadelphia has appeared

Elements of Natural Philosophy, under various heads.

Real and valuable additions to geography are made by

Mr. Garnet's Traverse Table to every Degree and quarter Degree
of the Compass of Horizon.

A Map of the city of New York, with all the recent and intended
improvements, by William Bridges, the city surveyor.

* A skilful observer has computed the whole number to amount to this.

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Noah Webster, Esq., of Newhaven, a diligent and well known
cultivator of what may be termed American philogy, has pub-
lished, at Newhaven,

1. A Philosophical Grammar of the English Language.

2. A letter to Dr. Ramsay, of Charleston, S. C., respecting the Er-
rors of the English dictionaries compiled by Johnson and others.

There is a valuable periodical work, publishing at Philadelphia,

The Artillerist's Companion, by Colonel L. Tousard, a well known
American officer.

It is a duty of the public to afford particular encouragement to
every effort to supply the United States with a species of knowledge
rendered of such value and importance by their political situation.

Colonel Larned Lamb has contributed his mite to our military in-
struction, by a publication, entitled

The Militia Guide.

It is difficult to assign any determinate rank to the following pro-

The Mercuriad, or Spanish Practice of Physic, a tragicomedy of
five acts in four, a satire on the use of mercury: Lansingburgh, N. Y.

Six Essays, published at Philadelphia, on Taxing Dogs.

The Thistle, containing a great many good things, by Roderick
Rover, Esq., and others, at Boston.

A Report of Proceedings lately taken place at James Town, on the
Centesimal Anniversary of the Settlement of Virginia.

Two new biographical essays have been made on the life of Wash-

Dr. Ramsay, the venerable historian of the revolution, has given
a succinct biographical account of the hero of that great event.

Dr. Bancroft, of Massachusetts, has likewise presented us with

An Essay on the Life of Washington.

Under this head we have a very amusing work, being a Narrative
of Ethan Allen's Captivity, from his Capture near Montreal, in Sep-
tember, 1775, to his Exchange, in May, 1778, mixed up with a great
many miscellaneous remarks and anecdotes worthy of that eccentric
character. Allen, Putnam, Wayne, and Jones were the desperadoes
of the revolution: men noted for romantic courage more than any
other quality. Arnold might have been found in this list if his trea-
son had not thrust him out of it. We have, from colonel Humph-
ries, an agreeable account of Putnam. Jones has likewise been very
well described in an anonymous memoir; but Wayne and Arnold, and,
till now, Allen, have been neglected.

There is likewise considerable interest in J. R. Jewett's Journal of
Transactions at Nootka Sound. Mr. J. was one of the surviving
crew of a ship whose commander was murdered in that place.

The great and valuable work preparing for the press by Messrs.
Lewis and Clarke cannot be expected to appear before the public

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with great expedition. Its bulk and other circumstances will make
its preparation for the press a work of time and difficulty. Mean-
while, as in all undertakings of the kind, from Cook's first voyage to
M'Cartney's embassy, we may expect to see hasty attempts made to
gratify the public curiosity by underlings and subalterns. Accord-
ingly, this period has produced a brief account of this journey, by Pa-
trick Gass, one of the party.

M'Neven and Emmett, two eminent persons, whom the troubles in
Ireland compelled, several years ago, to seek a refuge in America,
have published what they entitle

Pieces of Irish History, illustrative of the Condition of the Irish
Catholics, of the Origin and Progress of the Political System of the
United Irishmen, and their Transactions with the Anglo-Irish Govern-

It might be expected that the interesting and critical situation of
the United States, with respect to foreign nations, would give rise to
much political discussion. This expectation has been amply ful-
filled. Thousands of pens have been busy on the subjects suggested
by the violence committed on the ship Chesapeake; on the restraints
imposed by France and Great Britain on American commerce; and
on the probable consequences of a war with both or either of these
powers; and on the proceedings on the Missisippi: but these pens
have chiefly confined themselves to newspaper lucubrations.

Among the separate publications produced by these topics we
meet with the following:

At Charleston, S. C., has appeared

The Tocsin, or Call to Arms: an inquiry into the late proceedings
of the British government, in her unjustifiable attack on the liberty and
independence of the United States.

At Philadelphia has been published

The Madman's Chronicle: exemplified in the conduct of George III
and his ministers towards the United States, from the peace of 1783
to the present time: to which are annexed, biographical sketches of
the king, the royal family, &c.

At New York, the press has furnished us with

Mr. Cheetham's Peace or War; or thoughts on our affairs with

These are the principal effusions of political zeal against Great
Britain. On the other side, as written in the spirit of vindication or
palliation, may be mentioned,

At New York, the two following:

An Examination of the British Treaty.

The Voice of Truth; or thoughts on the affair between the Leo-
pard and Chesapeake.

At Boston, we met with two publications:

Peace without Dishonour; War without Hope: or a calm and dis-
passionate inquiry into the affair of the Chesapeake, and into the ne-
cessity and expediency of a war with Great Britain. By a Yankee

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An Essay on the Rights and Duties of Nations, relative to Fugitives
from Justice, with reference to the affair of the Chesapeake.

Mr. Fessenden has given us, Some Thoughts on the Present Dis-
pute between Great Britain and America.

On the proceedings occasioned by the machinations of Aaron
Burr, we have received from New Orleans

A View of Political Transactions, in the Winter of 1806-7, at
New Orleans.

There has likewise appeared

A Short Review of the Late Proceedings at New Orleans, and
some Remarks on the Bill for suspending the Privilege of Habeas
Corpus, which passed the Senate of the United States, but was re-
jected by the House of Representatives.

In the department of the fine arts, we meet with a work which, in
extent and value, cannot be expected to present itself very often.
“The Vision of Columbus,” by Joel Barlow, has been altered, revis-
ed, and much enlarged, and has re-appeared, with much typographi-
cal splendour, under the new name of “The Columbiad.”

The poetical remains of the late Mr. S. W. Lake have been pub-
lished, under the title of the Parnassian Pilgrim.

At Charleston, S. C., has appeared, written by a lady, a tragedy,

The Female Enthusiast.

At New York has been published a satirical poem, called

Fashion's Analysis, or a Winter in Town, by Sir Anthony Ava-
lanche, with Notes and Illustrations, by Gregory Glacier, gentleman.

Among musical productions, the following, published at Boston,
deserve mention:

The Boston Collection of Sacred and Devotional Hymns.

The Lady's Cabinet of Polite Literature, being a Selection of Airs,
Songs, &c.

Three Pieces of Music for Thanksgiving, by S. Temple.

The Massachusetts Collection of Sacred Harmony, by E. Mann.

Mr. Holyoke has published, at Newburyport, the second volume of

The Instrumental Assistant, being a Selection of Minuets, Airs, &c.,
with Instructions for the French Horn.

Among the host of novels continually issuing from the American
press, we have been able to discern only the two following native

The late W. H. Brown's Ira and Isabella, or the Natural Children:
published at Boston.

Margaretta, or the Intricacies of the Heart, by a lady of Philadel-

Among the subjects of local or interior concern, which have engaged
the attention of the public and of the national legislature, we may
mention the project of the removal of the seat of government from

 image pending 160

the city of Washington to Philadelphia. An ingenious pamphlet on
this subject appeared in Philadelphia, in the autumn of 1807, and,
some time after, a motion to effect this removal was made in congress
by Mr. Sloan, a representative from New Jersey, but after some dis-
cussion was lost.

The writer above alluded to dwells with much earnestness on the
desolate state of the metropolis; on its remoteness from all the great
commercial ports and cities, and the consequent difficulty and delay
in procuring political information respecting either foreign or domes-
tic events; and on the additional expence, in all the branches of go-
vernment, incurred by continuing at Washington; and, after showing
the full extent of these evils, he points out Philadelphia as the
proper seat of government, in being free from all the evils and in-
conveniences belonging to the actual metropolis, and in claiming a
sort of prescriptive right to this pre-eminence, in consequence of be-
ing the first in population among American cities, and of being
the seat of the revolutionary and federal government, previous to its
being fixed on the banks of the Potomac.

He answers the popular objections to this removal, founded on the
periodical unhealthiness of Philadelphia, on the sanctity of the public
faith, which makes the legislative promise of the government's remain-
ing at Washington inviolable, and on the folly of abandoning a place
where so much expence has been already incurred in public build-
ings, by observing, that Philadelphia is only unhealthy in the summer,
when the legislature does not meet, and that the quarantine and
health laws will henceforth preserve the city even from the summer
pestilence; that compensation may properly and prudently be made
to all those who shall incur pecuniary losses by the removal of the
capital; and that the removal will add nothing to the immediate ex-
pences of the public, equivalent to those inordinate expences which
will be produced by the continuance of the government at Washing-

The objections to removal, in congress, were chiefly built on the
necessity of some national metropolis; on the decrees of the constitu-
tion itself, which allow the congress of the United States to fix upon
a seat of national government, provided the choice, when once made,
be permanent and unalterable; and on the capricious and fickle tem-
per which the nation will evince in thus changing and undoing the
most solemn and elaborate proceedings.

The superior convenience and cheapness of a different residence to
the members of the legislature, and even to the officers of govern-
ments, were admitted, but this benefit was not allowed to outweight the
political advantages of remaining where they were.

The truth is, that mankind, with their usual temerity, counted on a
much more rapid progress in the new metropolis than there was ever
any reason to expect. Cities can only advance from commerce or
manufactures, or the concourse of the rich and idle, or the attractions
of a seat of government. In the United States, commerce naturally
flows to the great outlets and inlets of navigation, and could not there-
fore be expected to fix one of its principal seats at the spot selected

 image pending 161

for the federal city. Of manufactures we have not enough, and
may not have for an age to come, to build up a town even of mode-
rate dimensions; of the rich and idle we have evidently too few to
make their residence of any importance in swelling the population of
a city any where, and of the rich and idle we have, the political and
moral divisions of the United States are such as never will allow
them to run together into any one place. The attraction of the seat
of government, therefore, only remains. This alone, in a govern-
ment modelled with such simplicity, and administered with so much
frugality as ours, will never make much more than a village, nor was
there ever any reason to expect that, operating by itself, more would
flow from it, in the same time, than has actually flowed.

The ignorance and presumption of men, in haste to be rich, has
done much harm to the reputation of this luckless city. They ima-
gined that a second Paris, or, at least, a new Versailles, was about to
rise, meteor-like, in the midst of a swamp, and they made haste,
therefore, to build private habitations and hotels, for the reception of
the multitudes that were to flock thither from all quarters of the em-
pire. They did not wait till the stranger applied for a house, before
they dug its foundations, nor allowed themselves to imagine that
the utmost industry in building could do more than somewhat abate
the eager competition there would be among the tenants. What was
the consequence? There was an actual and considerable concourse of
people to the new city, but it by no means equalled the sanguine ex-
pectations of the builders; all the houses, therefore, were not filled.
Some continued empty, and these of course were dismantled, and fell
to ruin; others were left unfinished, and those who suffer the penalty
of their rashness and precipitation, or who witness their effects, are
ready to exclaim that the experiment is unsuccessful; that a city
will never be built.

If the seat of government continue at Washington, it must become
a great city in time. Not to-morrow, nor next day, nor next year,
nor even in the present generation, as many unwisely imagined: but
as our population, increases domestic manufactures will advance, inter-
nal commerce will augment, and the number of the idly rich will
multiply; some of this class, and the absolute number will increase,
though the proportion remain the same, if the whole number increases,
will fix their abode at the metropolis. Artizans and all the ministers
of luxury will follow them. Some manufactures for distant consump-
tion will be established, when the nation is numerous enough to make
it as cheap to work at home as to bring from abroad. These will go
on increasing to an indefinite extent, and an overgrown capital will be
the consequence.

This is the history of Naples, Rome, Milan, Madrid, Paris, Berlin,
the Hague, and Moscow, in Europe, and this will be, with certain dif-
ferences, differences that will rather affect the rate of progress than
the magnitude of the ultimate amount, and which arise in our own
case from the imperfect dominion of the head over the members, will
nearly be the future history of Washington; but we must repeat, that
the progress, though sure, will be very slow, and that nothing but a

 image pending 162

miracle could have made Washington larger than it is during the
first ten years of its existence.

We hear general complaints, not only of the dearness of all kinds
of accommodation, but of its scantiness and badness, at Washington.
This is a little unaccountable. Conveniences and luxuries will
always be found where they are well paid for. They may be dearer at
one place than another, but a certain price will always produce them.
That Washington is situated in a meagre, ill-peopled, and barren
country weighs nothing against the plenty and quality, but only
against the cheapness of what is wanted.

We find that between fifteen hundred and two thousand people, all of
idle and luxurious habits, with as many pampered horses, can be splen-
didly accommodated, at a place called Ballstown, for two or three
months in a year, with every imaginable convenience, elegance, and
luxury. But Ballstown, a few years ago, was only a forest of pine trees,
the emblems of sterility. It is situated far inland, in a country
equally unfavourable to the production and conveyance of provision.
By what magic is this effected? Money. People go thither with their
purses well stuffed; they demand the best lodging and the best diet,
and pay accordingly. The certainty, or rather the mere probability
of their coming at a certain season is sufficient to set the thrifty and
industrious in motion, and the comer has all that he demands.
Where lies the secret of the difference, in this respect, between Balls-
town and Washington? Assuredly not in the local situation of the
place, for that is only in favour of the latter.

But though the slow progress of this city, and all the inconve-
niences thence arising, might have been easily foreseen, and are inevi-
table, and though time will remove these evils, it does not follow that
it is eligible to continue the seat of government at Washington, be-
cause, in time, a great city will be gradually created.

The advantages of fixing the general government in a great city
are very evident, and are generally ackowledged. Why then not fix
it in a city that is already great, and that abounds in every species of
accommodation and convenience which a complicated government

To this it is answered, that what might be proper, at first, when a
seat was to be fixed for the government, may not be proper now,
when the government has been for some years seated in a desert.
The constitution required the legislature to fix the seat of government
wherever it pleased, but declared that, when once fixed, it should be
permanent. A choice was accordingly made, perhaps very injudi-
ciously, but, being once made, it is irrevocable.

On this point the whole public controversy turns. These, indeed,
are not the springs that secretly guide the votes and wills of legisla-
tors. Their private and personal interest and convenience will truly
govern them; but still there may be truth or fallacy in the pleas which
they publicly insist upon; and the legality and dignity of changing the
metropolis, after all that has been built and legislated, for the last ten
years, at the Potomac, is surely a question of some nicety: much
may be said on both sides, though, upon the whole, an impartial mind
would probably decide in favour of removal.

 image pending 163




FOR 1807.

[N. B. Fugitive pamphlets, single sermons, and the endless effusions of factious
zeal, in verse and prose, are not enumerated.]


A COURSE of Lectures on Natural and Mechanical Philosophy, by
T. Young.

Dr. Clark's Methodical Classification of Minerals.

A Mineralogical Journal, for the year 1806.

A Map, exhibiting Lord Bacon's Distribution of Knowledge.

A Set of New Hydrometrical Tables, by P. Jonas.

Enquiry into the Changes of Atmospheric Air, by Germination,
Vegetation, &c., by D. Ellis.


Eighth volume of the Transactions of the Linnean Society at Lon-

History of Seventy-four of the most Remarkable British Birds, for
Young Persons.

Index Plantarum, or Alphabetical Arrangement of all the known
Genera and Species of Plants, by W. B. Cayt.

Natural History of British Insects, by E. Donovan.

Transactions of the Entymological Society of London.

History of the Fuci, by Dawson Turner.

Naturalist's Cabinet, containing Sketches of Animal History.

Compendium of British Zoology, by W. Turton.

Introduction to Physiological and Systematical Botany, by J. E.


An Abridgement of the Light of Nature pursued, by Abraham
Tucker, Esq.

 image pending 164

Dr. Cogan's Ethical Treatise on the Passions.

Enquiry into the Constitution and Economy of Man, by R. C. Sims.

Logic, or an Essay on the Elements, Principles, and Different
Modes of Reasoning, by R. Kirwan, Esq.

 image pending 164


Chaptal's Chemistry, applied to Arts and Manufactures.

A System of Chemistry, by J. Murray, lecturer on chemistry at Edinburgh.

Sir J. Sinclair's Code of Health and Longevity.

Anatomical Examinations complete.

Bell's System of Operative Surgery.

First Lines of the Practice of Surgery, by S. Cooper.

A Short System of Comparative Anatomy, by J. F. Blumenbach.

On Fractures of the Lower Limbs, by sir James Earle.

On the use of Digitalis, or Foxglove, in Dropsy, Consumption, &c.,
by W. Hamilton.

On Diseases of the Joints, by S. Cooper.

A view of Vaccine Inoculation, by J. Adams.

Report on Vaccination, by the College of Physicians.

The Edinburgh Medical and Physical Dictionary, by R. Morris, J.
Kendrick, and others.

Dr. Pearson on the Nature and Treatment of Hydrophobia.

Mr. Lipscomb on Canine Madness, with a Method of preventing
the Disease in those bitten.

Selections of Cases of Hydrophobia in the Gentleman's Magazine,
from the year 1731.

Account of the Ophthalmia brought from Egypt by the British
Army, by Dr. Vetch.

Mr. Burns on the Uterine Hæmorrhage, and the True Management
of the Placenta.

On the Use of the Humulus Lupulus in Gout, by A. Fricke.

Anatomy and Surgical Treatment of Umbilical and Crural Hernia,
by Astley Cooper.

Discoveries in the Management of Infants, and Treatment of
their diseases, by J. Herdman.

On the Use of Lunar Caustic in Strictures of the Urethra and OEso-
phagus, by M. W. Andrews.

Medical Cases and Experiments from Hospital Practice, by S. A.

Strictures on Parkingson's Observations on the Cure of Gout, by Dr.

View of the Nervous Temperament, by Dr. Trotter.

On the Disorder called a Cold.

On Emphysema, by A. Halliday.

A Dictionary of Chemistry and Mineralogy, by A. and R. C. Aikin.

Chemical Catechism, by S. Parkes.

 image pending 165


Discursory Considerations on the supposed Evidences of the Early
Fathers that St. Matthew's Gospel was first written.

Oriental Customs, or Illustrations of the Holy Scriptures, by S. Bar-

Sumary of the Evidence and Practical Importance of the Chris-
tian Revelation, by T. Belsham.

Lectures on the Morning Prayer, by T. Rogers.

Beneficial Effects of the Christian Temper on Domestic Happiness.

Effects of Religion on Mankind, in all Countries and Ages, by E.

Lectures on the Occurrence of the Passion Week, by R. Mant.
D. D.

A Letter on the Primitive State of Adam.

A Commentary on the Prophecy of Daniel, relating to the Seventy

An Inquiry into the Calvinism of the Church of England.

The Catechism for the Use of the French Empire, from the French.

The Essence, Spirituality, and Glorious Issue of the Religion of
Christ, &c., by S. Bernard.

Select Portions of Psalms, taken from various versions, and adapted
to public worship.

On the Alliance between Christianity and Commerce.

The New Testament or Covenant, according to Luke, Paul, and

Husbandry Improved by Religious Meditation, by J. Ball.

A Scriptural Lecture on Heads, or the Triumphs of Grace Divine
in Jesus Christ, the Second Man, &c.

Supplement to the Signs of the Times, by J. Bicheno.

A Second Defence of Revealed Religion, by bishop Watson.

Essays to do Good, addressed to all Christians, by Cotton Mather.

Appendix to Dr. Watts's Psalms and Hymns.

Toplady's Prayers enlarged.

Parochial Divinity, or Sermons on Various Subjects, by C. Abbott.

Lectures on Systematic Theology, by the late Dr. Campbell, of

Sermons on the Doctrines and Duties of Christianity, by W. J.

Lectures on Scripture Facts, by W. B. Collyer.

Sermons and Letters, by W. A. Gunn.

The Glorious Hope of a Lost World.

A Portraiture of Methodism, being a View of the Rise, Progress,
and Doctrines of that Sect, by J. Nightingale.

An Essay on the Prophecy of Zacharias.

Sermons on Important Subjects, by Matthew Galt.

A Plea for Religion and the Sacred Writings, addressed to Unbe-
lievers, by D. Simpson.

The Universal Church, an Essay on Nature.

 image pending 166

A Disquisition on the Person of Jesus Christ, by J. Smith.

Sermons on Various Subjects, by J. Howlett.

A Display, in their Genuine Simplicity, of their Original Evidences.
of Christianity, by N. Nisbett.

Compendium of the most Important Particulars of Natural and Re-
vealed Religion, by Dr. Watson.

Voyages and Travels of a Bible, by J. Campbell.

Lectures on the Last Four Books of the Pentateuch, in Proof of th
Divine Origin of the Jewish religion, from internal evidence, by R.

A Key to Heaven delineated, by S. Moore.

The Danger of Philosophy to the Faith and Order of the Churches
of Christ, by J. Allen.

A Body of Practical Theology, by R. Fellowes.

Sermons on Various Occasions, by J. Nance.

On the Origin of Moral Evil, by W. Bonnet.

Incarnation of the Son of God, by J. Mildrum.

Voice of Truth, or Proofs of the Divine Origin of Scripture, by
Anne Fry.

Evidences of the Divinity of Christ, by A. Preston.

Religious Courtship, or Historical Proofs of the Necessity of Reli-
gious Agreement between Husband and Wives.

Discourses to a Naval Audience, by R. Baynes.

Exposition of the Historical Writings of the New Testament, by T.

A Manual of Piety, by R. Fellowes.

 image pending 166


A Treatise on Contracts within the Jurisdiction of the Courts of

On the Law of Legacies, by D. Roper, Esq.

Abridgement of the Law of Nisi Prius.

On the Law of Idiocy and Lunacy, by A. Highmore.

Original Precedents in Conveyancing, by C. Barton, Esq.

Supplement to Brydgeman's Index to the Chancery Reports.

On the Law of Bills of Exchange, Promissory Notes, &c, in Scotland,
by W. Glen.

On the Law of Contracts and Agreements not under Seal, by S.

Remarks on Sir W. Blackstone's Commentaries, by J. Sedgewick.

Critical Estimate of the Authority of Reporters and other Law Writ-
ers, by R. W. Brydgeman.

Bosanquet and Puller's New Reports of Cases in Trinity and
Michaelmas Terms, 1805.

Eights volume of East's Reports.

Reports of Admiralty Cases, in the time of Sir W. Scott, by C.

Reports of Cases in the HOuse of Peers, on appeal from Scotland,
by D. Robertson.

 image pending 167

Trial of Captain Edward Hawkins, of the Navy, for Cruelty and

——— Admiral Sir Home Popham.

——— Captain J. Garthwaite, of the Sussex Militia.

——— Sir J. Piers, for Crim. Con. with lady Cloncurry, at Dublin.

——— Ross Donnelly and Sir Home Popham.

——— Captain Laroche, of the Navy.

——— J. Ratford, a Seaman taken from the Chesapeake.


The Experimental Farmer.

Hints to Planters, by Mr. Astley.

Mr. M’Phale’s Gardener's Remembrancer throughout the Year,
with a View of Forsyth's Treatise on Trees.

Transactions of the Horticultural Society of London.

Survey of Gloucestershire, by J. Rudge.

——— Essex, by A. Young.

On the Choice and Management of Live-stock.

P. R. T. Æmilianus on Agriculture, translated by T. Owen.

A Treatise on Gypsum, by S. T. Hood, Esq.

View of the Agriculture of Devonshire, by C. Vancouver.

On the Natural History and Origin of Peat Moss, and the Means
of Improvement, by R. Rennie.


On the Use of Tunnels under Navigable Canals.

Essay on Transparencies, by Edward Orme.


Plans, Elevations, and Sections of Hot-houses, Green-houses, Aqua-
riums, Conservatories, &c., by G. Todd.

Antiquities of Magna Græcia, by W. Wilkins, jun.

Designs for the Decoration of Rooms, by G. Cooper.

Designs for Cottages and Rural Dwellings, by J. Dearn.

Sketches for Cottages and Rural Dwellings, by W. T. Pococke.

Lectures on the Art of Engraving, delivered at the Royal Institu-
tion, by J. Landseer.

Engravings to illustrate Dante, by Piroli, of Rome. By John

HIstory of the British Stage, by T. Gilliland.


Mr. Colquhoun's Treatise on Indigence, being a View of the dif-
ferent Ranks of Society in South Britain, with Estimates of Income,
&c., and the National Resources of Productive Labour.

On the State of the English Peasantry, by J. R. Brewer.

 image pending 168

Essay on the Study of Statistics, by D. Boileau.

Reply to Malthus on Population.

Causes and Consequences of the French Emperor's Conduct to-
wards the Jews.


A BIographical History of England, from the Revolution to the
Close of George I's reign, by Mark Noble.

A Translation of Schiller's History of the Rise and Progress of
the Belgian Republic.

The Campaigns of Marshal Scomberg, in Portugal, between the
years 1662 and 1668, by Dumourier, in French.

Materials for a History of Malta, by W. Eton, Esq.

Memoirs of the Sieur de Joinville.

Mr. Belsham's Appendix to the History of Great Britain, from the
Revolution to the Peace of Amiens.

History of the House of Austria, by W. Coxe.

Notes and Observations on British History, by B. Cowper.

Letters on Mythology, by R. Morgan.

Account of the Battle of Austerlitz, by the Austrian general

Account of the Battle of Maida.

History of the World, from Alexander the Great to Augustus, by
Dr. Gillies.

Notes on the Reign and Empire of Charlemagne, by C. Butler,

The Reign of Charlemagne, considered in relation to Religion,
Laws, &c., by H. Card.

Great and Good Deeds of Danes, Norwegians, and Holsteiners,
from the German of Even Malling.

A New Dormant and Extinct Peerage of England, by T. C. Banks.

History of the American Buccaneers, from the German of Archen-

Historical Inquiry respecting the Highland Harp.

Account of some Branches of the Royal Household, by S. Pegge.

History of Pontefract, by B. Boothrayd.

Account of the Siege of Copenhagen, by F. L. Summer.

Narrative of the last Expedition against Buenos Ayres.


Chalmers' Caledonia, or Historical and Topographical Account of

Picture of Newcastle on Tyne.

Topographical View of Norfolk, by Mr. Bloomfield.

Delineations of St. Andrews, by J. Grierson.

A New Picture of Scotland.

Camden's Britannia, a new edition, by Richard Gough.

 image pending 169

Memoir on the Political State of Malta, by J. J. Dillon, Esq.

Political Account of the Island of Trinidad.

A Tour to Shiraz, through Cazzum and Firurabad, by E. S. Waring.

Travels in Scotland, by an unusual route, by J. Hall.

The Marquis de Salvo's Travels, in 1806, through Tyrol, Styria,
Bohemia, Gallicia, Poland, and Russia; with an account of the escape,
from a French prison, of Mrs. Spencer Smith.

The Stranger in America, by C. W. Janson, Esq.

Mr. Weld's Illustration of the Scenery at Killarney, in Ireland.

Travels of De La Broquiere to Palestine, in 1432, from the French,
by Mr. Johnes, of Hafod.

Sir R. C. Hoare's Tour in Ireland.

Carr's Tour in Holland and on the Rhine.

A Journey through Spain and Italy to Naples, and thence to
Smyrna and Constantinople.

Thornton's Present State of Turkey.

Goede's Travels in Great Britain.

Heriot's Travels in Upper and Lower Canada.

Burnet's Present State of Poland.

Account of New Zealand, by J. Savage, Esq.

Topographical View of the Isle of Arran.

State of France, in 1802–3–4–5–6, by T. Williams.

Letters from England, by Don M. V. Espriella, from the Spanish.

A Journey from Madras through Mysore, Canara, and Malabar, by
F. Buchanan.

A Description of Ceylon, by J. Cordiner.

Observations on the Windward Coast of Africa, by J. Corry.

Companion to the Lakes of Lancashire, Westmoreland, and Cum-
berland, by T. Sanderson.

Account of the Town of Lancaster.

Origin and Description of Bagnor and some adjacent Villages, by
J. B. Davis.


Dr. Hill's Account of the Life and Writings of Hugh Blair.

Woodhouselee's Account of Home, Lord Kaimes.

Ritchie's Account of the Life and Writings of David Hume.

Last Years of the Reign of Louis XVI, by Francis Hue.

Account of the Public Life and Select Writings of Lord M’Cart-
ney, by Mr. Barrow.

Memoirs of General Bennigsen.

Life of Thuanus.

Lives of British Statesmen, by J. Macdiarmid.

Life of the Great Condé, by the prince de Condé.

Account of the Life and Writings of Dr. J. Beattie, by sir Wil-
liam Forbes.

Life of George Morland, Painter.

History of the Female Sex, from the German of C. Meiners.

 image pending 170

Anecdotes of Eminent Men of Great Britain and Ireland, in the
three last centuries.

Demourier's Analysis of the Character and Conduct of Bonaparte.


The following tragedies have appeared:


Falkener, by William Godwin.

Of new comedies and operas, we have

False Alarms, or my Cousin.

The Curfew, by the late J. Tobin.

The Laughable Lover.

The Young Hussar, or Love and Mercy.

The Architect, a farce, by N. Gypsum.

Peter the Greatm or Wooden Walls, by Cherry.

Town and Country, by Mr. Morton.

Whistle for it, an opera, by Mr. Lamb.

The Fortress, by T. E. Hook.

Time's a Tell-tale.

Ella Rosenburg, by J. Kenny.

Two Faces under a Head, by Dibdin.

 image pending 170


Drelincourt and Rodaloi, by miss Byron.

Laurette, or the the Caprices of Fortune, by Mrs. Thomson.

Elizabeth, or the Exiles of Siberia, by madame Cattin.

The Hungarian Brothers, by Anna M. Porter.

Libertine, by Rosa Matilda.

Helen, or Dramatic Occurrences, by Augusta Hirst.

The Wedding Day, by Elizabeth Spence.

The Fugitive Countess, by miss Wilkinson.

Griffith Abbey, or Memoirs of Eugenia, by Mrs. Matthews.

Julian, or my Father's House, from the French, by Mrs. Meeke.

The Soldier's Family, or Guardian Genii, by Anne Ormsley.

Ellen, Heiress of the Castle, by Mrs. Pilkington.

The Misanthrope Father, or Guarded Secret, by miss Smith.

Family Annals, or Worldly Wisdom, by Mrs. Hunter.

A Peep at our Ancestors, by Henrietta Rouviere.

The Governor of Belleville, by Jane Harvey.

Maid of Avon for the Haut Ton.

The Mysterious Wanderer.

The Rising Sun.

The Benevolent Monk, or Castle of Valla.

Mandeville Castle, or Two Elinors.

Vesuvia, or Anglesea Manor.

Castle of Roviego, and Italian romance.

A Winter at Bath, or Love as it may be.

Henry Hooka, by Mr. Dibdin.

 image pending 171

The Legends of a Nunnery.

The Infidel Mother.

The English Gil Blas, or Adventures of Gabriel Tangent, by John

George the Third.

Theodore, or the Enthusiast.

Romances of the Pyrennees.

The Conscript.

Count Eugenia.

Gabriel Forrester, or the Deserted Son.

Royal Eclipse, or Memoirs of Squire George and his Wife.

Family Annals.

The Demon of Sicily, by E. Montague.

The Spanish Outlaw, by Mr. Herbert.

Friar Hidalgo, by E. Martin.

The Bandit's Bride, or Maid of Saxony.

Alvendown Vicarage.

Grievances of the Woulouvre Family.

The Catholic, a romance.

Mystic Supulchre, or Such Things have been, by John Palmer.

Fatal Revenge, or Family of Montorio.

Philip Stanley, by C. B. Brown.


Corinna, or Italy, from the French of madame de Stael Holstein.

Confessions of Constantia.

Three Germans, a romance.

Florentine, by B. Thomson.

Memoirs of Female Philosophers.

Sorrows of Gustavus, or History of a Young Swede.

Davenport Family.

Nun of Miserecordia, or the Eve of All Saints.

Mountville Castle.

Fatal Vows, or St. Michael's Monastery, by F. Lathom.

Christina, or Memoirs of a German Princess.

Imaginary Adulteress.

A Summer at Weymouth, or Star of Fashion.

Ludovico's Tale, or the Black Banner of Castle Douglas.

Duke de Lauzun, from the French of madame de Genlis.

 image pending 171


Dissertation on the Hebrew Roots, by Mr. Price.

Fragments of Oriental Literature.

The Costumes of Great Britain, Naval, Military, and Miscellane-
ous, by J. A. Atkinson.

Critical Examination of the Gallery of the Royal Academy.

Critical Catalogue of the Pictures at the British Institution.

Etymological Dictionary of the Ancient Language of Scotland, by
R. Allan.

 image pending 172

Introduction to an Analytical Dictionary of the English Language,
by D. Booth.

On Homer's Portrait of Ulysses, by Mr. Hole.


The Exodiad, by Mr. Cumberland and sir R. B. Burgess.

Conversation, a didactic poem, by W. Cooke.

Lyrics on Love, with translations and imitations from the French
and Spanish.

Triumphs of Petrarch, translated by M. Howard.

Music, a didactic poem.

The Progress of Moses.

The Resurrection, by J. Stewart.

Collection of Poems, by James Hogg, the Ettrick shepherd.

————————— by David Cary.

————————— by J. Scott Byerly.

————————— by George Baker.

————————— by P. J. Ducarel.

————————— by J. Thomson.

————————— by W. Wordsworth.

————————— by J. Grahame.

————————— by C. Dibdin.

————————— by G. G. Lord Byron.

————————— by John Barnes.

————————— by Jenkin Jones.

————————— by J. Penwarne.

————————— by J. Hodgson.

————————— by Thomas Burnet.

————————— by T. Dermody.

————————— by George Crabbe.

————————— by Miss Owenson.

————————— by William Parsons.

————————— by C. K. Sharpe Esq.

 image pending 172


A Guide to Elocution, in six parts, containing Grammar, Composi-
tion, Synonomy, Language, Orations, and Poems, by John Sabine.

Mental Perceptions, illustrated by the Theory of Sensations, by Sa-
rah Ferris.

Tales for Mothers and Daughters, by miss Woodland.

Authentic Memoirs of the Little Man and the little Maid, with
music by Dr. Calcott.

Introduction au Lecteur François, ou, Recueil de Pieces Choisies,
avec l'Explication des Idiotismes et des Phrases Difficiles qui s'y
trouvent, par Lindley Murray.

Dialogues in Chemistry, intended for the instruction and enter-
tainment of young people, in which the first Principles of that Science

 image pending 173

are fully explained. To which are added, Questions and other Exer-
cises for the Examination of Pupils, by the Rev. J. Joyce, author of
Scientific Dialogues.

The Companion to the Scientific Dialogues, or Pupil's Manual in
Natural and Experimental Philosophy, containing a complete set of
Questions and other Exercises for the Examination of Pupils in the
Scientific Dialogues. To which is added a Compendium of the prin-
cipal Facts under each Department of Science, by the Rev. J. Joyce.

The History of Greece, in easy verse, intended as a companion to
the History of England, also in easy verse, by the Rev. W. R. John-

Essays on Moreal and Religious Subjects, by M. Pelham.

Moral Maxims, from the Wisdom of Jesus the SOn of Sirach, or
the Ecclesiasticus, selected by a lady.

A Chart of Sacred History, designed principally for young people,
by the Rev. Mr. Cobbold.

A General Pronouncing Dictionary, by William Enfield.

The Juvenile Preceptor; or, Course of Rudimental Learning, by
George Nicholson.

Quæstiones Græcæ, or Questions adapted for the Eton Greek
Grammar, by the Rev. John Simpson.

An Introduction to the Study of English Grammar, by Roger Kit-

An Appeal for Justice in the Cause of Ten Thousand Poor Child-
ren, and for the Honour of the Holy Scriptures, being a Reply to the
Visitation Charge of Charles Daubeny, archdeacon of Sarum. Third
edition, with additions, by Joseph Lancaster.

An Easy Grammar of Natural and Experimental Philosophy, for
the use of schools, with ten engravings, by the Rev. David Blair.

The First Catechism for Children, containing common things ne-
cessary to be known, and adapted to the capacity and curiosity of
children betweeen four and ten years of age, by the Rev. David Blair.

Sketches of Human Manners, delineated in Stories intended to il-
lustrate the Characters, Religion, and Singular Customs of the Inha-
bitants of different parts of the World, by Priscilla Wakefield.

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Fac Simile of General Washington's Letters to Sir J. Sinclair.

Censura Literaria, or Titles and Abstracts of old English Books, by
S. A. Brydges.

Graphic Illustrations of the Miseries of Human LIfe, by W. M.

Anecdotes of Literature and Scarce Books, by W. Beloe.

Miseries of Human Life.

Pleasures of Human Life.

Manual of Nobility.

Bishop Porteus' Tracts on Various Subjects.

Prize Essays and Transactions of the Highland Society of Scotland.

The Works complete of the late Dr. Thomas Percival.

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The New Tablet of Memory.

A Collection of Epigrams, Ludicrous Epitaphs, Sonnets, &c.

The Laundress' Check Book, or Family Washing Books, &c.

Miss Owenson's Patriotic Sketches, written in Connaught.

Plan of the New Rupture Society, in London.

Causes of the Increase of Methodism and Dissent in England.

Specimens of English Prose Writers, from the earliest periods to
the close of the 17th century, by G. Burnett.

The Lounger's Common Place Book, or Miscellaneous Collections
in History, Science, &c.

Historical and Critical Dissertation on the Gypseys.

The Eccentric Mirror.

Gulliver and Munchausen outdone by Peter Vandergoose.