A Discourse on the Dignity and Ex-
cellence of the Human Character;
illustrated in the Life of General
George Washington, late Com-
mander of the Armies, and Presi-
dent of the United States, in Com-
memoration of the afflictive Event
of his Death. Delivered Febru-
ary 22, 1800, in the Benevolent
Congregational Church in Provi-
dence; and published by Request
of that Society. By Enos Hitch-
cock, D. D. Member of the So-
ciety of the Cincinnati. 8vo. pp.
35. Providence. Carter. 1800.
NEAT language, and a correct
arrangement of sentences, ap-
pear to be the principal characteris-
tics of this composition. The style,
however, seems to want that grace-
ful simplicity and venerable air, so
highly becoming on an occasion
solemn and affecting.
If it never is ridiculous to com-
pare great things with small, then
we are not to laugh at the following
little comparison. “Washington,”
says the author, “in his retreat
through the Jerseys, was pursued
like a hunted hare by a large and
victorious army.”