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Dear friend.

I have just recieved yours. I shall readily admit the excuse
for not being frequent or punctual in your Correspondence. In your
present Situation you have doubtless but little liesure to look so
far as this from your immediate ingagements. Had I recollected that
there was a key in my possession, capable of unlocking the desk
I might have saved Isaac Miclle the trouble of paying you a
visit to I found the papers of which he was in search immedi=
-ately on looking for them. Elihu Smith was to have been here
last Evening. The badness of the roads, or some accident has prevented
his arrival yet. I knew not that he intended to go to you at Wilmington
If it be, I shall encourage him in it, but doubt whether I shall be
able to bear him company. I shall, however, at least, send with him
my love to you and my warmest respects to the fair and good

I.M. tells me that you appear to be in better health than
lately, and that you have put yourself under the care of Isaiah
Ferris, and have already benefited by his prescriptions. I am highly
pleased to hear it. I hope that the want of health may at least
be subtracted from the number of disasters that betide you~

Fare thee well~
C. B. B.
Respects to Laura~
January 1. 1796~~

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