The next day, September twenty-fifth, Charles addressed his
brother from Perth Amboy.
“It is with great pleasure, that I now inform you of my
safe arrival at this place. Yesterday I wrote to you inform-
ing you of my intention to come hither on the morrow. Af-
ter depositing my letter, Wm. Johnson and myself, concluded
that if a water passage could readily be found to Staten Island,
it would be advisable to depart immediately. This being
forthwith sought for, was found. We left the city at two in
the afternoon, and after a most auspicious passage arrived at
Amboy at sun-set. I already feel the sensations of a new
being, and am restored as it were by magic, to a tolerable
degree of health and cheerfulness.
“Here I wish to stay, at least for some weeks, in the en-
joyment of the purest air, and wholesome exercise. The
change from a pestilential, desolate, and sultry city, to the
odours and sprightly atmosphere of this village, is inexpressi-
bly grateful and beneficial; and I believe you may dismiss
all uneasiness, henceforth, on account of my safety.
“I seize this early opportunity, to inform you of my re-
moval, because it was due to your generous concern for me.”