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Miscellaneous Articles of Literary and Philosophical


A WORK has just been pub-
lished by Mr. Noah Web-
ster, entitled, “A brief History of
Epidemic and Pestilential Diseases,
with the principal Phenomena of the
Physical World, which precede and
accompany them, and Observations
deduced from the Facts stated.
” In
two volumes 8vo.

Mr. M. Carey, of Philadelphia,

has resumed the publication of the
American Museum; or, Annual Re-
gister of Fugitive Pieces, ancient and
” (which has been suspend-
ed for several years), by presenting
the public a volume for the year
1798. It is composed, principally,
of important American state papers,
and the most useful political tracts,
speeches, and debates. The first
article is “an inquiry how far the

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punishment of death is necessary in
Pennsylvania, with notes and il-
lustrations.” This valuable and in-
teresting memoir was drawn up by
the late William Bradford

The second number of the third
volume of the Medical Repository,
has been published. It continues
to merit its growing reputation, and
is justly esteemed the most valuable
periodical work ever published in

We notice some account of three
Latin poems,
lately published at
Lisbon, on the “Culture of Ma-
” the “Management of Cattle,”
and the “Cultivation of Tobacco in
Brazil.” The writer's name is not
mentioned, but we admire his te-
merity and labour, in attempting
to clothe, in Latin Hexameters,
such dry subjects, in which objects
occur wholly unknown to the Ro-
mans, and from the treasury of
whose language he must draw his

The votaries of the muses, in the
United States, do not often gratify
the public with their effusions.
Mrs. Moreton, of Boston, for
such, it is said, is the name of the
author of “The Virtues of Society:
A Tale, founded in Fact,
” has told,
in thirty-six pages 4to. of English
heroic verse, the well known story
of Lady Harriet Ackland. To this
performance she has added an irre-
gular ode to Time.

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