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For the Literary Magazine.


A HOLLAND merchant, travel-
ling in a diligence in France, after
bearing patiently the loquacity of
several companions for some time,
at length desired them to desist
from interrupting the ride by their

An Irish trader, who was thought
to be a shrewd man, being on a visit
to a town in Flanders, his friend,
after carrying him about the city to
view the curiosities, at length pro-
posed to him to go and see Castor
and Pollux
(these were two cele-
brated statues). Castor and Pollux!
said he, I never heard of that house
before. I suppose it has been lately
established. Do they deal in linens?

The motto of the celebrated town
of Ostend is—Ostende nobis, do-
mine, misericordiam tuam.
reminds us of the motto, which a
dashing young man of fortune, in

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this city, ordered to be put upon his
coach—Nec caute nec trepide. A
bystander, being asked to translate
this motto, replied that it meant
neck or nothing.

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