On the 17th July was celebrated
at Verona the beatification of sister
Vermique Giuliana, late superior
of the convent of capuchins of St.
Claire. The miracles performed
by this female saint are, according
to the legend of the faithful, very
numerous, and amount to upwards
of 300. Lately, the wife of a wine-
merchant, whose favourite saint she
always had been, experienced the
effects of her prayers and presents,
by being delivered at once of three
strong healthy boys, after a mar-
riage of 18 years, during which she
never before had a child. Her hus-
band, in gratitude, has presented
this saint with a rich diamond cross;
and there is not a wife or a husband
in that part of Italy, who desire the
sterility of their beds to cease, who
does not address prayers and offer
sacrifices to her shrine. It is said
that three convents, possessing for
a long time saints famous for the
same qualities, intend to bring suits
at Rome against this member of the
Paradise, as an intruder or interlo-
per, their convents being entirely
deserted by customers.