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For the Literary Magazine.

humphreys' works.

THE Miscellaneous Works of
David Humphreys, Esq., Minister
Extraordinary to the Court of Ma-
drid, have been lately republished
in New York. Most of the poetical
pieces contained in this volume were
written and published either during
the American war, or shortly after
its termination. Their merit, there-
fore, has long ago been settled by
the public opinion.

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The author's modesty appears to
have inspired him with a notion that
his name was already not at all, or
but little known to his readers. He
has therefore thought proper to col-
lect as many recommendatory scraps
and notices as possible, and to put
them in front of his book, that they
may make a favourable impression.
To appear in public with all the
badges and insignia of our rank, and
all the tokens of the public regard,
conspicuously displayed and hung
about us, may, at first, appear to
argue a little vanity, but, rightly
considered, it may more properly
be deemed an indication of a self-
disclaiming disposition.

To say truth, colonel Humphreys
is no inconsiderable poet, and had
he more rarely introduced himself
into the poetical canvas, he would
not, therefore, have attracted less
notice. The reader is, indeed, fre-
quently amused by the ingenuity dis-
played by the author in hitching in
his own merits and exploits, where
they would naturally be least ex-

His principal poems are of a kind
not easily described. They are na-
tional or political descants, in which
the nation is made the subject of
encomium, and its future glories
pourtrayed with a very liberal fancy.
A poem on American industry has
been written lately, and the views it
contains are equally recommended
by their truth, and by the ornaments
with which a classical fancy has in-
vested them.

Many passages might be selected
from each of these poems, in which
a high degree of poetical excellence
is to be found; but their merit is too
generally acknowledged, and their
tenor too familiarly known, to jus-
tify quotation or comment. There
are also, candour compels us to ac-
nowledge, many passages which
require the pruning or the lopping

The principal prose performance
in this volume is the life of Putnam:
not a very profound, but a truly en-
tertaining aud agreeable piece of

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