IN the region of the sea-coast,
from Maine to Virginia, the season
appears to have been not only much
more severe than winters past, but
proportionably colder, and more
abounding in snow, than in the inte-
rior parts of the country. The in-
terior, truly, is covered with a good
depth of snow, and the weather has
been severer than common. But on
and towards the sea coast, south-
ward and eastward, the snow ap-
pears in many places deeper than
it is here, and uniformly of greater
depth than it has been known to be
there for many years: the cold is
proportionable. Stages have been
impeded in every direction; the na-
vigable streams and harbours fro-
zen, commerce on the coast at a
stand; no employment for the poor;
fuel extremely scarce and dear, with
most of the other necessaries of life;
the poor have suffered beyond all
description, to whom, we are happy
to learn, the hand of charity has
been extended, in all the populous
sea-port towns, with an unexampled
A remark has been often made,
that the climate in the United States
becomes more temperate as we re-
cede from the sea-shore, westward.
The difference of temperature, in
the same parallels of latitude, has
been reckoned equal to ten degrees,
in winter, between the sea and the
Ohio and Mississippi. The justness
of this remark appears to be con-
firmed the present season. While
the people near the sea shore are
suffering extremely from frost and
snow, while they compare the pre-
sent winter to that of 1780, we hear
little complaint from the western
country. While in New Jersey the
snow is stated from two and a half
to three feet in depth, we have ac-
counts of heavy rains and destruc-
tive freshets about the head of the
Ohio, and a ship of 300 tons was
launched at Pittsburgh, on the 12th
of January.
Walpole Observatory. |
Abstract of the weather in Buck-
ingham township, Bucks county,
Pennsylvania, from the 1st of July,
to the 31st of December, 1804.
Fair days | 105 |
Cloudy | 39 |
Rain | 22 |
Snow | 10 |
Showery | 6 |
183 |
Exports from the port of Phila-
delphia, from the 1st of October to
the 31st of December, both inclu-
sive; taken from the outward en-
tries in the custom-house.
37,209 | barrels flour |
3,332 | half do. |
822 | barrels rye flour |
2,687 | hhds. Indian corn meal |
5,799 | barrels do. do. |
A statement of the expenditures
of the president, managers, and
company of the Frankford and
Bristol turnpike road, on making
two sections, of five miles each, of
the said road; with an account of
the amount of the neat toll received,
on the first section, from the 17th of
December, 1803, to the 7th of No-
vember, 1804.
For levelling and ar- ranging the road and aqueducts |
$9,949 28 |
Paid contractors for stoning ditto, sala- ries to secretary and superintendant, until the first section was completed |
44,571 14 |
There has been ex- pended on the second section, the levelling hills, &c. building two bridges, mak- ing aqueducts, and arranging the road |
16,115 45 |
Paid contractors for stoning ditto, and half salaries of se- cretary and super- intendant |
34,662 00 |
Making the whole amount expended on the road |
$105,297 88 |
They have received neat toll, on
the first section, from the 17th of
December, 1803, to the 7th of No-
vember, 1804, four thousand dollars.
Nashville, Ten., Dec. 9, 1804.
A man lately applied to a gentle-
man in the neighbourhood of this
place, and proposed to trade him
some notes, stating, at the same
time, that he believed them counter-
feit. The gentleman accordingly
purchased some of them, with an
intention of bringing him to punish-
ment, and had him immediately af-
terwards apprehended; but the jury
acquitted him, on the ground that he
did not, according to the literal
words of the law, say that they were
good. He had in his possession up-
wards of five thousand dollars in
notes of the different branches of the
bank of the United States, all of
which he acknowledges to be coun-
terfeit, but will not tell where he
got them, or who made them. Other
indictments have been found against
him, which will be tried at the next
district court.
About two months since an aged
gentleman, by the name of Samuel
M'Hatton, an inhabitant of the state
of Kentucky, was on his return from
the Natchez, where he had dispos-
ed of a cargo of produce, and re-
ceived a considerable sum of money.
Near the verge of the wilderness he
overtook a countryman of the name
of M'Kune, a young man, not more
than twenty years of age, who was
also endeavouring to return to Ken-
tucky, but was destitute of a horse
or money, and withal so sick as to
be utterly unable to travel. Mr.
M'Hatton took compassion on him,
furnished him with necessaries, and
waited until he was able to accom-
pany him through the wilderness;
but the first or second night after
their departure, M'Kune murdered
him with a club, robbed him of his
money, clothes, and horse, and push-
ed on as fast as the small degree of
strength he had acquired would per-
mit him; but the body being disco-
vered by some travellers, he was
pursued, apprehended, and commit-
ted to the jail in this place. A bill
was found against him, upon very
clear testimony, by the grand jury
of the federal court; but a few days
before his trial was to have come on,
he died a victim to the same disor-
der from which he had been par-
tially relieved by his murdered be-
nefactor. On his death bed he
confessed the fact, but did not ap-
pear to be sensible of the enormity
of his crime.
The directors of the New York
institution for the inoculation of the
kine pock, respectfully represent to
the contributors particularly, and
the citizens in general, that since
the establishment of the institution,
in January, 1802, to the present time,
its twofold objects have been regu-
larly attended to, the infection has
been extensively disseminated, and
seven hundred and sixty poor per-
sons have been gratuitously inocu-
lated, viz.
First year | 120 |
Second ditto | 221 |
Third ditto | 419 |
Total | 760 |
Bardstown, Kentucky, Jan. 11.
We are informed, that three men
were found froze to death, on Thurs-
day last, in this neighbourhood. —
From the extreme severity of the
weather, it is feared that more have
suffered the same fate.
Baltimore, Jan. 14.
Yesterday, about four o'clock,
P. M., a fire broke out in a frame
building, in the tenure of Mr. Henry
Browne, situated back of No. 164,
Market-street, and in the rear of,
and nearly adjoining, the post-office.
To a slight fall of rain, just be-
fore the alarm was given, and to
the serenity of the atmosphere, aid-
ed by the vigilance of our citizens,
we may fairly attribute the preser-
vation of the surrounding property,
which, we are happy to say, sus-
tained no damage.
We learn, that the building con-
sumed contained a small quantity
of tobacco, and machinery for grind-
ing snuff; but it appears no work
had been done in it for some days:
and this, the time of day it originat-
ed, and other circumstances, loudly
declare, that the fire was communi-
cated by some daring incendiary.
Danbury, Connect., Jan. 16.
In this part of the country, the
winter, thus far, has been unusually
severe. On Friday, the 4th inst.,
at sun-rise, the mercury, in a ther-
mometer, exposed to atmospheric
air, stood at 15 degrees below 0;
and on Saturday, the 12th inst., at
the same hour, 19 degrees below 0:
an intenseness of cold very seldom
experienced in these latitudes.
New London, Jan. 18.
A severe thunder storm was ex-
perienced here this day. The light-
ning was vivid, the thunder heavy,
and the rain fell in torrents. At
the same time, every object pre-
sented the dazzling glare of ice.
Charleston, S. C., Jan. 21.
The post-rider from the north-
ward arrived on Saturday evening,
without the mail, from the north-
ward of Raleigh.
The following communication,
from the post-master at Raleigh,
North Carolina, dated the 13th inst.,
was received at the post-office in
this city, by Saturday evening's
“No northern mail arrived, ow-
ing to the bridges being carried
away by the high water. We learn
from a person arrived this day from
Warrenton, North Carolina, that
the mail could not get cross Roa-
noke; and that all the bridges on
the stage road from that river to
Raleigh are swept away. Our in-
formant crossed the Neuse by means
of a cance, and came here on foot.”
On Friday last, Richard Dennis,
the younger, was brought to the
bar, and put on his trial for the wil-
ful murder of James Shaw, late
merchant of this city, in the month
of August last. The trial occupied
the whole of that day, and continued
to a late hour in the evening, when,
on account of the fatigue of mind of
the court, the jury, and the advo-
cates concerned, it was thought ne-
cessary to adjourn to the next day.
The court again proceeded with the
trial on Saturday, and it was not
until late on the evening of that day
that the judge delivered his charge
to the jury, who, after being out for
a considerable time, returned with
the following verdict:
“We find Richard Dennis, the
younger, guilty, but recommend him
to mercy.”
New York, January 23.
John Craig, Adolphus Harris, and
John Nesbitt, three apprentice lads
of Mr. Hugh M'Intire, stone-cutter,
during the absence of their master,
went on the ice in the North River,
at the bottom of Warren-street,
with an intention of crossing to the
Jersey shore: but, painful to relate,
they have not since been heard of!
January 24. The exertions of the
persons officially employed in pro-
curing the means of relief for the
poor of our city, as well as those of
benevolent private individuals, have
been attended with happy success.
The hand of charity has been opened
in a manner that reflects signal cre-
dit on the citizens, many of whom
have manifested a feeling and libe-
rality that must endear them to the
poor. Zealous to obtain and for-
ward to acknowledge the contribu-
tions of the humane and generous,
the mayor and city-inspector have
made honourable mention of several
individuals, who have advanced
largely in behalf of their suffering
brethren. Some who do good by
stealth, and would blush to find it
fame, have sent very handsome
donations, under assumed signa-
A flour merchant yesterday sent
a donation to the Alms-house of no
less than twenty-one barrels of su-
perfine flour, worth upwards of two
hundred and forty dollars. This do-
nation, large as it was, was accom-
panied with an intimation, that
when it was expended, more was
The name of this gentleman is
John Townsend.
January 25.
Twenty thousand dollars was ap-
propriated, by law of the United
States, to complete the north wing
of the capitol, and other public
buildings, at Washington.
New York, Jan. 26.
The late mild weather and rain
has reduced the price of wood, and
rendered our port so free of ice, that
when the wind permits, there will
be no difficulty in vessels coming in
or going out.
As an elderly gentleman was
walking along Pearl-street this mor-
ning, the snow from the roof of an
adjacent house suddenly came off,
knocked him down, and so com-
pletely buried him up, that they
were obliged to dig him out. No
limbs, however, were broken, nor
any material injury done.
January 27. Yesterday morning,
a ferry boat, commanded by Richard
Cole, left Powles hook, early in the
morning, for Whitehall. The tide
was changing, the wind died away,
and was succeeded by so thick a
fog, that during the whole day, no
object, at a hundred yards distance,
could be perceived. It is therefore
probable, that the boat has been
drifting with the tide ever since, as
Mr. Cole had neither compass nor
oars. The boat was loaded with
hoop poles, and had on board a
number of passengers. She could
receive no damage from the ice, as
what is left is very soft.
A child of Mr. Robert Hewitt,
pilot, aged about three years, being
left alone, at his house, No. 12,
Cliff-street, New York, took fire in
its clothes, by playing with a lighted
candle, and was so much burned,
that it died shortly after.
A man of the name of James Bo-
ner, of New York, fell into the
dock, near the Old slip, and was
drowned. He bore the character of
an industrious man, and has left a
wife and seven children.
A recent instance of swindling
has occurred in New York, which,
both for the purpose of exposing a
scoundrel, and putting the public on
their guard against him, ought not
to pass unnoticed. A person, call-
ing himself J. Barclay Croker, and
who says that he comes from a
house in London, has lately unshered
himself into notice, as a goldsmith,
jeweller, &c., and has so far im-
posed on the public, as to possess
himself of many valuable articles,
in the line of his pretended profes-
sion. Suspecting, as it seems, that
he could not continue his nefarious
practices, without discovery, he
clandestinely left his lodgings on
Sunday last, and has not since been
heard of. Some circumstances lead
to conjecture, that he has gone to
Norfolk or Richmond.
Mr. William Payne, late first
mate of the ship Hibernia, which
was cast away upon Plymouth beach,
has arrived in Boston. He informs,
that the ship struck about four
o'clock, P. M., when the sea made
a fair breach over her. All the
people on board, eleven in number,
were obliged to climb the shrouds,
to prevent being washed over board;
that in the struggle he lost his shoes
and mittins; that he continued on
the shrouds until the people perish-
ed and fell off, one after another,
until he supposed they were all
dead. Finding himself unable to
continue there any longer, he went
down upon the main deck, which is
the last thing which he can recol-
lect, while on board the ship.
About the time the ship went on
shore, the people in Plymouth dis-
covered her, and a number of the
inhabitants repaired to the beach,
built a large fire, and erected a
tent, in order to save the lives of
any who might get on shore. The
sea running so high, they found it
impossible to board the ship, until
about two o'clock in the morning.
Thinking the tide a little more fa-
vourable, a Mr. Leonard took an
end of a rope, lashed it around him,
and attempted to swim on board the
ship, it being about twelve rods,
leaving the other end on shore,
which he accomplished. Finding
Mr. Payne and the boy alive, he
lashed the rope around them both,
threw them over board, calling up-
on the people on the beach, who
drew them on shore.
The account of the manner of his
getting on shore was related to him
by the inhabitants; he had no know-
ledge of it at the time, neither had
he any sense for a number of hours
after. He observes, that he had
every attention paid to him by the
people at Plymouth, for which he
feels himself under the greatest ob-
ligation. His feet and hands are
very much frozen, which will pro-
bably prevent him doing any busi-
ness until warm weather. He has
lost all his clothes and his adven-
ture, and has a wife and one child.
January 27.
The senate of Pennsylvania de-
cided on the article of impeachment
against the judges of the supreme
court. Thirteen of the members
voted for condemning, and eleven
for acquitting, them. They were
therefore acquitted, as no person
can be convicted without the concur-
rence of two-thirds of the members
Mr. Perkins has obtained leave to
introduce into the legislature of De-
laware, a bill for the gradual aboli-
tion of slavery within that state,
which provides, that all children
born after the passing of the act
shall be free, but to remain the ser-
vant of the owner of the mother un-
til twenty-one years of age.
It provides also for the register-
ing, by the recorder of each county,
of all such children, and for all
slaves now in the state, and declares,
that all not registered within six
months, shall be deemed free.
It also provides against the sepa-
ration of a husband and wife, or
child under four years of age, from
a parent. It has passed the com-
mittee of the whole house, and its
friends hope its final passage.
Dr. Trumbull, in his history of
Connecticut, mentions, from Win-
thorp's journal, that, in the year
1637, the snow lay from the 4th of
November until the 23d of March;
that it was sometimes three or four
feet deep; that once, in the winter,
it snowed, for two hours together,
flakes as big as an English shilling.
The depth of the snow is now, or
lately has been as great or greater;
but it is hoped that it will not be
equal to that in duration.
January 29.
The academy in Hallowell, dis-
trict of Maine, was consumed by
fire, together with the apparatus be-
longing to the same, and the books
of about sixty students. This valu-
able institution has been in opera-
tion about nine years, during which
time about nine hundred students
have there received the bene-
fits of an academic education. It
was the first organized institution
of the kind in the district of Maine;
and, at the present time, only one
more is in operation eastward of
Newark, N. J., January 29.
On the morning of Thursday last,
about half after one o'clock, a fire
was discovered in the house of ma-
jor Samuel Hays, of this town; and
notwithstanding the alacrity of our
citizens in turning out, and their ex-
ertions at the fire, the house, toge-
ther with the principal part of the
contents, were consumed. And had
not a person, who accidentally pass-
ed by, alarmed the family, it is al-
together probable a part, if not all
of them, would have perished in the
In this providential escape, they
had to fly with no other apparel
than what they went to rest in; and
but a few escaped without receiving
some personal injury by the fire.
The goods lost in the house, at a
moderate calculation, is estimated
at fifteen hundred dollars. The fire
originated in the cellar.
The want of fire-buckets was ma-
nifestly evident on this occasion.
Every body was proceeding to the
fire, but nobody had buckets to hand
water for its extinguishment. We
believe twenty could not have been
counted. The consequence was,
the ludicrous sight of men snow-ball-
ing a house, to put out the fire!
The winter thus far has been ex-
tremely severe. We have had
more snow than common; and the
cold weather is remarkably tedious
and steady. The snow has been
falling, without intermission, for
nearly forty-eight hours; and on
Monday, at seven o'clock, P. M., it
still continued falling. It is well on
to thirty inches deep, on an average.
January 30.
Six hundred dollars, the profit of
one night's exhibition at the new
theatre, Philadelphia, with fifty
dollars from Mr. Cooper, was pre-
sented to the committee of the relief
of the poor.
Williamsburg, Feb. 3.
On Saturday last, the proprietor
of the mail stage from Williamsburg
to Richmond, inconsiderately suf-
fered an importunate passenger to
enter a barrel of flour for convey-
ance. The carriage had not gone
three miles, when the wheels of one
side ascended a hillock, over which
it would have passed in perfect
safety, had not the flour fallen to its
lower side, which immediately up-
set the carriage. The writer of
this is sorry to state, that the justly
celebrated Dr. Beynham, of Caroli-
na, one of the passengers (all of
whom received a very distressing
shock), suffered a dislocation of the
right shoulder joint, which has hi-
therto proved irreducible.
Litchfield, Con., Feb. 6.
On Tuesday of last week, during
the violent snow storm, William
Hitchcock, aged 29, perished in
this place. In company with a
number of others, he had been
breaking a path from a south-east
neighbourhood to the meeting-house.
For some reason, he was a few mi-
nutes after the rest in returning.
Just before sun-down he was met
on his way homeward; and about
a hundred rods further on he was
found, before dark, with his face
downward, and nearly lifeless. Af-
ter he was carried to the next house,
he gasped twice and expired. His
relations, it is supposed, live in
Greenfield, Massachusetts.
Three other persons, one a wo-
man, belonging to Colebrook, the
other two men, one an inhabitant of
Canaan, and the other a stranger,
perished in the storm in which Mr.
Hitchcock was a sufferer. Five
persons in this country lost their lives
in the violent storm of the 22d ult.
By letters received in this city
from the Mediterranean we learn,
that a duel took place between Mr.
Dehart, of New Jersey, and Mr.
Nicholson, of Maryland, both offi-
cers in the American squadron.
The third fire proved fatal to Mr.
Nicholson. He was shot through
the head, and died instantly.
February 7.
From Trenton we learn, that the
mild weather and rain raised the
Delaware so much, that a great
number of people, who lived on the
low land contiguous to the river,
were obliged precipitately to leave
their houses, in such numbers, that
sixty or seventy men, women, and
children were collected about a fire,
on a hill above Trenton, without
shelter. The water was at one
time twelve or fifteen above the
common level, and had carried
away a mill and several houses; it
is further said, that the ice was en-
tirely broke up, above the falls;
that boats, from fifty or sixty miles
up the river, had come down with
produce, and were waiting for the
breaking up of the ice below Tren-
ton, to bring the same to this city.
Norfolk, Vir., Feb. 9.
The skipper of a craft, a white
man, named Amos, was murdered,
on Wednesday night, in Calvert's
alley, by three negro fellows. From
what has transpired we learn, that
Amos was drinking in a tippling
shop, in that nefarious alley, kept
by a negro woman, when the three
fellows came in, and called for li-
quor; that he abused them for dar-
ing to call for liquor in a white
man's presence. The negroes re-
torted, by saying, “their money was
as good as his, and if he would
come out of the house they would let
him know it.” Upon which he
went out, and in a few minutes af-
ter was found dead, having received
a violent contusion in the head. The
murderers have since been commit-
ted to prison.