IN the region of the sea-coast,
from Maine to Virginia, the season
appears to have been not only much
more severe than winters past, but
proportionably colder, and more
abounding in snow, than in the inte-
rior parts of the country. The in-
terior, truly, is covered with a good
depth of snow, and the weather has
been severer than common. But on
and towards the sea coast, south-
ward and eastward, the snow ap-
pears in many places deeper than
it is here, and uniformly of greater
depth than it has been known to be
there for many years: the cold is
proportionable. Stages have been
impeded in every direction; the na-
vigable streams and harbours fro-
zen, commerce on the coast at a
stand; no employment for the poor;
fuel extremely scarce and dear, with
most of the other necessaries of life;
the poor have suffered beyond all
description, to whom, we are happy
to learn, the hand of charity has
been extended, in all the populous
sea-port towns, with an unexampled
A remark has been often made,
that the climate in the United States
becomes more temperate as we re-
cede from the sea-shore, westward.
The difference of temperature, in
the same parallels of latitude, has
been reckoned equal to ten degrees,
in winter, between the sea and the
Ohio and Mississippi. The justness
of this remark appears to be con-
firmed the present season. While
the people near the sea shore are
suffering extremely from frost and
snow, while they compare the pre-
sent winter to that of 1780, we hear
little complaint from the western
country. While in New Jersey the
snow is stated from two and a half
to three feet in depth, we have ac-
counts of heavy rains and destruc-
tive freshets about the head of the
Ohio, and a ship of 300 tons was
launched at Pittsburgh, on the 12th
of January.
Walpole Observatory. |
Abstract of the weather in Buck-
ingham township, Bucks county,
Pennsylvania, from the 1st of July,
to the 31st of December, 1804.
Fair days | 105 |
Cloudy | 39 |
Rain | 22 |
Snow | 10 |
Showery | 6 |
183 |
Exports from the port of Phila-
delphia, from the 1st of October to
the 31st of December, both inclu-
sive; taken from the outward en-
tries in the custom-house.
37,209 | barrels flour |
3,332 | half do. |
822 | barrels rye flour |
2,687 | hhds. Indian corn meal |
5,799 | barrels do. do. |
A statement of the expenditures
of the president, managers, and
company of the Frankford and
Bristol turnpike road, on making
two sections, of five miles each, of
the said road; with an account of
the amount of the neat toll received,
on the first section, from the 17th of
December, 1803, to the 7th of No-
vember, 1804.
For levelling and ar- ranging the road and aqueducts |
$9,949 28 |
Paid contractors for stoning ditto, sala- ries to secretary and superintendant, until the first section was completed |
44,571 14 |
There has been ex- pended on the second section, the levelling hills, &c. building two bridges, mak- ing aqueducts, and arranging the road |
16,115 45 |
Paid contractors for stoning ditto, and half salaries of se- cretary and super- intendant |
34,662 00 |
Making the whole amount expended on the road |
$105,297 88 |
They have received neat toll, on
the first section, from the 17th of
December, 1803, to the 7th of No-
vember, 1804, four thousand dollars.