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For the Literary Magazine.

young roscius.

ONE of the most general and in-
teresting subjects of curiosity and
discussion, in England, at present,
next to the menaced invasion, ap-
pears to be the character and me-
rits of a player, by name William
Henry Betty, but who is more com-
monly known by the name of Young
Roscius. This title will sufficiently
explain the popular opinion of his
merit. The press has teemed with
publications respecting him, and the
ingenuity of biographers and mana-
gers has contrived to extract from his
affairs the materials of a heavy con-
troversy, in which, however, we, in
America, have no interest. Whe-

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ther we shall ever be favoured by a
sight of this miracle of talents on
this side the ocean is a doubtful
point. Unless we go, or unless he
comes, immediately, we shall miss
the surprising spectacle. The ac-
complishments of Betty, at the age
of twelve or fourteen, are truly pro-
digious; but the prodigy will disap-
pear with that age. Betty, at the
age of twenty-five or thirty, what-
ever his present attainments may
be, cannot expect to be more than
Garrick was; therefore it is quite
probable he may fall far short of

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