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THERE will shortly be published
a poem, of which our present num-
ber contains an extract, entitled,
The Foresters. It is large, and
comprehends a great variety of
scenery and character, and incidents
faithfully pourtrayed from nature,
and but little known in our modern
artificial book-made rhymes. From
the specimen now before us, toge-
ther with many other samples of

the author's talents, which have
come under our observation, we en-
tertain very sanguine expectations
of the present performance.

Messrs. Cushing and Appleton, of
Salem, have just issued a new edition
of C. Crispi Sallustii, Belli Catilina-
rii et Jugurthini Historiæ, &c. “The
text,” say the publishers, “has been
carefully revised, and collated with
three of the best editions of this au-

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thor, and unwearied pains taken in
correcting the press. The notes are
chiefly selected from those of the
edition In usum Delphini. The re-
dundancies of that commentary are
expunged, and many additional an-
notations inserted from commenta-
tors and philologists of the first au-
thority. To give a greater value
to this edition with the more ad-
vanced scholar, the various read-
of the most importance are oc-
casionally pointed out in the notes.
By a late regulation of Harvard uni-
versity, a knowledge of Sallust has
been made pre-requisite to admis-
sion into that seminary, and the pre-
sent edition was originally under-
taken at the request and with the
approbation of the governors of that
institution, and has been superin-
tended by a gentleman lately a
member of that body. The Elze-
vir editions of the classics have been
made the model, as to the arrange-
ment of the page and size of the
character, and the impression is
from a new and handsome type.”

A poem, of considerable length,
has been lately published, at Salem,
Massachusetts, by Mr. Joseph Story,
called the Power of Solitude. The
writer seems to have imbibed his
inspiration from a close study of
Campbell, Rodgers, and Merry, and
to have taken the materials of his
fabric from the Essay on Solitude
by Zimmerman. An impartial read-
er will discover, with regret, a spi-
rit in this performance by no means
equal to that which pervades its
prototypes. Some of the smaller
poems which accompany it possess,
however, no inconsiderable share of

The Age of Leo X has been just
published by Roscoe, and a copy of
the work has been received by the
American publishers of Lorenzo de
Medici. It is intended to republish
the present performance as soon as
the suitable preparations can be
made. The present work is far

more diversified and entertaining in
its topics than the last, while there
appears in it no decay of the au-
thor's genius, taste, and diligence.
The age of Leo is one of the most
memorable eras in the political, as
well as in the literary history of
Europe. The French revolution,
vast and portentous as it is, is an
event far less extensive in its influ-
ence, and less momentous in its con-
sequences, than the reformation,
and the true causes of the reforma-
tion are to be found in the charac-
ter and councils of Leo X, and are
topics peculiarly suited to the learn-
ing and sagacity of Roscoe. The
variety, indeed, of the present work
gives it a very great superiority to
the former one, and will enable it to
engage the attention of a far great-
er number of readers.

The following valuable works are
in the press of James Humphries,
of Philadelphia:

Edwards’ History of the West
Indies, in four volumes, octavo, with
a separate atlas of the islands, from
sir William Young's edition. The
first and second volumes of this
work are already published, the
third and fourth we understand will
be shortly ready, and the maps for
the atlas are in the engraver's hands,
executing in the very best manner.

Boyer on the Diseases of the
Bones, illustrated with plates; and
with additional notes and plates, by
J. Hartshorne, M. D., of the Penn-
sylvania hospital.

Practical Observations in Surge-
ry, illustrated with cases and plates,
by William Hey, Esq., F. R. S.,
member of the royal college of sur-
geons in London, &c.

The Dictionary of Merchandize,
and Nomenclature in all Languages,
for the use of counting-houses: con-
taining the history, places of growth,
culture, use, and marks of excel-
lency, of such natural productions as
form articles of commerce.

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