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MR. DUNLAP, who announced,
last summer, his intention of pub-
lishing his Dramatic Works, by
subscription, in ten volumes, has
met with sufficient success to justify
his putting the first volume in the
press. A portrait of Mrs. Wignell,
engraved by Edwin, will accompany
the first, and a likeness of some one
eminent performer will be given in
each succeeding volume. Mr. Dun-
lap, we understand, has been many
years engaged in collecting mate-
rials for a history of the American
stage, to be accompanied by biogra-
phical sketches of the performers,
with well engraved likenesses.

F. Nichols is printing Elements of
Geometry, containing the first six
books of Euclid, with a supplement
on the quadrature of the circle, and
the geometry of solids. Second
edition, enlarged. By John Playfair,
professor of mathematics in the
university of Edinburgh. This is
decidedly the best edition of Euclid
that has ever been published. It is
already introduced into some col-
leges in the United States, and will
probably be used in all.

There has lately been published,
at Philadelphia, a Treatise on the

hidden Nature and the Treatment
of Intermitting and Remitting Fe-
vers; illustrated by various expe-
riments and observations. In two
books. By Jean Senac, M. D.
Translated from the Latin, with
notes, by Charles Caldwell, M. D.,
and a recommendatory preface, by
Dr. Rush, expressed in the follow-
ing terms:

“The following translation of
Senac's treatise ‘de recondita fe-
brium intermittentium, tum remit-
tentum natura, et de earum cura-
tione,’ was undertaken by Dr. Cald-
well at the request of the subscriber.
He has long known it to be a judi-
cious and useful work, and has
derived much assistance from it in
his practice. He is happy in this
opportunity of recommending it to
the students of medicine in the
United States, as peculiarly calcu-
lated to assist them in forming just
opinions of the nature and treatment
of the summer and autumnal dis-
eases of our country.”

Benjamin Johnson, of Philadel-
phia, has published A Compendious
History of the World, from the ear-
liest times, to the coronation of Bo-
naparte; the latter part of which

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has been written by a citizen of

The same publisher has given us
a short account of the life and writ-
ings of the great apologist for qua-
kerism, Robert Barclay; An Easy
Grammar of Geography, for the
use of schools, by the Rev. J. Gold-
smith; The Poems of Addison;
and, in one volume, the poetry of
Dr. S. Johnson, and William Collins.

The Rev. John Sherman, of
Mansfield, Connecticut, has pub-
lished a work, entitled, One God in
one Person only; and Jesus Christ
a being distinct from God, depen-
dent upon him for his existence and
his various powers, maintained and

Dr. Holmes, of Cambridge, Mas-
sachusetts, has published the first
volume of American Annals; or, a
Chronological History of America,
from its discovery in 1492 to 1806.

At Philadelphia has appeared, Bo-
naparte and Moreau, a comparison
of their political and military lives.
To which is added, Moreau's speech
on the day of his trial at Paris;
with some curious particulars relat-
ing to that event.

Samuel Austin has published An
Examination of the Representations
and Reasonings contained in seven
Sermons lately published by the
Rev. Deniel Merrill, on the modes
and subjects of baptism, in several
letters addressed to the author; in
which it is attempted to show that
those representations and reasonings
were not founded in truth.

James Hulbert, jun., of North-
ampton, Massachusetts, has given
us The Complete Fifer's Museum;
or, a collection of marches, of all
kinds, now in use in the military
line. Also, a number of occasional
tunes, for the actual service and the
militia; with rudiments and lessons
complete for the work.

Charles Robbins, of Portland, has
published The Columbian Harmony,
or Maine Collection of Church-Mu-
sic; being a selection from thirty-
six authors, and part original. The
whole compiled for the use of

schools, singing societies, and wor-
shipping assemblies.

There has appeared at Dedham,
Massachusetts, A New Collection
of Psalm Tunes, by D. Read, author
of the American Singing-Book.

At Boston, The First Church Col-
lection of Sacred Music, for the use
of religious societies, has been pub-
lished by Mr. J. T. Buckingham.

William P. Farrand and Co., of
Philadelphia, in connection with the
reverend E. Williams, Rotherham,
and E. Parsons, Leeds, England, are
publishing by subscription, in ten vo-
lumes, royal octavo, the whole works
of Philip Doddridge, D. D., with Or-
ton's life and elegant portrait of the
author. Several of the first volumes
of this work are now ready to be
delivered to subscribers, and those
remaining will probably be received
in the course of the season. They
are executed in a style highly ele-
gant, on new type, and paper of a
superior quality.

Allan B. M'Gruder, a well-known
and popular writer of Kentucky, has
meditated, for some time, a History
of the Indian Wars. The nature of
his plan is explained in the follow-
ing advertisement.

Lexington, August 20.

As I am about passing into Louis-
iana, and will, probably, be absent
from this state some time, I think it
necessary to inform that portion of
the public which has kindly express-
ed a solicitude for the appearance of
my History of the Indian Wars, that
the work is far from being relin-
quished. It composes a part of the
American history too important to
remain unwritten, at a period when
it may be completed with advantage
to the community, and when time
has left untouched the principal
sources of correct information. The
work will be suspended till the au-
thor's return to this state. But the
country to which he is about to tra-
vel will constitute a point from
whence the most valuable observa-
tions, on the present social condition
of the savage tribes, can be made.
As soon as the object of his mission

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is accomplished, he will contem-
plate, in person, the genius of a peo-
ple, with whose actions we have be-
come acquainted by feeling their
barbarous effects, but of whose na-
tional character we have very lit-
tle satisfactory intelligence. By this
means, the most lively impressions
will be made upon the mind of the
historian, and he will be better ena-
bled to give to his narrative the
stamp of original observation, than
if it were simply compiled from the
cold details of ancient or cotempo-
rary authors.

As it is the intention of the author
to pass from the Apelusas country,
by the route of St. Louis, through the
north-western tribes, he will have
some opportunity of acquiring the
Indian account of many of those
events with which the first settlers
here were familiar. These accounts
will, of course, be rendered more au-
thentic, by obtaining the separate de-
tails of the parties engaged in hosti-

The documents already procured
for the work are numerous, of the
first authority, and highly elucidate
many important events which are
rapidly passing away from the no-
tice of the present generation. Many
remain yet to be acquired, both in
the philosophical and military de-
partments of the history. Those al-
ready in the author's possession em-
brace a great variety of matter con-
nected with his subject. They re-
late to the genius, manners, and so-
cial condition of the Indians in dif-

ferent parts of the continent of Ame-
rica and in the islands of the South-
ern and Pacific oceans. They ex-
plain the general principles of that
policy, which from time to time was
adopted by the cabinets of France
and England, in relation to Indian
affairs in America. They detail a
considerable part of those early
events which gave rise to the con-
nections between the French and the
Indians of Canada, to render more
formidable their opposition to the
British colonies; an opposition which
generally grew out of trans-atlantic
politics. They describe the means
and the motives from which the
French extended their settlements
along the northern lakes, and on the
shores of the Mississippi. Many of
those documents, also, give very cu-
rious and particular details of the
Cherokee and Muskogee operations
against the southern colonies, of the
wars in the north, from the years
1750 to the American revolution;
and of those bloody hostilities which
ensued during the efforts of the Ame-
ricans to settle the western country.

With the materials now on hand,
and with some others, which a little
diligence will enable him to procure,
the author presumes that he will
possess the means of ultimately pre-
senting to the world a subject, in
some measure worthy the contem-
plation of those statesmen who are
in the habit of calculating the future
destiny of nations, through the me-
dium of events that have passed

A. B. M.

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