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For the Literary Magazine.

literary intelligence.

Great Britain.

MR. HERIOT, post-master of
British America, a gentleman who
unites a superior talent for drawing
with the literary and scientific at-
tainments necessary to form an inte-
resting traveller, has availed himself
of the opportunities afforded by his
official situation, and is preparing
for publication a splendid work des-
criptive of Upper and Lower Cana-
da. Mr. Heriot will first give an
account of his voyage from England
to the Azores, of which he will in-
troduce a better description than
any now existing in our language;
he will then conduct his readers up
the river St. Lawrence, by land and
water; across the several lakes to
lake Superior; describing, in this
immense route, every prominent
feature which can be interesting to
political economy and commerce.
The embellishments will consist of
about twenty views, twelve new
plants, some animals, and several
characteristic representations of the
manners and customs of the inhabi-

Mr. Janson, who has lately re-
turned from America, has brought
with him many interesting materials
towards furnishing a complete sur-
vey of the state of society and man-
ners in that country; which will
speedily appear in one quarto vo-

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lume, accompanied with a number
of engravings.

Mr. Northmore has nearly com-
pleted an epic poem, of ten books,
upon which he has been engaged
for a considerable time. It is en-
titled, Washington, or Liberty Re-
and, exclusive of the image-
ry, is entirely founded upon histori-
cal records.

Sir John Carr is preparing for the
press an account of his excursions
into Holland and up the Rhine, as
far as Mentz.

Walter Scott, Esq. is preparing
for publication a new poetical work,
to be entitled, Six Epistles from Et-
tric Forest.

Mr. John Pinkerton is preparing
for the press a New Modern Atlas.
It is proposed that this atlas shall
consist of at least an equal number
of maps with those of the new edi-
tion of Mr. Pinkerton's Geography,
but of the size called atlas, so as to
correspond with the celebrated
works of D'Anville. These maps
will be delineated with all the supe-
rior advantages afforded by the late
improvements in geographical pre-
cision, and engraved with the ut-
most beauty that the state of the
arts can admit, so as to be a nation-
al and perpetual monument, worthy
of the first commercial country in

the world, and from whose exertion
and enterprise have arisen the most
recent and important discoveries.
Each map will be drawn under Mr.
Pinkerton's own eye, revised with
the utmost care; and will form, like
the works of D'Anville, a complete
record of the state of science at the
time of publication. Table lands,
chains of mountains, and other fea-
tures which belong to the natural
geography of each country, will be
indicated in a new manner, and with
an exactness not to be expected from
geographers who are unacquainted
with that branch of the science,
which is, however, so essential, that
without it no country can be truly
represented, nor works on natural
and civil history perfectly under-
stood. In the other parts which il-
lustrate civil history, equal care
shall be exerted not to insert obscure
hovels and villages, while places
remarkable in historical record are
totally omitted. Instead of care-
less positions, arising from the blind
imitation of antiquated maps, the
the greatest attention shall be be-
stowed, that every position be con-
formable to the latest astronomical
observations, and, in default of these,
to the result of the best itineraries,
and other authentic documents.