I had the good fortune to attend an oration upon
gaming last evening delivered by Mr. Ogilvie, at
the hall in Fourth-street. My feelings were so
powerfully affected by the exhibition that I wit-
nessed, that I cannot help giving them way in a
few remarks upon the subject. Most sincerely do
I condole with those whom accident or ignorance
prevented from attending: for, a more eloquent
and powerful dissuasive from gaming was surely
never before delivered to a public assembly.
Those who are in no danger of falling into that
vice, could not fail of having their moral views
strengthened and enlarged by the sound distinc-
tions and luminous details of the orator; while
those who are exposed to that danger, would be
rescued from it, if the union of eloquence and rea-
soning, such a union as has certainly never before
been exhibited in this city, will avail any thing to
their rescue.
On such an occasion it is almost frivolous to
say that the taste of every judicious hearer would
in the highest degree, be gratified, Mr. Ogilvie's
merits as a public speaker, are of the highest or-
der: but the moral effects of such a discourse are
so transcendantly important, as to swallow up all
other considerations. When I looked round upon
the audience, I was pleased to observe that it was
composed of persons of the highest reputation and
influence in the city, and flattered myself that
their report, would draw together a much larger
assembly hereafter.
It is so rare a thing to see eloquence enlisted on
the side of morality, any where but in the pulpit,
that I must own I was as much dazzled by the
novelty as by all the other merits of the exhibi-
tion. Tho' the subjects of Mr. Ogilvie's future
discourses are, in the highest degree useful and
important, I sincerely hope he may be induced to
repeat this particular one a second time.
By a gentleman of this city, who arrived
in this September Packer, at New York, on
Friday evening, it is started, that she called
from Falmouth the tenth of September,
brings advice that appearances are very fa-
vorable, as to a speady settlement of our dif-
ferences with Great Britain—that Joseph
Bonaparte had arrived at Paris from Spain,
and that the Empetor Napoleon had, by and
with the advice of his Senate, given up the
idea of any farther hostilitles against the
Spanish Patriots—that a full confirmation
of the fall of Lisbon and surrender of Ju-
not's army had reached England, where the
arrival of the Russian squadion was daily