For the American Daily Advertiser
Mr. Poulson
........It is not easy to express the pleasure I derived, in common, I may venture
to say of every individual of a most brilliant audience from Mr. Ogilvie's oration on Thursday
night. The subject was education; a subject so often, so copiously, and so variously discussed by
writers of all sexes nations and ages, that it would, one would think, surpass the powers of human
genius to endow it with novelty. And yet Mr. Ogilvie's sentiments, besides being luminous and
instructive, were either wholly new, or invested by his magic powers of fancy & elocution, with an
air of surprising novelty—. Absolute novelty indeed, is of little consequence on such occasions. Truth
is the grand point, while in a mixed audience, there must always be some to whom the tritest sen-
timents, on speculative subjects must be new...............................
This oration was in every respect, a banquet of the richest kind. The strain of the Orator was
lofty and magnificent. The connection between public manners and education; the insufficiency of
every other agent to guide the national Spirit, the powerless and abortive exertions of government
and brevity of political liberty itself without this aid, were explained with a force & perspicuity that
stamped conviction, a vivid and lasting conviction in every mind.................
This person's discourses contain so refined a chain of reasoning, that the general approbation he
meets with is highly honorable to the discernment of a mixed audience. Whether, however, some part of
this approbation may not be placed to the account of his elocution may perhaps be doubted.— That
elocution has certainly charms that make their way to every heart. Those who have only eyes and
ears, must be pleased; those whose fancy and taste are their only active power: must be gratified;
those who are beings of pure intellect, must be delighted with the Orator, whose tones and gestures
have an energy not bought with the sacrifice of the graces; whose imagination teems with splen-
did images; whose views are in general eminently profound and just, and when their solidity is
questionable, are, at least, commended by their virtuous and noble tendency..........
This panegyric may seem extravagant to those who were not present. But those who were
its warmth will hardly be condemned.........................Pictor.....