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Tho I have not the pleasure & honour of any personal acquaintance with you, I
have ventured to solicit your acceptance of the accompanying Pamphlet. It is, as you
will perceive, in the perusal of a single page, the production, not of any political parti=
zan; & tho’ this circumstance may deprive it of the notice & regard of the multitude
of readers, I have indulged a hope that it will operate rather as a recommendation to
the Notice of Mr Gallatin, than as an objection against it

I am aware of the importance & extent of your public duties; & can hardly hope that if
your judgement would permit you to peruse this work, your dayly engagements would allow you
the necessary opportunity. If, therefore, it be wholly overlooked, I shall not be surprized, but shall
be gratified by your attention to it, in proportion to the high esteem which has ever been enter-
tained for your private & public character by
Your humble Servt
C. B. Brown

Philad. Jany. 12. 1809~

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