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Tho I have not the pleasure & honour of any personal acquaintance with you, I
have ventured to solicit your acceptance of the accompanying Pamphlet. It is, as you
will perceive, in the perusal of a single page, the production, not of any political parti=
zan; & tho’ this circumstance may deprive it of the notice & regard of the multitude
of readers, I have indulged a hope that it will operate rather as a recommendation to
the Notice of Mr Gallatin, than as an objection against it
your judgement would permit you to peruse this work, your dayly engagements would allow you
the necessary opportunity. If, therefore, it be wholly overlooked, I shall not be surprized, but shall
be gratified by your attention to it, in proportion to the high esteem which has ever been enter-
tained for your private & public character by
Your humble Servt
C. B. Brown
Philad. Jany. 12. 1809~